Portal 2

Portal 2 continues the long and proud tradition of Valve’s in-house Source engine. While Source continues to be a DX9 engine, Valve has continued to upgrade it over the years to improve its quality, and combined with their choice of style you’d have a hard time telling it’s over 7 years old at this point. Consequently Portal 2’s performance does get rather high on high-end cards, but we have ways of fixing that…

With this latest generation of high-end cards Portal 2 performance is so high that it’s more than practical to play with SSAA, and that’s where we’re going to focus today. At all resolutions and anti-aliasing options the GTX 670 can surpass the 7970, but this is especially the case with SSAA. At 2560 the GTX 670 is just shy of 60fps, while the 7970 manages only 48fps and the 7950 39fps. SSAA is the ultimate lavish feature, and although Portal 2 is perfectly playable on AMD’s cards without SSAA, SSAA is also the ultimate option for image quality and there’s no good reason not to use it with cards that perform this well.

At this point it’s not entirely clear why the GTX 600 series does so well here (both AMD and NV use SGSSAA), especially given the fact that the Radeons have a memory bandwidth advantage. But regardless of the reason at 2560 the GTX 670 is looking pretty good. For that matter this also happens to be one of the stronger games for EVGA’s GTX 670 Superclocked; the performance gain at 2560 pushes past 4%.

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  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Wasn't caught ? LOL Sounds correct, at least in your mind.
    Problem is when amd is caught red handed, none of you amd fanboys have a clue about it, ever.
    Now I don't have anything against AMD, it's just clear the truth should be told, as I said let's apply the amd fanboy talking points equally, let's do a real analysis and not with instant amnesia that favors amd or ignores the current facts like egg sales.
    I have noticed you amd fans have a real hatred for nVidia and all say a similar thing as you just did. It's like poor loser syndrome but I don't think any of you are faking it, I think you are living it in your minds.
    That's really sad.
    I do believe that's why you can so blindly deny facts and are so often excuse makers and liars for amd and against nVidia quite unfairly. Cut out the hate man. nVidia isn't somehow worse than amd, nor vise versa.

    Now I assure you, my post you went into attack mode over above is very simply my on the fly instant analysis by assembling the known facts. It includes principles like what's good for the goose is also fair on the gander, and very simple logic, and some actual original thoughts, etc.

    My apologies that I am so excessively astute and can easily see though the amd fud monkey tp, and worse yet, right, show easily the actual nVidia advantage in that very area.

    I'm gifted.
  • SlyNine - Saturday, May 12, 2012 - link

    The GTX680 has out sold the 78xx line, interesting, but you need to prove it.
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, May 12, 2012 - link

    Go to new egg and click on the best selling EVGA GTX680, go to the reviews tab, click the verified buys checkmark, and read the number of verified buyers of the total commenters.
    That gives you a fair estimate that will be about the same as fair estimates for other products ( it eliminates counting spammers who just have to post without purchasing ).

    So just go do that also for the 7870 and 7850 and add up all the totals, and of course include on the 7870 and 7850 and out of stock cards, the "up to 5 eggs" reviews are available for out of stock...

    Compare your totals, if you don't know how to navigate new egg efficiently the tip you need is use the "Guided Results" tab on the upper left area once you have clicked into "Desktop Graphics Hardware" from the "shop all stores" yellow upper left start button.

    So anyway, 680 was 108 verified a few days ago and all the 7870 and 7850 combined in total were below that by like 30 something - only a single 680 sku was needed, making it easier to collate in the nVidia side.

    It should take you all of 3 minutes to verify this right now, and given the level of competence in this post area, here's some helpful starts


    680 single sku up to 111 now up from 108

    78xx series link access below


    There you are, the proof you demanded, once again delivered.
  • SlyNine - Saturday, May 12, 2012 - link

    So that's you're premise for total sales, how many verified buyers there are on neweggs REVIEWS. That's one hella questionable premise and invalid inference of the data available.

    lmao. Epic fail. Take a logic class
  • CeriseCogburn - Sunday, May 13, 2012 - link

    Yes whine about the data set all you want, but we also have reviewer commentary that is confirming in this, with zero counters by you and yours.

    Newegg is actually quite an accurate machine for such a thing, best price, best known, most used, and has shown accuracy for a long time in this manner.

    Foreigners (non USA) may argue but we don't see any counter arguments now do we mr sad 5870 ? :)
  • MrSpadge - Thursday, May 10, 2012 - link

    You should compare to HD7950 or HD7970 instead of HD6970.. otherwise it's a no brainer ;)
  • chizow - Thursday, May 10, 2012 - link

    Certainly a better effort from Nvidia but the premiums are still a product of AMD's overpriced 28nm parts.

    If AMD priced as they should've from the outset based on historical pricing and relative performance to 40nm parts, we would've seen:

    7970 @ $380
    7950 @ $300

    and Nvidia's parts would've fallen into place accordingly as well:

    680 @ $400-$420
    670 @ $350

    GK110/685 @ $500-$550
    GTX 690 @ $700-800

    I guess we can't fault Nvidia too much though. In the end they can't keep GK104 in stock anywhere and they still manage to beat AMD convincingly in both price and performance.

    The consumer is the one that loses however, paying high premiums for the smallest increase in performance for a full generational/process node improvement.
  • XZerg - Thursday, May 10, 2012 - link

    The price gauging is always a product when the underdog in a market (not necessarily in performance) outdoes the big boss. We saw this happen back when AMD brought out the A64 as well or when ATI released R300 chip. So from consumer's $$$ point of view underdog should stay underdog but deliver performance that matches the big boss.
  • JlHADJOE - Thursday, May 10, 2012 - link

    G92 baby!
    90% of 8800GTX performance at less than half the price.

    It was so good, it actually stayed competitive through 3 or 4 product cycles (albeit getting a new sticker every time).
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, May 10, 2012 - link

    That's a failed analysis since the price gouging by the same complainers is always present on the flagship models.
    The true analysis is the honest and common sense one. No matter what anyone's twisted brain calls the competers, when any one in competition throws up a leader board item, they charge for it.
    What's shameful in amd's case is the very quick slap down they experienced - smacking $579.99 down to $449.99(or 479) then the second whallop sending them to the deck, the 3 games they offered to attempt to keep interest going, and now another knockout punch square to the drooling amd choppers as they wobbled on noodle legs still getting the former ten count - the GTX670 tag team card with the new smack down....
    I suspect amd will try to maintain some sort of composure and self esteem this time by not budging as long as they possibly can... because it's embarrassing already and now the GTX670 has turned amd from bright pink to their standard red color - flush to the point of passing out.
    Yes, amd will pretend now - pretend it doesn't have to drop prices again.

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