AMD’s Industry Problem

A significant number of small form factor and portable devices have been sold since the start of the century - this includes smartphones, tablets, laptops, mini-PCs and custom embedded designs. Each of these markets is separated by numerous facets: price, performance, mobility, industrial design, application, power consumption, battery life, style, marketing and regional influences. At the heart of all these applications is the CPU that takes input, performs logic, and provides output dependent on both the nature of the device and the interactions made. Both the markets for the devices, and the effort placed into manufacturing the processors, is large and complicated. As a result we have several multi-national and worldwide companies hiring hundreds or thousands of engineers and investing billions of dollars each year into processor development, design, fabrication and implementation. These companies, either by developing their own intellectual property (IP) or licensing then modifying other IP, aim to make their own unique products with elements that differentiate them from everyone else. The goal is to then distribute and sell, so their products end up in billions of devices worldwide.

The market for these devices is several hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and thus to say competition is fierce is somewhat of an understatement. There are several layers between designing a processor and the final product, namely marketing the processor, integrating a relationship with an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to create a platform in which the processor is applicable, finding an entity that will sell the platform under their name, and then having the resources (distribution, marketing) to the end of the chain in order to get the devices into the hands of the end user (or enterprise client). This level of chain complexity is not unique to the technology industry and is a fairly well established route for many industries, although some take a more direct approach and keep each stage in house, designing the IP and device before distribution (Samsung smartphones) or handling distribution internally (Tesla motors).

In all the industries that use semiconductors however, the fate of the processor, especially in terms of perception and integration, is often a result of what happens at the end of the line. If a user, in this case either an end user or a corporate client investing millions into a platform, tries multiple products with the same processor but has a bad experience, they will typically relate the negativity and ultimately their purchase decision towards both the device manufacturer and the manufacturer of the processor. Thus it tends to be in the best interest of all parties concerned that they develop devices suitable for the end user in question and avoid negative feedback in order to develop market share, recoup investment in research and design, and then generate a profit for the company, the shareholders, and potential future platforms. Unfortunately, with many industries suffering a race-to-the-bottom, cheap designs often win due to budgetary constraints, which then provides a bad user experience, giving a negative feedback loop until the technology moves from ‘bearable’ to ‘suitable’.

Enter Carrizo

One such platform that was released in 2015 is that of AMDs Carrizo APU (accelerated processor unit). The Carrizo design is the fourth generation of the Bulldozer architecture, originally released in 2011. The base design of the microarchitecture is different to the classical design of a processor - at a high level, rather than one core having one logic pipeline sharing one scheduler, one integer calculation port and one floating point calculation port resulting in one thread per core, we get a compute module with two logic pipelines sharing two schedulers, two integer calculation ports and only one floating point pipeline for two threads per module (although the concept of a module has been migrated to that of a dual core segment). With the idea that the floating point pipeline is being used infrequently in modern software and compilers, sharing one between two aims to save die area, cost, and additional optimizations therein.

The deeper reasons for this design lie in typical operating system dynamics - the majority of logic operations involving non-mathematical interpretations are integer based, and thus an optimization of the classical core design can result in the resources and die area that would normally be used for a standard core design to be focused on other more critical operations. This is not new, as we have had IP blocks in both the desktop and mobile space that have shared silicon resources, such as video decode codecs sharing pipelines, or hybrid memory controllers covering two memory types, to save die area but enable both features in the market at once.

While interesting in the initial concept, the launch of Bulldozer was muted due to its single threaded performance compared to that of AMD’s previous generation product as well as AMD’s direct competitor, Intel, whose products could ultimately process a higher number of instructions per clock per thread. This was countered by AMD offering more cores for the same die area, improving multithreaded performance for high workload throughput, but other issues plagued the launch. AMD also ran at higher frequencies to narrow the performance deficit, and at higher frequencies, the voltage required to maintain those frequencies related in a higher power consumption compared to the competition. This was a problem for AMD as Intel started to pull ahead on processor manufacturing technology taking advantage of lower operating voltages, especially in mobile devices.

Also, AMD had an issue with operating system support. Due to the shared resource module design of the processor, Microsoft Windows 7 (the latest at the time) had trouble distinguishing between modules and threads, often failing to allocate resources to the most suitable module at runtime. In some situations, it would cause two threads would run on a single core, with the other cores being idle. This latter issue was fixed via an optional update and in future versions of Microsoft Windows but still resulted in multiple modules being on 'active duty', affecting power consumption.

As a result, despite the innovative design, AMDs level of success was determined by the ecosystem, which was rather unforgiving in both the short and long term. The obvious example is in platforms where power consumption is directly related to battery life, and maintaining a level of performance required for those platforms is always a balance in managing battery concerns. Ultimately the price of the platform is also a consideration, and along with historical trends from AMD, in order to function this space as a viable alternative, AMD had to use aggressive pricing and adjust the platforms focus, potentially reducing profit margins, affecting future developments and shareholder return, and subsequently investment.

