Final Words

Bringing this review to a close, after having seen NVIDIA upstage themselves a couple of times this year already with GK110, it’s admittedly getting a bit harder each time to write about NVIDIA’s flagship GPU. NVIDIA won’t break significant new ground just by refreshing GK110, but gradual performance increases in conjunction with periodic price drops have kept the market fresh while making NVIDIA’s high-end cards a bit faster and a bit cheaper each time. So in that respect we’re enthusiastic about seeing NVIDIA finally release a fully enabled GK110 GeForce card and the performance improvements it brings.

With that in mind, with the release of the GeForce GTX 780 Ti NVIDIA is once more left solidly in control of the single-GPU performance crown. It won’t quite get to claim a massive performance advantage over its closest competitors, but at the end of the day it’s going to be faster than any other single-GPU card out there. This will break down to being 11% faster than Radeon R9 290X, 9% faster than GTX Titan, and a full 20% faster than the original GTX 780 that it formally replaces.

To that end, while NVIDIA can still charge top dollar for their flagship card it’s a sign of the times and of the competition that they released their fully enabled GK110 part as a cheaper GTX 780 series card. At $700 it’s by no means cheap – and this has and always will be the drawback to NVIDIA’s flagships so long as NVIDIA can hold the lead – but it also means that NVIDIA does need to take AMD’s Radeon R9 290 series into account. As such the 290X and the GTX 780, though lesser performing parts, will remain as spoilers for GTX 780 Ti due to their better balance of performance and pricing. All the while GTX 780 Ti stands at the top of the heap for those who want the best.

Meanwhile we bid au revoir to the original GK110 GeForce card, GTX Titan. Though GTX Titan will still be on the market as an entry level compute card, it is finally dethroned as the fastest single-GPU gaming card in NVIDIA’s lineup. At least for the time being GTX Titan is still very secure in its place in the market as a compute card, and so there it will continue, a position that reflects the fact that there’s little need for NVIDIA to keep their gaming and compute products commingled together as a single product. Though we wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if NVIDIA made additional prosumer products of this nature in the future, as GTX Titan clearly worked out well for the company.

And though GTX Titan is falling off of our radar, we’re glad to see that NVIDIA has kept around Titan’s second most endearing design element, the Titan cooler. We won’t hazard to guess just how much it costs NVIDIA over a cheaper design (or what it adds to the final price tag), but with GTX 780 Ti NVIDIA has once again proven just how capable the cooler is when paired with GK110. Even with the slightly higher power consumption of GTX 780 Ti versus the cards that have come before it, thanks to that cooler GTX 780 Ti still hits an excellent sweet spot between performance and noise, offering the flexibility and simplicity of a blower without the noise that has traditionally accompanied such a cooler. And all the while still delivering more than enough performance to hold on to the performance crown.

Finally, let’s talk about SLI for a moment. Much like GTX Titan before it, GTX 780 Ti is so fast that it’s almost more than enough on its own for any standard single-monitor resolution. Even 2560x1440 with high settings isn’t enough to bog down GTX 780 Ti in most games, which makes a pair of GTX 780 Tis in SLI overkill by any definition. Properly using that much power requires multiple monitors, be it an Eyefinity/Surround setup, or more recently a tiled 4K monitor.

In either scenario a GTX 780 Ti is going to be a solid performer for those segments, but NVIDIA is going to have to deal with the fact that their performance advantage is going to melt away with the resolution increase. Right now a single GTX 780 Ti has a solid lead over a single 290X, but a pair of GTX 780 Tis is going to tie with a pair of cheaper 290Xs at 4K resolutions. And with 290X’s frame pacing under control NVIDIA no longer has that advantage to help build their case. GTX 780 Ti still has other advantages – power and noise in particular – but it does mean we’re in an interesting situation where NVIDIA can claim the single-GPU performance crown while the crown for the dual-GPU victor remains up for grabs. It's still very early in the game for 4K and NVIDIA isn't under any great pressure, but it will be an area of improvement for the next generation when Maxwell arrives in 2014.

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  • Filiprino - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    And I have to add that with aftermarket coolers the 290X will get better performance, allowing to overclock even more.
    Here you have only compared the 290X without overclocking, only "Uber mode" which I is not the same as overclocking.
  • ludikraut - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I'm not really on board with the R9 290X. Seems to me that the performance/overclocking of the 290X is a little sketchy, whereas the results for the 290 appear to be more consistent and for $150 less, much more attractive.
  • Skiddywinks - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I think that sketchiness comes from the fact it gets throttled all the time. With the fan running on a temperature knife edge, the ambient temp and layout of your PC is going to have a massive effect on how well it is going to perform.

    The 290, as we should all know, had a fan speed boost to try and take on the 780 after the price drop, instead of the targeted 770. Once AMD get around to giving the 290X the same treatment (or, alternatively, we start seeing these after market coolers), I would be willing to bet the 290X will start looking much more promising. Probably still not enough to ruin the 290 as the go-to value high end product, but it will certainly not look as pointless as current reviews and benchmarks have it looking.
  • madwolfa - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    Crysis 3 section has BF3 part pasted in it.
  • ludikraut - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    What this review really needs is results for a CF R9 290. Seems to me that a pair of R9 290s will trounce a 780Ti for only $100 more. Actually looking at the overall results and how the R9 290 stacks up, I just don't see being able to justify a $300 premium for the 780ti.

  • smartypnt4 - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    This. 100% this. They'll do it eventually, but I doubt he had a 2nd R9 290 in time to put those results in.

    That said, the R9 290X crossfire results make me very, very hopeful for R9 290 performance. A pair of them for $800 would be a steal to get a level of 4K gaming that wasn't available at anything below $1300 previously (2x780), and the 2x290 should even beat dual 780s handily at 4K based on how the 290X does (unless they give a special 780 some of that 7GHz memory).
  • just4U - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    From what I've noticed thru the years..
    with a product launch of this nature Anandtech doesn't rain to much on the featured cards parade. It's the star of the show after all. They get some criticism for that but ah well. They do release updated information and head to head comparison articles after initial launches. Maybe it's just a time thing.
  • Vorl - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I can't believe that the reviewer is allowed to be so blatantly biased.

    I suppose they assume most of their audience is too stupid to actually think.. but still. things like this are really making me start to lose respect for a site I have read for years now.

    It is so bad, it is almost to the point of leaving and recommending people I talk to/work with look for a less biased site.
  • nsiboro - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I was initially worried about the wording/flow too but I think Ryan did the right thing.

    He was comparing 780ti to 780/Titan and only brought up R9-290/X when things mattered.

    The take away from this review is that R9-290/X with AIB custom cooler will beat 780-Ti and reclaim the crown for AMD.

    The R9-290 non-X with AIB custom cooler (when it gets released) will surely get an Editor's Award.
  • Vorl - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I could see your point if he hadn't blatantly said "don't but the 290". Not "look forward to after marked cooling".

    They downplayed 4k, and the games that the 290 series did better in, and use much stronger words in the few areas that the Ti did better in.

    It's also funny how they downplay the price for a minimal improvement in speed. I remember in past reviews that a price difference like that would have made a huge difference in recommendation no matter things like noise levels.

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