Displays? (Or lack thereof)

If there was a letdown this year, it was in the displays. While all of the big Taiwanese manufacturers were here, usually there are entire halls filled with nothing but displays with impressive specifications. Unfortunately, hard times have fallen on LCD panel manufacturers outside of the big three ( LG.Philips, Samsung/Sony and Sharp) and the smaller companies are starting to really hurt.

AUO, famous for their low response time 6-bit LCD panels in all but the largest LCD TVs, posted losses for the second quarter in a row. The company vows to ride out the oversupply of panels on the market, but if the number four panel manufacturer is having difficulty turning a profit, the little guys don’t have a chance.

One of those little guys, Chi Mei Optoelectronics, barely had a presence at the show this year (compared to their booth last year that took up several spots). Ultimately, a consolidation of the market is probably better for end users as the LCD spot market becomes a thing of the past – hopefully, removing the opportunity for Tier 2 manufacturers to start flooding the market with low quality displays.

BenQ, Sampo and AG Neovo had booths at the show, but you can tell the attitude was more subdued than it has been in the past. No high resolution 19” displays or new single digit response time panels graced our presence this time around. CES is the better show to view new display technology, since it isn’t primarily limited to just Taiwanese manufacturers like Computex, but hopefully, we don’t have to wait until January to see innovation in a rapidly consolidating industry.

More coverage tomorrow!

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  • Yawgm0th - Thursday, June 2, 2005 - link

    Windows has had software RAID 5 for years, too...
  • ProviaFan - Thursday, June 2, 2005 - link

    Which brings to mind that I seem to recall the Server editions of Windows being able to do software RAID as well...
  • bersl2 - Thursday, June 2, 2005 - link

    Um... I think some fact checking needs to be done about this statement:

    "While BSD operating systems have enjoyed Raid 5 software RAID via the OS for years, Linux and Windows have not been as fortunate."


    This old document puts RAID 5 in the kernel, in a working, if not feature-complete, form in 1997 (2.1.63).


    This more recent version of the HOWTO places an updated version of RAID at no later than Jan. 2001 (2.4.0---and that's not counting it being in any development series kernels).
  • ProviaFan - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Yeah, I wonder where all these high-res displays are that Longhorn is supposedly going to support...

    Thanks anyway for the comprehensive coverage!
  • Tarumam - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Nice coverage. Wonder what´s wrong with the LCD guys though.

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