The Kepler Architecture: Efficiency & Scheduling

So far we’ve covered how NVIDIA has improved upon Fermi for; now let’s talk about why.

Mentioned quickly in our introduction, NVIDIA’s big push with Kepler is efficiency. Of course Kepler needs to be faster (it always needs to be faster), but at the same time the market is making a gradual shift towards higher efficiency products. On the desktop side of matters GPUs have more or less reached their limits as far as total power consumption goes, while in the mobile space products such as Ultrabooks demand GPUs that can match the low power consumption and heat dissipation levels these devices were built around. And while strictly speaking NVIDIA’s GPUs haven’t been inefficient, AMD has held an edge on performance per mm2 for quite some time, so there’s clear room for improvement.

In keeping with that ideal, for Kepler NVIDIA has chosen to focus on ways they can improve Fermi’s efficiency. As NVIDIA's VP of GPU Engineering, Jonah Alben puts it, “[we’ve] already built it, now let's build it better.”

There are numerous small changes in Kepler that reflect that goal, but of course the biggest change there was the removal of the shader clock in favor of wider functional units in order to execute a whole warp over a single clock cycle. The rationale for which is actually rather straightforward: a shader clock made sense when clockspeeds were low and die space was at a premium, but now with increasingly small fabrication processes this has flipped. As we have become familiar with in the CPU space over the last decade, higher clockspeeds become increasingly expensive until you reach a point where they’re too expensive – a point where just distributing that clock takes a fair bit of power on its own, not to mention the difficulty and expense of building functional units that will operate at those speeds.

With Kepler the cost of having a shader clock has finally become too much, leading NVIDIA to make the shift to a single clock. By NVIDIA’s own numbers, Kepler’s design shift saves power even if NVIDIA has to operate functional units that are twice as large. 2 Kepler CUDA cores consume 90% of the power of a single Fermi CUDA core, while the reduction in power consumption for the clock itself is far more dramatic, with clock power consumption having been reduced by 50%.

Of course as NVIDIA’s own slide clearly points out, this is a true tradeoff. NVIDIA gains on power efficiency, but they lose on area efficiency as 2 Kepler CUDA cores take up more space than a single Fermi CUDA core even though the individual Kepler CUDA cores are smaller. So how did NVIDIA pay for their new die size penalty?

Obviously 28nm plays a significant part of that, but even then the reduction in feature size from moving to TSMC’s 28nm process is less than 50%; this isn’t enough to pack 1536 CUDA cores into less space than what previously held 384. As it turns out not only did NVIDIA need to work on power efficiency to make Kepler work, but they needed to work on area efficiency. There are a few small design choices that save space, such as using 8 SMXes instead of 16 smaller SMXes, but along with dropping the shader clock NVIDIA made one other change to improve both power and area efficiency: scheduling.

GF114, owing to its heritage as a compute GPU, had a rather complex scheduler. Fermi GPUs not only did basic scheduling in hardware such as register scoreboarding (keeping track of warps waiting on memory accesses and other long latency operations) and choosing the next warp from the pool to execute, but Fermi was also responsible for scheduling instructions within the warps themselves. While hardware scheduling of this nature is not difficult, it is relatively expensive on both a power and area efficiency basis as it requires implementing a complex hardware block to do dependency checking and prevent other types of data hazards. And since GK104 was to have 32 of these complex hardware schedulers, the scheduling system was reevaluated based on area and power efficiency, and eventually stripped down.

The end result is an interesting one, if only because by conventional standards it’s going in reverse. With GK104 NVIDIA is going back to static scheduling. Traditionally, processors have started with static scheduling and then moved to hardware scheduling as both software and hardware complexity has increased. Hardware instruction scheduling allows the processor to schedule instructions in the most efficient manner in real time as conditions permit, as opposed to strictly following the order of the code itself regardless of the code’s efficiency. This in turn improves the performance of the processor.

