Battlefield 4

One of the older games in our benchmark suite, DICE’s Battlefield 4 remains a staple of MP gaming. Even at its age, Battlefield 4 remained a challenging game in its own right, as very few mass market MP shooters push the envelope on graphics quality right now. As these benchmarks are from single player mode, based on our experiences our rule of thumb here is that multiplayer framerates will dip to half our single player framerates, which means a card needs to be able to average at least 60fps if it’s to be able to hold up in multiplayer.

Battlefield 4 - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

Battlefield 4 - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality

Switching gears to a game that has traditionally favored NVIDIA, the GTX 1060 comes out swinging here. At 60.6fps the card is just fast enough to crack 60fps at 1440p, meaning that even the minimum framerates should stay above 30fps. The ASUS card adds a further 5% here, which still a decent gain, though lower than we’ve seen elsewhere.

Compared to the last-gen GTX 960, this is an above-average game for the GTX 1060, as it improves on its predecessor by 87%, and more still with the even older NVIDIA cards. Meanwhile the performance gap between it and the GTX 1070 is about average, with GTX 1060 delivering 72% of GTX 1070’s performance.

As for RX 480, the GTX 1060 takes its largest performance lead. Overall the card is head of AMD’s 8GB competition by 30-35% depending on the resolution.

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  • MarkieGcolor - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    Yes 960 sucked, but this card isn't much better. It can't sli, and you should still recommend at least a 1070 over this.
  • Morawka - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    just imagine how good the mobile 1060 will be. finally a $1000 laptop that can play 1080p @ 60FPS on High (not ultra)
  • zeeBomb - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    life is good
  • fanofanand - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    The 1060 costs 30% more (reference to reference) and provides 15-30% more performance. Sounds about right, it's up to the customer's wallet to decide which one works best for them, though the 1060 seems a tiny bit overkill for 1080P gaming.
  • Morawka - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    nah it's not overkill.. Look at the 99th percentile numbers on all games.. thats the true number you need to be worrying about unless you have Gsync displays. if it's running 58FPS, then it might as well be 30FPS due to vsync.
  • eddman - Saturday, August 6, 2016 - link

    Turn off vsync then.
  • Simplex - Sunday, August 7, 2016 - link

    "if it's running 58FPS, then it might as well be 30FPS due to vsync"
    Ridiculous statement. Ever heard of triple buffering?
  • bug77 - Monday, August 8, 2016 - link

    If you're using adaptive v-sync or fastsync (which you should), then 58fps is 58fps.
  • eddman - Saturday, August 6, 2016 - link

    30% more that what?

    There are 1060s at $250 and 8GB 480s at $240 on anandtech, unless you're comparing it to the 4GB 480.
  • eddman - Saturday, August 6, 2016 - link

    Damn, I meant newegg. This is what happens when you skip lunch.

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