Battlefield 1 (DX11)

Battlefield 1 returns from the 2017 benchmark suite, the 2017 benchmark suite with a bang as DICE brought gamers the long-awaited AAA World War 1 shooter a little over a year ago. With detailed maps, environmental effects, and pacy combat, Battlefield 1 provides a generally well-optimized yet demanding graphics workload. The next Battlefield game from DICE, Battlefield V, completes the nostalgia circuit with a return to World War 2, but more importantly for us, is one of the flagship titles for GeForce RTX real time ray tracing.

We use the Ultra preset is used with no alterations. As these benchmarks are from single player mode, our rule of thumb with multiplayer performance still applies: multiplayer framerates generally dip to half our single player framerates. Battlefield 1 also supports HDR (HDR10, Dolby Vision).

Battlefield 1 - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

Battlefield 1 - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality

Battlefield 1 - 99th Percentile - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

Battlefield 1 - 99th Percentile - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality

Right from the get-go, the GTX 1660 Ti stakes out its territory in between the RTX 2060 FE and RX 590, leaving the latter by the wayside. And as a result, it technically edges out the GTX 1070 FE, though for all intents and purposes it is a dead heat. The RX Vega 56, however, keeps ahead by decent amount; Battlefield 1 runs well on many GPUs, but Vega cards have always had a strong showing in this title.

The mild +10W TDP of the EVGA XC Black makes an equally mild difference, more so with the 99th percentiles.

The Test Far Cry 5
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  • wintermute000 - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    There is no way your 970 runs 1440p maxed in modern AAA games. Unless your definition of maxed includes frames well below 60 and settings well below ultra.

    I have a 1060 and it needs medium to medium-high to reliably hold 60FPS @ 1440p.
  • eddman - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    $280 for ~40% on average better performance and still 6GB of memory? I already have a 6GB 1060. I suppose I have to wait for navi or 30 series before actually upgrading.
  • Fallen Kell - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    I guess you missed the part where their memory compression technology has increased performance another 20-33% over previous generation 10xx cards, negating the need to higher memory bandwidth and more space within the card. So, 6GB on this card is essentially like 8-9GB on the previous generation. That is what compression can do (as long as you can compress and decompress fast enough, which doesn't seem to be a problem for this hardware).
  • eddman - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    No, I didn't. Compression is not a replacement for physical memory, no matter what nvidia claims.
  • eddman - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    I'm not an expert on this topic, but they state compression is used as a mean to improve bandwidth, not memory space consumption.

    Someone more knowledgeable can clear this up, but to my understanding textures are compressed when moving from vram to gpu, and not when loading from hdd/ssd or system memory into vram.
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    "I'm not an expert on this topic, but they state compression is used as a mean to improve bandwidth, not memory space consumption."

    You are correct.
  • atiradeonag - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    Laughing at those who think they can get a $279 Vega56 right now: where's your card? where's the link?
  • atiradeonag - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    Posting a random "sale" being instantly OOS is the usual failed stunt that fanboys from a certain faction to argue for the price/perf
  • Oxford Guy - Saturday, February 23, 2019 - link

    It's also Newegg par for the course.
  • CiccioB - Friday, February 22, 2019 - link

    At those all rejoicing that Vega56 is selling for a slice of bread.. that's the end that failing architecture do when they are a generation behind.
    Yes, nvidia cards are pricey, but that's because AMD solutions can stand up the competition with them even with expensive components like HBM and tons more of W to suck.

    So stop laughing about how poor is this new card price/performance ratio, after few weeks it will have the ratio that the market is going to give it. What we have seen so far is that Vega appeal has gone under the ground level, and as for any new nvidia launch AMD can answer only with a price cut, close followed by a rebrand of something that is OCed (and pumped with even more W).

    GCN was dead at its launch time. Let's really hope Navi is something new or we will have nvidia monopoly on the market for another 2 year period.

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