AMD Conference Call CFO Prepared Remarks
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  • TheJian - Sunday, February 2, 2020 - link

    What job? If you make enough money on your money, you don't need a job.
    Google paul graham's hierarchy of disagreement. Wake me when you learn to debate. You didn't even get to level 2 IMHO. Nice work. This is what you get today from our education system. Abject failure to communicate on anything other than SJW crap.

    You should worry about your own kids. Sounds like you can't afford them and you are worried about mine (you don't even know if I have any or even care to). Your comment is dumb. Who is worried about a job in this economy? There are more jobs than people to fill them...Whatever. If you have skills, jobs are not your problem. I have not done more than 2 interviews for a job in my field (more than 2 decades, not counting my PC biz, no need to interview for your own biz...ROFL) I've done more than 2 interviews for a single job, but not more than two places before getting work (4 interviews for an IT job these days! IT interviews can suck...LOL). I landed my last job on the phone, with no need for my interview (the other 10 on the call had to do one (more?)...ROFL). Skills, recommendations, and a good resume will set you apart from the crowd every time.

    Not sure what job you think is on offer here. You seem as retarded as the people I'm talking about. This is a financial report, not a job offer, and WTH does this have to do with kids? With 1m you can make 50K a year easy in the market. You don't need a job if you do your homework. You don't even have to really do homework to make that. Dividends can basically get your there if you're ok with this amount and lazy, or heck just buy Berkshire and call it a day. Don't have 340K? Buy the lower shares, same story, just no voting rights. I hope your kids are smarter than you appear to be.
  • Korguz - Sunday, February 2, 2020 - link

    wow.. dont know when someone os joking ? ? geeze
  • TheJian - Sunday, February 2, 2020 - link

    Google paul graham's hierarchy of disagreement. Wake me when you learn to debate. It's not my fault you don't get what a Q report is or how to discuss it's contents...LOL.
  • Spunjji - Monday, February 3, 2020 - link

    "Only I can read the future in the entrails. Everyone else is dumb because they look at them and see only chicken guts, blood, and shit; but I, a brain genius, can divine the true meaning and tell the future (once the things have already happened, no guarantees of accuracy even then)".
  • haghands - Thursday, January 30, 2020 - link

    Damn homie you got some major brain worms over there. Just squishing and wriggling around, writhing in the slop of your freakish contempt and misery. Anyway, as a consumer, I'M SO STOKED THAT THEY DECIDED TO PRICE LOW LOL. I dont care at all about stocks or weirdos like you who's only concern on earth is Profits at any Cost. Sincerely, I hope the workers at whatever shitty you business you run rise up and take all your shit lol.
  • TheJian - Sunday, February 2, 2020 - link

    This is a discussion of their financial report...LOL. IF you don't care about stocks, why the heck are you reading this article?

    I'm weird for liking money? LOL. OK. Profits at any cost? NO, AMD has never made a dime in the LIFE of their company. They have sold nearly everything they could to stay afloat. Fabs, land, layoffs of 30% over the last decade etc. Your problem is all you do is read reviews. I'm interested in making money (duh!) and the company LIVING rather than bankrupt.

    Not one comment about the state of the company. ROFL.
  • Korguz - Sunday, February 2, 2020 - link

    some one has NO sense of humor..
  • Spunjji - Monday, February 3, 2020 - link

    No sense of any kind, it seems.
  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 30, 2020 - link


    Seriously though I checked out after the ableist slur in paragraph 2. If you need to be pointlessly insulting to make your point with any weight, maybe it's because the point has no weight on its own?
  • GreenReaper - Thursday, January 30, 2020 - link

    Finance posts always bring out those who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

    AMD needed to move past its recent reputation as a second-class competitor - largely, it has done so, at least in CPU - and give those who dropped them in the past (or never even tried) a good reason to give them a chance, especially in larger enterprises. Now they have a foot in the door at all levels, they can wiggle it further open. Thankfully clouds are making major investments, helped along in part by Intel's problems of the last two years - the gift that keeps on giving (we still haven't seen it fully-realized in some test suites, but that will defer the bad news only for so long).

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