Crimson Performance

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about performance improvements. Like the Omega driver before it, Crimson comes with a collection of performance improvements from AMD’s new driver branch. To preface this with caution, I don’t think anyone should be expecting massive system-wide performance gains – that’s all low-hanging fruit AMD picked long ago – but there’s plenty of room for some lesser optimizations along with game-specific optimizations.

AMD’s own numbers point to game-specific improvements of up to 20%, though it should be noted that AMD’s best-case numbers are on unreleased/beta games that have yet to be well-optimized in the first place. Otherwise AMD’s own numbers are far more tame, listing recently released games with gains between three and five percent.

To take a quick look at general performance, we went ahead and ran our GPU benchmark suite at 2560x1440 on our Radeon R9 Fury (vanilla), comparing the previous Catalyst 15.11.1 beta to the new Radeon Software Crimson 15.11 beta. The Fury and its underlying Fiji GPU is the newest product out of AMD, so it offers AMD the best opportunity to unlock any remaining performance in the architecture.

Radeon R9 Fury Driver Performance: Crimson 15.11 vs. Catalyst 15.11.1

Overall the average performance gain at 2560x1440 is just 1%. There are a couple of instances where there are small-but-consistent performance gains – Grand Theft Auto V and Grid: Autosport stand out here – but otherwise the performance in our other games is within the margin of error, plus or minus. Not that we were expecting anything different as this never was pitched as a golden driver,  but this does make it clear that more significant performance gains are going be on a per-game basis.

Final Thoughts

Wrapping things up, AMD’s development structure in the past year and going forward is one that has both been beneficial to the company and has brought with it its own drawbacks. By focusing feature releases around the end of the year driver, AMD is able to cut down on what parts of the driver they change (and thereby can possibly break) at other times of the year, and try to knock out all of their feature-related bugs at once. At the same time it makes the annual driver release a significant event, as AMD releases a number of new features all at once. However on the other hand this means that AMD has few features launching any other time of the year, which can make it look like they’re not heavily invested in feature development at those points. Then of course there’s the WHQL element, where for multiple reasons AMD hasn’t issued very many WHQL releases this year, and is something they’re seeking to change in 2016.

Looking under the hood there’s no single feature that’s going to blow every Radeon user away at once, but overall there are a number of neat features here that should be welcomed by various user groups. The Freesync Low Framerate Compensation changes should be of particular interest to Freesync users, while shader caching will improve shader loading performance across the board. Otherwise smaller fixes like the DirectX 9 improvements to CrossFire frame pacing, CrossFire Freesync, and framerate target control should be welcome news to APU and dual graphics users.

Meanwhile AMD’s radical overhaul of their control panel via the new Radeon Settings application will be quickly noticed by everyone. Though there’s plenty of room for interpretation on style and just how a good control panel is laid out, AMD has clearly put a lot of effort into cleaning up the layout of their control panel and it shows, as important options are no longer buried under multiple layers of menu trees. And on the performance front Radeon Settings is faster than Catalyst Control Center even on fast machines, and though we haven’t spent much time on covering it, AMD has also managed to speed up the installation process while they were at it. So all-told the Crimson release has something for everyone.

Ultimately I hesitate to ascribe too much of this to the Radeon Technologies Group too soon – this project has clearly been in the works longer than 3 months – but at the same time this is the RTG making their mark. It’s a new direction for AMD’s graphics group and a new look to match. And if the RTG can meet their stability, performance, and release goals going forward with the new Crimson driver, then they should be able to make 2016 a good year for the Radeon user base.

Radeon Settings: The New Face of AMD’s Drivers
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  • looncraz - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    I only play BF4 with Mantle, and I've never noticed a single glitch (I did when it first came out (with colors), so I ran DX11 for a while).

