Matrox G400 Revisited

by Mike Andrawes on September 22, 1999 11:59 PM EST

Pentium III 600 Direct3D Performance

Expendable is a very CPU dependent benchmark, which means that its benchmark results are affected more from an increase in CPU performance versus an increase in graphics card performance. If there is a big difference between two graphics cards in Expendable, then it's a really big difference in the performance of the two cards. A difference of 1 fps in the Expendable test is considerable, so keep your eyes peeled for any differences here.

At 640x480 and 800x600, the relative speed of these cards is pretty much identical, with the TNT2 cards taking the first and second place, followed by the Voodoo3 series, with the G400 series bringing up the rear. The G400 was always known for being a powerful Direct3D accelerator, but it looks like NVIDIA and 3dfx have been able to tweak their drivers to push them ahead.

Bumping things up to 1024x768 juggles the rankings a bit. The Voodoo3 3000 takes the top spot, followed by the TNT2 Ultra and the G400 MAX. The Voodoo3 3000 has the most raw power and it flexes it muscle here.

Pentium III 600 OpenGL Performance Pentium III 450 OpenGL Performance
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