Benchmarking Performance: CPU Legacy Tests

Our legacy tests represent benchmarks that were once at the height of their time. Some of these are industry standard synthetics, and we have data going back over 10 years. All of the data here has been rerun on Windows 10, and we plan to go back several generations of components to see how performance has evolved.

Legacy: CineBench 11.5 MultiThreadedLegacy: CineBench 11.5 Single ThreadedLegacy: 3DPM v1 MultiThreadedLegacy: 3DPM v1 Single ThreadedLegacy: CineBench 10 MultiThreadedLegacy: CineBench 10 Single ThreadedLegacy: x264 3.0 Pass 1Legacy: x264 3.0 Pass 2

Benchmarking Performance: CPU Office Tests Comparing Skylake-S and Skylake-X/SP Performance Clock-for-Clock
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  • Ian Cutress - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    We didn't post gaming data in our launch Ryzen 7 review for the same reason. You are applying double standards.
  • melgross - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    Man, another guy who didn't actually read the article, but reads other poster's remarks who also didn't read the article. Can't we just deleted these jerks remarks?
  • koomba - Thursday, July 6, 2017 - link

    Please go back and tag my reply on page 7. Short version: you are wrong, they did NOT do gaming benchmarks on their launch Ryzen review either.

    So quit whining about something that DIDN'T HAPPEN and using it as a weak excuse to bash this site. Your blatant AMD fan boy agenda is pathetic.
  • nicolaim - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    Typos. Second table on first page says i7 instead of i9.
  • nicolaim - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    And incorrect MSRP for Ryzen 7 1800X.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    Please be sure to reload. Both of those issues on the first page were corrected some time ago.
  • Bulat Ziganshin - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    I have predicted details of AVX-512 implementation 1.5 years ago when SKL-S microarchitecture was described in Intel optimization manual. These are details:
  • Einy0 - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    Very disappointed that AT did not publish game benchmarks because they didn't show Intel in the best light but had no problem making a big deal about Ryzen's gaming issues. This isn't the brand of journalism that Anand built this site on. It's certainly not what attracted me to the site and has had me coming back for 20 years. I come for unbiased straight shooting PC technology reviews. Now we get a mobile focus and biased PC hardware reviews. Not to mention the full screen popup ads and annoying hover ads that refuse to go away. How far the mighty have fallen!
  • Ian Cutress - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    We never posted Ryzen 7 gaming benchmarks in our launch review for the same reason. Please go back and check:
  • melgross - Monday, June 19, 2017 - link

    You know, it almost doesn't pay to respond to these guys. They're AMD fanboys who are too lazy to read the article first, and they won't read your link either, because they don't want to. They want to believe what they say, no matter what.

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