The Devices: #5 The Lenovo Y700 (Carrizo, FX-8800P + R9 385MX) How to Iterate Through Design
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  • Gadgety - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - link

    So AMD's marketing and distribution strategy is a failure. The way it's described it would seem consumers specifying their own PCs would be a away around the dominant logic determined by the existing channels. With today's production technology tailor made products on demand should be possible.

    The other thing I don't get, is why doesn't AMD release a desktop Carrizo 4K capable APU for the FM2+ platform? Do they want to help the motherboard manufacturers sell more motherboards once the new AM4 socket APU:s are out in 2017, or do they want to sell their own existing products?
  • JMC2000 - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - link

    I think it's more along the lines of having an installed base of AM4 boards before any Zen-based APUs roll out.

    It is possible that if the Athlon X4 845 sells well, AMD could release a full Carrizo part on FM2+.
  • AlB80 - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - link

    What is discrete graphic chip in Lenovo?
    512sp GCN1.2.... I suspect that this combination is unreal.
  • Jamesiii - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - link

    I have actually ordered Dell's AMD A8-8600P. It is intended as a media machine with the selling points being the low power equating to quiet and the 4K capability. The one thing I did notice is that he does have the Single Channel DDR3L 1600MHz memory. There is no indication on if it unlocks the watts to 35, but I have my doubts given the choice of RAM.

    I will know more when I get it on Thursday and will update if anyone is still view this thread. But, at $380.00 it is not a bad choice for a media machine.
  • tygrus - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - link

    OBM (the brands) bid for designs by the ODM's based on the design cost and the expected volume. I high cost Intel design can be made profitable by the expectation of very high volumes. Even the most popular AMD design is expected to sell fewer than a low-volume Intel design. Business limitations and commercial forces bias the system towards Intel. Intel also have deeper pockets to sponsor/partner/subsidise designs to make them Intel exclusive. From manufactures to distributors to retail, Intel penalise (withdraw discounts/subsidies) anyone who lets AMD gain market share (many limited to <10%) and limit the use of the "best" designs for AMD (forced to sell only A4 & A6 instead of A8 or better, limit battery and other features so Intel always looks better). The "Intel brakes" applied to AMD limits their opportunities and potential earnings. This has limited the AMD R&D spending and forced AMD to stay behind in some aspects. It's amazing what AMD has done with 28nm but think of the advantage they could have had with 22nm and 14nm if successful achieved much earlier (no more than 9months after Intel).
  • every1hasaids - Monday, February 8, 2016 - link

    I owned (owned being the operative word there) a Y700 with the AMD Carrizo FX8800P and can attest to the fact that the cooling solution and probably several other pieces of that device reviewed in this article are not the same design as what is available on the market in the US. There is a known issue of Lenovo skimping on the VRMs on the AMD Y700 which results in heavy throttling taking place. I couldn't play any game for more than 15 minutes before heavy throttling would occur. The data gathered from the review sample in this article should not be associated with the available product on the market. There appears to also be an FX-8700P variant of the Y700 out there however I cannot find any documentation of the existence of this device on Lenovo's site. Needless to say that I returned that laptop due to the significant throttling problems. I wish this site of some other site could get their hands on one of the FX-8800P Y700 laptops available in the US and put it through testing to reveal the problems with the unit. I'm guessing that they intend on releasing a Carrizo-L version of that laptop with the same motherboard which is why the VRMs are not up to the task of the 35w Carrizo and the added consumption of the dedicated graphics chip.

    Why are there no units out there that can handle the 35w TDP Carrizo and a dedicated graphics card!?!?!?! It would be a great alternative to the Intel/Nvidia gaming notebook monopoly.

    I'm hoping Zen/Polaris will actually see some adoption from OEMs and maybe AMD could even get involved in assisting proper implementation of their products so that the negative stigma could get nullified.
  • Jamesiii - Monday, February 8, 2016 - link

    The FX-8700P would more properly be called an A10-8700P. It sounds like a bit of marketing if they are using the FX handle.

    On gaming sites people are suggesting you turn off AMD's Turbo Core when gaming to avoid the FPS jumping up and down and overclock the processors. Overclocking a laptop is dicey at best though.
  • Malih - Monday, February 8, 2016 - link

    maybe Microsoft should start making an AMD Surface laptop if they want good competition to drive PC Sales
  • Marcelo Viana - Monday, February 8, 2016 - link

    I just don't understand why in a comparison carrizo vs intel you didn't take out the intel chips memory in order to both have 1 channel memory, so do a benchmark for us in a same condition.
    The entire article show that intel offering has OEMs given what intel chips need, so the point in comparing carrizo vs intel is the chip itself not platform, since AMD has no platform at all.
  • Elensar286 - Monday, February 8, 2016 - link

    That's a large focus of this article, though. The whole point was an investigation in to the implementation of Carrizo APUs by the OEM. It's highlighting exactly how like you said, the OEM platform, is hindering the potential of Carrizo processors.

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