GPU Tests: Grand Theft Auto DX11 (1080p, 4K)

GTX 1080

(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS


(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

R9 Fury

(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

RX 480

(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

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  • Meteor2 - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    You're quite right. The R7 was a bit 'meh'. It loses a bit too much against the much-higher-clocked i7s. The R5, however, really stands out with better 99th percentile performance and better potential for more to come. (Contary to popular belief, i5s are clocked slower, not faster, than i7s.)
  • Cooe - Monday, March 1, 2021 - link

    And yet it was YOU screaming from the roof tops before it came out about just how shit it was going to be... -_-
  • mat9v - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    But then those old games will happily run over 200fps even on Ryzen. Would you care to comment?
    Can you actually feel the difference in how they work or you are just having a number orgasm?
  • Reflex - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Not really sure why I should care about how Ryzen performs in games that are several years old and that even budget CPU/GPU combinations can run more than adequately.
  • cheshirster - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    But Civilisation supports DX12 and it is here in tests with clear win of Zen.
  • MisterJitter - Thursday, April 13, 2017 - link

    Now as a precursor I am speculating here, but do you truly believe higher single core frequencies will continue to be the future of CPUs that are already pushing the limits. For example, do you believe Intel's next high end gaming CPU is going to be 6-7GHz? I don't think so... Technology used to increase exponentionally until now. I truly believe that if gaming performance is going to increase at the rate that it has over the past 10 years it's going to be because Devs finally star coding for multiple threads instead of relying on ONE workhorse.
  • FriendlyUser - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Best CPU ever.
  • eldakka - Thursday, April 13, 2017 - link

    IMHO, that crown still belongs to the Celeron 300A. 50% overclockable (450MHz) was standard, and with the right riser card you could enable it for dual-socket systems.

    In today's terms, it'd be like buying two G4560's (3.5GHz, 2 cores, 4 threads, $63RRP e.a.), overclocking them by 50% on air-cooling (no fancy water) to 5.2GHz, and sticking them in a dual socket motherboard. Giving 4C/8T threads at 5.2GHz for ~$130, compared to an i7-7700K 4C/8T 4.2GHz for ~$340.
  • jrs77 - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Singlethreaded the i5 still beats the R5 and the i5 comes with an iGPU which is pretty much mandatory for office PCs and small workstations.

    Sorry to say, but the AMD R5 is pretty much useless for the majority of users, as the most used software is still singlethreaded (Office, Photoshop, etc).

    Let's wait and see what the new AMD APUs will have to offer.
  • stockolicious - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    "Let's wait and see what the new AMD APUs will have to offer."

    Its the CPU Ryzen replaces Bulldozer connected to a great iGPU - this is where Intel is going to have a rough time as they don't do top of shelf graphics. When released hard to believe AMD wont have by far the best APU they have made and maybe the best on the market. This might even get them some high end design wins that "Eluded" them during the bulldozer times.

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