    The resolution actually doesn't dictate how much RAM you need as much as people think. A 1080p frame buffer only weighs in at ~8MB, 4k is ~34MB. You need VRAM to store all of the textures and other game data. Your resolution has an effect on VRAM use only for certain features.
  • i_create_bugs - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    Except that you also need room for multiple render targets. Not just RGBA. Typically diffuse, normal, stencil, etc. Plus on top of that you need stencil/Z-buffer. Those buffers can also be 64 bits per pixel, if float16 pixel formats are used.

    Additionally sometimes frame buffer width is a bit more than actual resolution due to hardware limitations. So 1920 wide buffer might actually have room for 2048 pixels in real memory layout.

    Lower end guess for 1080P is 32 x 2^ceil(log2(1920)) x 1080. So at least 32 x 2048 x 1080 bytes. 67.5 MB per frame at 1080P. For 4k (3840x2160), 32 x 4096 x 2160 = 270 MB.

    Plus op top of that you need some RGBA frames for double / triple buffering.
  • looncraz - Thursday, November 26, 2015 - link

    You calculated it for BITS, not BYTES.

    Also, we usually end up aligning just a few pixels on the end (as in two or three).

    A 1920x1080 buffer will be allocated as a slightly wider, but no higher, buffer. FOUR bytes per pixel (not 32). That gives 7.91MB per frame buffer.

    As for the z coordinate, we usually use the last 8 bits of the above buffer. Why? Because 8-bits per color channel is what anyone usually ever uses. This is called D24S8.

    When you increase the resolution of your game yourself, you are increasing the size of the frame buffers, including the flip queue, post-processing buffers, and a few others. Basically, you can generally assume there are 15 frame-buffer linked sized buffers.

    So at 1080p, you need 118MB of VRAM for the buffers, and at 4k you need 475MB. This is why you can see VSR running so well on video cards with only 2GB of RAM. You do need more RAM, but it isn't drastic. What can make a more drastic difference is the game using resolution-specific textures. THAT can eat up an extra GB or so, depending on the game developer. Older games, or games meant for 1080p, however, will not have 4k texture packs.
  • The_Countess - Friday, November 27, 2015 - link

    you just described the game running in directX as well.
  • dsumanik - Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - link

    Nvidia drivers have been superior for the last decade, end of story. I suspect in many cases when the silicon battle was close, this is how NVIDIA kept the edge.

    If crimson can fulfill it's ambitious vision, things will get might interesting next year.

    Got my fingers crossed for ya AMD.
  • Dalamar6 - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    NVidia's superior drivers are why AMD was bargain binned even during the times when their performance:price ratio was actually significantly better.

    Of course we're talking Windows, AMD literally has NO linux presence at all, and literally cripples rolling distributions, and this rebadged driver won't change that.
  • Gigaplex - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    AMD has their open source driver presence. For a lot of their hardware, it's very stable and performs well. It's pretty slow to support brand new hardware though.
  • Fallen Kell - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    You mean 2D support is pretty stable and performs well. 3D is abysmal performance. There is a reason why not a single Steam Machine configuration out there has an AMD graphic card as an option, and it is because they all have HORRIBLE 3D performance.
  • Beany2013 - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    As a user of Ubuntu and Debian, and AMD GPUs, I have to agree with Fallen Kell; it's not as bad as it was, but major updates (such as GCC updates, as happened with Ubuntu 15.10) utterly, utterly break things.

    It's working now on Wiley-proposed, but jesus, what a pain in the arse.

    I'm hoping that this, and other pressure (like not having any realistic Steam Machine presence) might make will force them to up their game. Majorly.

    Performance when it works though, is fine - in some cases though, it's just that you have to force it to work. With hard liquor. And swearing. And Fire.
  • FourEyedGeek - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - link

    There is one area AMD beats NVIDIA in drivers, old cards. NVIDIA haven't paid as much attention to older cards as AMD has, though it could be because AMD use the same architecture for longer periods of time. At release the NVIDIA 680 was faster than the 7970, but on modern games with new drivers the 7950 can even beat the 680 in some games.

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