Final Words

More so than last time, it seems like this next generation of console wars will boil down to a few key questions: exclusives, online, extra features and personal preference.

If there’s an exclusive IP that you will sink a ton of time into, the rest really doesn’t matter. For Microsoft that could be Halo, for Sony that could be Uncharted. I feel like Microsoft might have the stronger lineup out of the gate this generation, but that’s not saying much as neither platform appears to have anything that’s a must have at this point. I can’t help but wonder how different this launch would’ve been had there been a Halo 5 or Uncharted 4 (or Last of Us 2) available on day one.

The online story is going to take some time to flesh out. Microsoft held the clear advantage there last generation for online multiplayer, but Sony is intent on closing the gap this round. I’m going to say it’s still wait and see on this one as neither console is going to have enough users to make for a great online experience for a while to come.

In the extra features category, Microsoft is really hoping to win users over with things like their TV integration and Kinect. I couldn’t be further from the right demographic to talk about the former so I’m going to avoid saying much there. On the Kinect front, I know people who are interested in the Xbox One solely because of Kinect. I’m not one of those people but I can definitely see the appeal there. If Sony’s price tag didn’t nerf the PS3 last round, it’s entirely possible that Microsoft’s Kinect bundle and resulting price hike won’t do the same for the Xbox One this time.

Finally, there’s an element of personal preference in all of this. Look, feel, ecosystem, company loyalty all fall into this category. There are also things like controller preference that fit here as well. I can’t help much in this department.

If you’re looking at the Xbox One as a successor to the Xbox 360, I think you’ll be very pleased. It’s a much better console in every way and a long overdue upgrade.

It's interesting to me that the performance/image quality differences that exist between the Xbox One and PS4 ultimately boil down to a difference in memory interface rather than an interest in optimizing down silicon cost. In this case Microsoft has the bigger die, but the smaller GPU in order to accommodate enough eSRAM to offset the use of DDR3 memory.

If all you play are cross-platform games, then the PS4 will give you better looking titles at a lower console cost. For those of you that are particularly bothered by aliasing, the PS4 will definitely reduce (not eliminate) that. However I would argue that if all you play are cross-platform games then you might want to look into buying/building a PC instead. I’m also unsure about how much cross shopping actually happens between these two platforms. I can understand for first time gamers (e.g. parents buying the first console for their kids), but otherwise I feel like your friend group and prior experience is going to ultimately determine whether you end up with a Xbox One or PS4.

I need a Halo box, but I also like to play Uncharted. Unfortunately I don’t know that there’s a good recommendation one way or another, other than to wait for a bit. Being an early adopter of a next-gen console is rarely a fun thing. Literally all of my friends are on Xbox 360s or PS3s, meaning online multiplayer with people I know is pretty much out of the question for at least a year or so. The launch lineup for both platforms is reasonable but could be a lot better. Having just played Grand Theft Auto V and the Last of Us, I’m going to need more than CoD or NBA 2K14 to really draw me in to the Xbox One or PS4. This is how the story goes with any new console launch.

One thing is for sure - this generation was long overdue. I remember being at E3 in 2005 and wondering what the Xbox 360 and PS3 would do to the future of PC gaming given how well specced both systems were. This time around I’m less concerned. Everyone seems to have gone more conservative with GPU choices, even though the resulting APUs are anything but small. If anything the arrival of both consoles, targeted the way they are, is likely going to make things better industry wide. As both sell in good quantities we’ll see developers target a higher class of system, which will be good for everyone.


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  • airmantharp - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link

    And no HDMI-CEC? What the hell's with that?
  • Gigaplex - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link

    I don't get it. Other sites I've read state that it does support HDMI-CEC.
  • mikeisfly - Thursday, November 21, 2013 - link

    I'm not sure this is entirely true as I remember them saying that they had it at the reveal. Also there is some conflicting information on the internet about that. I would bet that the chip that they are using has it and even if it's not available at launch I would hope they didn't take the traces out of the header to save money. I will certainly test in my lab when I get mine and keep you guys up-to-date.
  • Da W - Friday, November 22, 2013 - link

    Even worst. They made the software for some IP-TV provider (mediaroom), and they are getting rid of it.
  • mikato - Monday, November 25, 2013 - link

    I completely agree. You still cannot buy a DVR!!! Tivo - look it up, you have to pay for their service. $20/month for a DVR from the cable company... we've gone backwards from the VCR in many ways. It makes me want to build my own HTPC (with CableCard and maybe SiliconDust HD HomeRun) but there are still lots of nagging issues doing that - HD recording, MythTV and XBMC integration, IR blaster remotes...
  • mikeisfly - Thursday, November 21, 2013 - link

    Look at Silicon Dusts HDhomerun prime, I know it isn't supported at launch but I will bet money that it will be supported in later updates. I have it now running on Windows Media Center (both windows 7 and 8) and love it.
  • Flunk - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link

    If you're annoyed by lack of Windows Media Center, XBMC is a good and totally free alternative.
  • Da W - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link

    It's HDMI-in i lack.
  • mikeisfly - Thursday, November 21, 2013 - link

    XBMC doesn't support "copy once" material. So it's not even an option for many though if it did I would switch in a minute due to the fact that it is still being developed.
  • mikato - Monday, November 25, 2013 - link

    XBMC has no DVR functionality. Maybe combined with MythTV you can do it but that integration has just been done recently with an XBMC add-on, otherwise you are dealing with the two programs independently - much better to watch things in XBMC but you have to go into MythTV to do recording.

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