System Performance

While synthetic test performance is one thing, and hopefully we’ve covered that well with SPEC, interactive performance in real use-cases behaves differently, and here software can play a major role in terms of the perceived performance.

I will openly admit that our iOS system performance suite looks extremely meager: we are only really left with our web browser tests, as iOS is quite lacking in meaningful alternatives such as to PCMark on the Android side.

Speedometer 2.0 - OS WebView

Speedometer 2.0 is the most up-to-date industry standard JavaScript benchmark which tests the most common and modern JS framework performance.

The A12 sports a massive jump of 31% over the A11, again pointing out that Apple’s advertised performance figures are quite underselling the new chipset.

We’re also seeing a small boost from iOS 12 on the previous generation devices. Here the boost comes not only thanks to an a change in how iOS’s scheduler handles load, but also thanks to further improvements in the ever evolving JS engine that Apple uses.

WebXPRT 3 - OS WebView

WebXPRT 3 is also a browser test, however its workloads are more wide-spread and varied, containing also a lot of processing tests. Here the iPhone XS showcases a smaller 11% advantage over the iPhone X.

Former devices here also see a healthy boost in performance, with the iPhone X ticking up from 134 to 147 points, or 10%. The iPhone 7’s A10 sees a larger boost of 33%, something we’ll get into more detail in a little bit.

iOS12 Scheduler Load Ramp Analyzed

Apple promised a significant performance improvement in iOS12, thanks to the way their new scheduler is accounting for the loads from individual tasks. The operating system’s kernel scheduler tracks execution time of threads, and aggregates this into an utilisation metric which is then used by for example the DVFS mechanism. The algorithm which decides on how this load is accounted over time is generally simple a software decision – and it can be tweaked and engineered to whatever a vendor sees fit.

Because iOS’s kernel is closed source, we’re can’t really see what the changes are, however we can measure their effects. A relatively simple way to do this is to track frequency over time in a workload from idle, to full performance. I did this on a set of iPhones ranging from the 6 to the X (and XS), before and after the iOS12 system update.

Starting off with the iPhone 6 with the A8 chipset, I had some odd results on iOS11 as the scaling behaviour from idle to full performance was quite unusual. I repeated this a few times yet it still came up with the same results. The A8’s CPU’s idled at 400MHz, and remained here for 110ms until it jumped to 600MHz and then again 10ms later went on to the full 1400MHz of the cores.

iOS12 showcased a more step-wise behaviour, scaling up earlier and also reaching full performance after 90ms.

The iPhone 6S had a significantly different scaling behaviour on iOS11, and the A9 chip’s DVFS was insanely slow. Here it took a total of 435ms for the CPU to reach its maximum frequency. With the iOS12 update, this time has been massively slashed down to 80ms, giving a great boost to performance in shorter interactive workloads.

I was quite astonished to see just how slow the scheduler was before – this is currently the very same issue that is handicapping Samsung’s Exynos chipsets and maybe other Android SoCs who don’t optimise their schedulers. While the hardware performance might be there, it just doesn’t manifest itself in short interactive workloads because the scheduler load tracking algorithm is just too slow.

The A10 had similar bad characteristics as the A9, with time to full performance well exceeding 400ms. In iOS12, the iPhone 7 slashes this roughly in half, to around 210ms. It’s odd to see the A10 being more conservative in this regard compared to the A9 – but this might have something to do with the little cores.

In this graph, it’s also notable to see the frequency of the small cores Zephyr cores – they start at 400MHz and peak at 1100MHz. The frequency in the graph goes down back to 758MHz because at this point there was a core switch over to the big cores, which continue their frequency ramp up until maximum performance.

On the Apple A11 – I didn’t see any major changes, and indeed any differences could just be random noise between measuring on the different firmwares. Both in iOS11 and iOS12, the A11 scales to full frequency in about 105ms. Please note the x-axis in this graph is a lot shorter than previous graphs.

Finally on the iPhone XS’s A12 chipset, we can’t measure any pre- and post- update as the phone comes with iOS12 out of the box. Here again we see that it reaches full performance after 108ms, and we see the transition of the tread from the Tempest cores over to the Vortex cores.

Overall, I hope this is the best and clear visual representation of the performance differences that iOS12 brings to older devices.

In terms of the iPhone XS – I haven’t had any issues at all with performance of the phone and it was fast. I have to admit I’m still a daily Android user, and I use my phones with animations completely turned off as I find they get in the way of the speed of a device. There’s no way to completely turn animation off in iOS, and while this is just my subjective personal opinion, I found they are quite hampering the true performance of the phone. In workloads that are not interactive, the iPhone XS just blazed through them without any issue or concern.

The A12 Tempest CPU & NN Performance Tests GPU Performance & Power
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  • Ansamor - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    Same app for Android
  • tim1724 - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    My iPhone XS scored 2162. :)
  • DERSS - Saturday, October 6, 2018 - link

    Is it much versus Kirin and Qualcomm or not?
  • shank2001 - Saturday, October 6, 2018 - link

    2868 on my XS Max
  • name99 - Saturday, October 6, 2018 - link

    But it is unclear that the benchmark is especially useful. In particular if it's just generic C code (as opposed to making special use of the Apple NN APIs) then it is just testing the CPU, not the NPU or even NN running on GPU.

    You scored 2162. iPhone 6S scores 642 (according to the picture). That sort of 3.5x difference to me looks like a lot less than the boost I'd expect from an NPU, and may just reflect basically 2x better CPU plus availability of the small cores (not present on iPhone 6S).
  • edwpang - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    There are no storage, network, and phone tests. Hopefully, these tests will included in future update.
  • name99 - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    "Apple promised a significant performance improvement in iOS12, thanks to the way their new scheduler is accounting for the loads from individual tasks. The operating system’s kernel scheduler tracks execution time of threads, and aggregates this into an utilisation metric which is then used by for example the DVFS mechanism."

    This is not the only changes in the newest Darwin. There are also changes in GCD scheduling. There was a lot of cruft surrounding that in earlier Darwins (issues of lock implementations, how priority inversion was handled, the heuristics of when a task was so short it's cheaper to just complete it than give up the CPU "for fairness --- but everyone then pays the switching cost"). These are even more difficult to tease out (and certainly won't present in single-threaded benchmarking) but are considered to be significant. There's also been a lot of thinking inside Apple about best practices for GCD (and the generic problem of "how to use multiple cores") and this has likely been translated into new designs within at least some frameworks and Apple's tier1 apps.
    You can see this discussed here:
  • sheltem - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    Can we chalk up the improvements of the 2x lens to computational HDR or is there a hardware improvement as well?
  • darkich - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    I just can't wait for Apple to FINALLY flesh out their in-house Mac chips.
    Not because I love Apple, but simply because I think the end result will be spectacular and outright shocking for Intel..and I do hate Intel.
    They are disgustingly overrated.
  • varase - Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - link

    I hope it's a good while ... I *need* VMWare and the ability to run Windows in a VM (for work).

    Not to mention, I'd be really disappointed if I couldn't boot Windows for game play.

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