Camera - Daylight Evaluation

The cameras of the ROG Phone III aren’t the most exciting, but do represent a partial upgrade compared to its predecessor. The new 64MP IMX686 main camera sensor with its f/1.7 optics are certain to produce higher-quality images. The ultra-wide-angle seems to be the same unit as on the ROG Phone II, however we do hope that the improved processing of the new SoC will be able to improve the quality of the images.

The only rather obvious lacking feature here is the missing OIS on the main camera sensor. For daylight shots this shouldn’t be too much of an issue, but for low-light it’ll certainly handicap the ROG3. Let’s start with daylight shots though:

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

In the first shot here we’re seeing the ROG3 having a quite different exposure compared to other phones. While other phones were exposing for the highlights of the scene, the ASUS exposed for the shadows, and thus has a lot more retention into the darker areas of the scene such as the tree crown. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work too great for the brighter parts of the scene as things look quite flat and crushed due to the HDR trying to reduce highlights back to normal levels.

The ultra-wide has similar issues, with good shadows, however the highlights are too flat and crushed.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

This scene’s exposure is quite good on the ROG3, though it doesn’t have the best dynamic range. Colour temperature is also too warm, but that’s an issue all the phones had here, except for the iPhone which was more spot-on.

It’s a detail rich-scene and a perfect spot to investigate the resolution of the cameras. The ROG3 doesn’t do well at all there – although the centre of the image is quite sharp, starting in the mid-frame there’s a vast drop in optical resolution resulting in quite abysmal blur towards the edges of the image, which is amongst the worst we’ve seen in a phone. It looks like the optics of the ROG3 are quite bad.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

In the next shot the exposure is again adequate, but still a bit too flat for the highlights of the scene, as its textures are a bit flat. Even in the thumbnail view we can see the low edge sharpness of the camera versus the other phones which is quite a pity.

The ultra-wide is also dominated by this overexposure and flat highlight elements, it’s notably worse than the competition.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

In what I guess is less stringent lighting, the ROG3 does a better overall exposure, although this time we see a lack of dynamic range in the shadows, which are clipping to black.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

This shot is quite nice for the ASUS, although it lacks dynamic range compared to the other phones. Colour temperature is a bit too warm.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

Under cloud-cover, the exposure ended up being quite dark as the phone tries to expose for the sky rather than for the majority of the scene, which lacked in any kind of highlights.

The ultra-wide here did a better job, resulting in a livelier and more accurate image.

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[ ROG Phone III ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Galaxy S20+(E) ]
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ X-T30 ]

Finally, when back in sunlight, the camera again overexposed things and attempted to recover the highlights by lowering them, resulting in flat textures without contrast.

Overall Daylight Capture – Disappointing

The ROG Phone II last year didn’t have a great camera, and it seems to me the ROG Phone III doesn’t improve the situation much even though it sports new hardware.

The issue seems to be solely on the processing side. The phone in daylight has a tendency to overexpose, with the HDR then trying to lower highlights back to normal levels, which then result into flat textures.

It’s a functional camera, but I can’t say that it’s able to compete with any other flagship phone in the market as pretty much almost everything else out there will be able to produce better images.

Hardware-wise, the optics of the main camera sensor are also severely lacking. There’s a very gross loss of optical acuity starting mid-frame, with very blurry edges. The optics here don’t seem to be able to actually be fit for an f/1.7 aperture at all.

Battery Life - The Best Camera - Low Light Evaluation
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  • Lolimaster - Sunday, August 30, 2020 - link

    SE soc even after thermal throttling it's as fast as an 865 in peak performance. The brute force of iphone lasts just a few seconds.
  • nandnandnand - Friday, August 28, 2020 - link

    20 GB RAM when?
  • MrCommunistGen - Friday, August 28, 2020 - link

    Had higher hopes for the performance of the S865+ and the IMX686.

    I'd have been curious to see performance of the phone with and without the AeroActive cooler on Lvl1 and Lvl2 to see how much it actually cools the phone and if that leads to better performance by keeping skin temps within the allowed range.
  • sonny73n - Friday, August 28, 2020 - link

    “ I don’t see the 999€ or 1099€ variants of the ROG Phone III being worth it, however the 799€ base model should make for a quite balanced phone which shines in terms of battery life, and gives you a great high-refresh rate experience. If you can live with the weak cameras, then it should represent a good phone for you.”

    Has the dollar disappeared? Why don’t you convert 799€ to USD? And for $950 USD, this phone is way overpriced.

    I would not choose this ugly outdated design over the $400 Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro which also has almost the same specs and better design. But hey, there’s still plenty of fools out there who eager to be parted with their money.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Saturday, August 29, 2020 - link

    The phones have not been released in the US yet and do not have official USD prices. You could just 1:1 the figures.
  • Lolimaster - Sunday, August 30, 2020 - link

    The "outdated" will always be justified of you provide frontal stereo speakers. Basically the best of all phones. Most people listen to their media over the phone speakers in my car I would mix the designs.

    Motorized camera + reduced top/bottom bezels with the space being used by high quality speakers.
  • flyingpants265 - Tuesday, September 1, 2020 - link

    No idea what you just said, but I agree 100%. Front speakers are godlike. Once you have them, you don't go back.

    Thru-screen cameras exist, they're just bad but could possibly be improved.
  • Manya3084 - Friday, August 28, 2020 - link

    I've been using the Strix model for over a week (SD865, 12GB ram) and I am very happy. I easily get through a 8 - 12 hour work day with over 60% battery remaining.
    I don't mobile game, and I'm using the phone purely for work purposes.
  • hammer256 - Friday, August 28, 2020 - link

    That cooler through the USB-C plugs seems quite clever. If the implementation is good, that solution should do quite a bit better than blowing air on to the back of the phone (plastic?).
  • Great feedback - Saturday, August 29, 2020 - link


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