Final Words

All in all, the EP-3SPA3 offers the same kind of performance figures as most other i815E motherboards at a lower price, with high stability, and more overclocking options.

In terms of the price, the EP-3SPA3 runs around $10 to $20 below other i815E boards, mostly due to the use of the 82815EP MCH. All you give up is integrated video, which is a very attractive feature since it is really something most users don't need. Further, the price is more competitive with boards using the VIA Apollo Pro133A chipset, and at the same time is much cheaper than those using the Apollo Pro266.

Meanwhile, EPoX has also managed to put in a lot of overclocking features on the EP-3SPA3. The 1MHz FSB speed increments and all the voltage tweaking options give you the complete package to push your chips to the limit, while maintaining a high level of stability.

How it Rates

AnandTech Motherboard Rating

Rating (x/10)


The EP-3SPA3 performs a bit above average.



Taking advantage of the cheaper 82815EP MCH, the EP-3SPA3 comes in at a price of around $100. Suddenly, it becomes more competitive with those using the VIA Apollo Pro133A chipset. This price is about $20 lower than the equivalent EPoX model that uses the i815E chipset.



The EP-3SPA3 was very solid in our stability tests, crashing just three times in 24 hours. Although this is not the most impressive board we have dealt with in terms of stability, it is better than most other boards we have reviewed.



EPoX has stepped up its quality quite a bit with the EP-3SPA3. This is one of the higher quality boards we have seen come through the AnandTech labs.



EPoX offers a complete set of overclocking tools with 1MHz FSB speed increments and voltage tweaks for just about every component.



The layout of the board is pretty decent, with the only complaints going to the poor design of the front panel connectors, which block the expansion slots.



EPoX products are easily found in most on-line stores, and you should be able to find them in some local computer stores as well.


Documentation & Software Bundle

The manual is a little bit above average. Within it, you can find most information about the motherboard's jumpers, connectors, BIOS settings, and software installation.

Overall Rating - not an average Click here to find out why
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