However based on their own internal research and simulations, in their search for efficiency NVIDIA found that hardware scheduling was consuming a fair bit of power and area for few benefits. In particular, since Kepler’s math pipeline has a fixed latency, hardware scheduling of the instruction inside of a warp was redundant since the compiler already knew the latency of each math instruction it issued. So NVIDIA has replaced Fermi’s complex scheduler with a far simpler scheduler that still uses scoreboarding and other methods for inter-warp scheduling, but moves the scheduling of instructions in a warp into NVIDIA’s compiler. In essence it’s a return to static scheduling.

Ultimately it remains to be seen just what the impact of this move will be. Hardware scheduling makes all the sense in the world for complex compute applications, which is a big reason why Fermi had hardware scheduling in the first place, and for that matter why AMD moved to hardware scheduling with GCN. At the same time however when it comes to graphics workloads even complex shader programs are simple relative to complex compute applications, so it’s not at all clear that this will have a significant impact on graphics performance, and indeed if it did have a significant impact on graphics performance we can’t imagine NVIDIA would go this way.

What is clear at this time though is that NVIDIA is pitching GTX 680 specifically for consumer graphics while downplaying compute, which says a lot right there. Given their call for efficiency and how some of Fermi’s compute capabilities were already stripped for GF114, this does read like an attempt to further strip compute capabilities from their consumer GPUs in order to boost efficiency. Amusingly, whereas AMD seems to have moved closer to Fermi with GCN by adding compute performance, NVIDIA seems to have moved closer to Cayman with Kepler by taking it away.

With that said, in discussing Kepler with NVIDIA’s Jonah Alben, one thing that was made clear is that NVIDIA does consider this the better way to go. They’re pleased with the performance and efficiency they’re getting out of software scheduling, going so far to say that had they known what they know now about software versus hardware scheduling, they would have done Fermi differently. But whether this only applies to consumer GPUs or if it will apply to Big Kepler too remains to be seen.

The Kepler Architecture: Fermi Distilled GPU Boost: Turbo For GPUs
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  • Slayer68 - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    Being able to run 3 screens off of one card is new for Nvidia. Barely even mentioned it in your review. It would be nice to see Nvidia surround / Eyefinity compared on these new cards. Especially interested in scaling at 5760 x 1080 between a 680 and 7970.....
  • ati666 - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    does the gtx680 still have the same anisotropic filtering pattern like the gtx470/480/570/580 (octagonal pattern) or is it like AMDs HD7970 all angle-independent anisotropic filtering (circular pattern)?
  • Ryan Smith - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    It's not something we were planning on publishing, but it is something we checked. It's still the same octagon pattern as Fermi. It would be nice if NVIDIA did have angle-independent AF, but to be honest the difference between that and what NVIDIA does has been so minor that it's not something we've ever been able to create a noticeable issue with in the real world.

    Now Intel's AF on the other hand...
  • ati666 - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    thank for the reply, now i can finally make a decision to buy hd7970 or gtx680..
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    Yes I thank him too for finally coming clean and noting the angle independent amd algorithm he's been fanboy over for a long time has absolutely no real world gaming advantage whatsoever.
    It's a big fat zero of nothing but FUD for fanboys.
    It would be nice if notional advantages actually showed up in games, and when they don't or for the life of the reviewer cannot be detected in games, that be clearly stated and the insane "advantage" declared be called what it really is, a useless talking point of deception that fools purchasers instead of enlightening them.
    The biased emphasis with zero advantage is as unscientific as it gets. Worse yet, within the same area, the "perfectly round algorithm" yielded in game transition lines with the amd cards, denied by the reviewer for what, a year ? Then a race game finally convinced him, and in this 7000 series release we find another issue the "perfectly round algorithm" apparently was attached to flaw with, a "poor transition resolution" - rather crudely large instead of fine like Nvidia's which casued excessive amd shimmering in game, and we are treated to that information only now after the 7000 series "solved" the issue and brought it near or up to the GTX long time standard.
    So this whole "perfectly round algorithm" has been nothing but fanboy lies for amd all along, while ignoring at least 2 large IQ issues when it was "put to use" in game. (transition shading and shimmering)
    I'm certain an explanation could be given that there are other factors with differing descriptive explanation, like the fineness of textural changes as one goes toward center of the image not directly affecting roundness one way or another, used as an excuse, perhaps the self deceptive justification that allowed such misbehavior to go on for so long.
  • _vor_ - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    Will you seriously STFU already? It's hard to read this discussion with your blatant and belligerent jackassery all over it.

