If we take the i820 test platform out of the picture because of the unreasonable price of RDRAM, the Athlon on the KX133 platform actually ends up being the fastest under Expendable, a benchmark that had previously favored the Pentium III. It should also be noted that the SuperBypass enabled AMD 750 system performed virtually on-par with the KX133, once again illustrating the point that the KX133 isn't too much faster than the AMD 750 with SuperBypass enabled in most consumer level applications, but luckily it's not slower. Combined with the lower overall cost of the KX133 solution, VIA's solution is definitely a viable one.

We have a similar situation at the higher resolutions, the KX133 gives the Athlon a nice boost to just below the Pentium III 800/RDRAM setup. Keep in mind that this on a production level, shipping KX133 motherboard, this is the minimum performance level you should expect from the KX133 and Athlon 800 combo.

UnrealTournament - Windows 98 SPECviewperf Test Description
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