Power Consumption

The lowest idle power consumption belongs to Intel, however under load Intel and the SF drives are comparable (assuming you toss incompressible data at the SF drives). If SandForce is given a more dedupe friendly workload however, the Vertex 3/Agility 3 become the more power efficient drives.

Drive Power Consumption - Idle

Drive Power Consumption - Sequential Write

Drive Power Consumption - Random Write

AnandTech Storage Bench 2010 Final Words
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  • johan851 - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    I've been wanting a comparison like this for a couple of weeks now, and I'm really glad you provided one. Thanks!
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, June 9, 2011 - link

    Now if we could get a review with the 240 GB Vertex 2.

    That has been as low as $309 AR at MicroCenter. Yet, despite being able to be found for low prices ($350 AR lately), it's still nowhere to be found in reviews here.
  • shamans33 - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    I just bought one for $220 before a $20 MIR about 2 weeks ago.

    Furthermore, your OCZ Agility 3 price is more expensive than the OCZ Vertex 3 price.....

    Might want to look into getting pricing from a variety of vendors.
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    Updated :)
  • aegisofrime - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    You updated the price but not the price per GB. :p

    I haven't had time to read through the whole article as I have to sleep now, so forgive me if my following question was addressed in the article. I'm considering a 120GB Intel 320, and I'm wondering will performance be lower than the 160GB version?
  • cactusdog - Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - link

    Why no Corsair force 3 drives? Or mushkin Chronos
  • Fallen Kell - Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - link

    They were all just recalled, that is why.

  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    No wonder intel was in no hurry with sata6. Half a watt extra power consumption at idle? Will that be the same for notebooks and tablets? If so then that is a serious problem. Why would power consumption be different at idle anyway?
  • imaheadcase - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - link

    I read sometime back that intel drives performance might suffer simply because of power issues itself. Nothing bad mind you, just that its standby mode interferes with transferring data somewhat. Not sure if thats a firmware or just config error.
  • Jaybus - Friday, June 10, 2011 - link

    Because, even though sata6 has improved power management, the higher clock rate simply requires more power. Even at idle, there has to be some communication between the SSD and the SATA host controller. Primarily, it is up to the OS to put the SATA link into sleep mode. In general, sata6 will always use more power than sata3, since you can't get around the physics. Clocking faster requires either more power or a complete paradigm shift to an optical PHY.

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