Total War: Warhammer II (DX11)

Last in our 2018 game suite is Total War: Warhammer II, built on the same engine of Total War: Warhammer. While there is a more recent Total War title, Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia, that game was built on the 32-bit version of the engine. The first TW: Warhammer was a DX11 game was to some extent developed with DX12 in mind, with preview builds showcasing DX12 performance. In Warhammer II, the matter, however, appears to have been dropped, with DX12 mode still marked as beta, but also featuring performance regression for both vendors.

It's unfortunate because Creative Assembly themselves have acknowledged the CPU-bound nature of their games, and with re-use of game engines as spin-offs, DX12 optimization would have continued to provide benefits, especially if the future of graphics in RTS-type games will lean towards low-level APIs.

There are now three benchmarks with varying graphics and processor loads; we've opted for the Battle benchmark, which appears to be the most graphics-bound.

Total War: Warhammer II - 3840x2160 - Ultra QualityTotal War: Warhammer II - 2560x1440 - Ultra QualityTotal War: Warhammer II - 1920x1080- Ultra Quality

NVIDIA hardware tend to do well here, and for all intents and purposes the RTX 2060 (6GB) FE is equivalent to the GTX 1070 Ti FE in performance. Which means that the RTX 2060 is essentially on the level of the RX Vega 64, an ideal position for it to be in.

F1 2018 Compute & Synthetics
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  • sing_electric - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    It's likely that Nvidia has actually done something to restrict the 2060s to 6GB - either though its agreements with board makers or by physically disabling some of the RAM channels on the chip (or both). I agree, it'd be interesting to see how it performs, since I'd suspect it'd be at a decent price/perf point compared to the 2070, but that's also exactly why we're not likely to see it happen.
  • CiccioB - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    You can't add memory at will. You need to take into consideration the available bus, and as this is a 192bit bus, you can install 3, 6 or 12 GB of memory unless you cope with hybrid configuration thorough heavily optimized drivers (as nvidia did with 970).
  • nevcairiel - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    Even if they wanted to increase it, just adding 2GB more is hard to impossible. The chip has a certain memory interface, in this case 192-bit. Thats 6x 32-bit memory controller, for 6 1GB chips. You cannot just add 2 more without getting into trouble - like the 970, which had unbalanced memory speeds, which was terrible.
  • mkaibear - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    "terrible" in this case defined as "unnoticeable to anyone not obsessed with benchmark scores"
  • Retycint - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    It was unnoticeable back then, because even the most intensive game/benchmark rarely utilized more than 3.5GB of RAM. The issue, however, comes when newer games inevitably start to consume more and more VRAM - at which point the "terrible" 0.5GB of VRAM will become painfully apparent.
  • mkaibear - Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - link

    So, you agree with my original comment which was that it was not terrible at the time? Four years from launch and it's not yet "painfully apparent"?

    That's not a bad lifespan for a graphics card. Or if you disagree can you tell me which games, now, have noticeable performance issues from using a 970?

    FWIW my 970 has been great at 1440p for me for the last 4 years. No performance issues at all.
  • atragorn - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    I am more interested in that comment " yesterday’s announcement of game bundles for RTX cards, as well as ‘G-Sync Compatibility’, where NVIDIA cards will support VESA Adaptive Sync. That driver is due on the same day of the RTX 2060 (6GB) launch, and it could mean the eventual negation of AMD’s FreeSync ecosystem advantage." will ALL nvidia cards support Freesync/Freesync2 or only the the RTX series ?
  • A5 - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    Important to remember that VESA ASync and FreeSync aren't exactly the same.

    I don't *think* it will be instant compatibility with the whole FreeSync range, but it would be nice. The G-sync hardware is too expensive for its marginal benefits - this capitulation has been a loooooong time coming.
  • Devo2007 - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    Anandtech's article about this last night mentioned support will be limited to Pascal & Turing cards
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

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