    You love NVIDIA. Great. Now STFU and stop posting.
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, March 24, 2012 - link

    Great attack, did I get anything wrong at all ? I guess not.
  • silverblue - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    Could you provide a link to an article based on this subject, please? Not an attack; just curious.
  • CeriseCogburn - Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - link

    " So what then is going on that made Civ V so much faster for NVIDIA? Admittedly I had to press NVIDIA for this - performance practically doubled on high-end GPUs, which is unheard of. Until they told me what exactly they did, I wasn't convinced it was real or if they had come up with a really sweet cheat. It definitely wasn't a cheat.

    If you recall from our articles, I keep pointing to how we seem to be CPU limited at the time. "


    Since AMD’s latest changes are focused on reducing shimmering in motion we’ve put together a short video of the 3D Center Filter Tester running the tunnel test with the 7970, the 6970, and GTX 580. The tunnel test makes the differences between the 7970 and 6970 readily apparent, and at this point both the 7970 and GTX 580 have similarly low levels of shimmering.

    with both implementing DX9 SSAA with the previous generation of GPUs, and AMD catching up to NVIDIA by implementing Enhanced Quality AA (their version of NVIDIA’s CSAA) with Cayman. Between Fermi and Cayman the only stark differences are that AMD offers their global faux-AA MLAA filter, while NVIDIA has support for true transparency and super sample anti-aliasing on DX10+ games.


    Thus I had expected AMD to close the gap from their end with Southern Islands by implementing DX10+ versions of Adaptive AA and SSAA, but this has not come to pass.


    AMD has not implemented any new AA modes compared to Cayman, and as a result AAA and SSAA continue to only available in DX9 titles.

    Finally, while AMD may be taking a break when it comes to anti-aliasing they’re still hard at work on tessellation


    Don't forget amd has a tessellation cheat in their 7000 series driver, so 3dmark 11 is cheated on as is unigine heaven, while Nvidia does no such thing.

    I do have more like the race car game admission, but I think that's enough helping you doing homework .
  • CeriseCogburn - Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - link

    So here's more mr curious ..
    " “There’s nowhere left to go for quality beyond angle-independent filtering at the moment.”

    With the launch of the 5800 series last year, I had high praise for AMD’s anisotropic filtering. AMD brought truly angle-independent filtering to gaming (and are still the only game in town), putting an end to angle-dependent deficiencies and especially AMD’s poor AF on the 4800 series. At both the 5800 series launch and the GTX 480 launch, I’ve said that I’ve been unable to find a meaningful difference or deficiency in AMD’s filtering quality, and NVIDIA was only deficienct by being not quite angle-independent. I have held – and continued to hold until last week – the opinion that there’s no practical difference between the two.

    It turns out I was wrong. Whoops.

    The same week as when I went down to Los Angeles for AMD’s 6800 series press event, a reader sent me a link to a couple of forum topics discussing AF quality. While I still think most of the differences are superficial, there was one shot comparing AMD and NVIDIA that caught my attention: Trackmania."

    " The shot clearly shows a transition between mipmaps on the road, something filtering is supposed to resolve. In this case it’s not a superficial difference; it’s very noticeable and very annoying.

    AMD appears to agree with everyone else. As it turns out their texture mapping units on the 5000 series really do have an issue with texture filtering, specifically when it comes to “noisy” textures with complex regular patterns. AMD’s texture filtering algorithm was stumbling here and not properly blending the transitions between the mipmaps of these textures, resulting in the kind of visible transitions that we saw in the above Trackmania screenshot. "


    " So for the 6800 series, AMD has refined their texture filtering algorithm to better handle this case. Highly regular textures are now filtered properly so that there’s no longer a visible transition between them. As was the case when AMD added angle-independent filtering we can’t test the performance impact of this since we don’t have the ability to enable/disable this new filtering algorithm, but it should be free or close to it. In any case it doesn’t compromise AMD’s existing filtering features, and goes hand-in-hand with their existing angle-independent filtering."


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