
Safari, too, has gotten a UI refresh on the iPad side of things. We finally get tabbed browsing, which really makes life easy when you’re browsing - it was the single most useful feature that Honeycomb had over iOS last year. The tab bar is located underneath the URL bar, and the active tab has an “x” on the left side to close. There’s not too much more to say here other than that it’s well integrated, and being able to see all the open tabs at once really makes the multipage browsing experience quicker and more seamless. It’s a seemingly minor detail, but taking out the extra two screen presses really speeds everything up. It almost makes me wonder why Apple took so long to implement it on the iPad. 

The handheld version of Safari looks exactly the same as before, but there are a couple of new features in all versions of the browser that try to improve the readability of longer web content. The first is Reading List. See a link you want to read but don’t have time to get through it? Save it to Reading List and come back to it later. On my desktop and notebook, I just open things like that in a new tab and just leave them until I have time to sit down and read through. It works, but it also ends up with me having anywhere between 10 and 25 browser tabs open at any given point in time. Given the memory and software limitations on mobile devices, it’s not really a feasible way to do things on the iPhone and iPad. Reading List is a pretty simple way to get around that, you just hit the “Add to Reading List” button right underneath the “Add to Bookmarks” option, and access the Reading List from the bookmarks menu. Within Reading List, you can look at everything on your reading list or just the unread ones. Weirdly enough, once something is on your Reading List, there’s no way to take it off.

Reading List ties in very well with the other new browser feature, Reader. Reader basically takes a webpage and renders it in the most readable way possible, stripping all formatting and displaying the text and image content alone. Think of it like iBooks, except for webpages. Getting to it is pretty easy - just wait for your page to load, then hit the Reader button in the URL bar. The cool thing is that for multipage articles like the ones on AnandTech, it’ll load the next page automatically as you finish reading the previous page. It’s a relatively minor feature, but if you read a ton of longer (*cough* AnandTech) articles on your iPad or iPhone, Reader ends up being really, really useful. 

Safari Performance Improvements

There's been a trend among mobile browsers recently, and that trend is increasingly fast JavaScript performance. Both iOS and Android have been trading blows for the JavaScript performance crown, and iOS 5 includes the latest set of improvements from Apple's side. 

The brief outline version of this story is that each successive release of iOS has improved JavaScript performance. First, iOS 4.3 brought desktop Safari's Nitro JavaScript engine with JIT (Just In Time compilation) to MobileSafari in iOS, which gave a substantial boost to its performance in synthetics and other tests. The latest improvements in iOS are thanks in part to an update which brings MobileSafari back up to parity with Safari 5.1's codebase on the desktop side. For a while now we've been keeping track of iOS performance in SunSpider 0.9 and RightWare's browsermark, and now SunSpider 0.9.1 as well. 

SunSpider Javascript Benchmark 0.9

SunSpider Javascript Benchmark 0.9.1 - Stock Browser

Rightware BrowserMark

Sunspider 0.9.1 we haven't been keeping track of for very long, so we don't have as many results yet, but that will change in time. The other two graphs really tell the story of how Mobile Safari has seen steady improvements to JavaScript performance over a short history going back to iOS 4.0. Again, the 4.3 added Nitro with JIT, and 5.0 updates Nitro to the absolute bleeding edge version of the codebase, same as the desktop Safari. That said, I don't expect things to speed up much beyond this, and though I'm not showing Android results (since the context of this story is all about iOS), I expect Ice Cream Sandwich to bring Android right back up to parity with Mobile Safari's scores on similar hardware. 

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  • lurker22 - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    I disagree. Anecdotal reports better antennae reception in the 4s over the 4. Also the internals are almost completely different between the 4 and the 4s.
  • Andrew Rockefeller - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    ...but then again, I come here for the info that I don't/can't get elsewhere. Is there really any need for yet another review on a spec bump? What magical new insight could be added to the dearth of info already available??
  • uhuznaa - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    Well, reliable comparisons of battery life and antenna performance would be good start.
  • LordSojar - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    It's the Android notification system we've had for years with a few minor tweaks. Wow, Apple sure is revolutionary.

    Why isn't Google suing them again? Oh right, because Google aren't a**holes... my bad.
  • uhuznaa - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    I thought Android was "open" and even GPL/Apache licensed? Hard to sue anyone doing what the license allows them to do, really.
  • lurker22 - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    Oh please just stop already it's getting old.
  • name99 - Thursday, October 20, 2011 - link

    "Why isn't Google suing them again? Oh right, because Google aren't a**holes... my bad."

    Presumably because Google don't have a patent on the idea. Why not?
    Maybe there is prior art? Maybe Google just didn't get a patent?

    Either way, throwing out random statements as you are doing is not informative. The law has its flaws, but it's not just a popularity contest. If you have something useful to say about the legal issues go right ahead, but what you have said is not helpful, implying as it does that Google would never sue over patents. To take an example, if someone started copying pagerank or the adwords system, I expect Google would be suing them the next day.
  • Yann Bodson - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    The music app new design is inspired by the old Braun vinyl players.
  • cjs150 - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link

    There is a lot to admire about the new OS, and to be fair to Apple, the iPhone has been the class of the field since it first came out.

    Problem is that the field has raised their game. The rest of the field has no hang ups about making sure their phone works well with lots of software not just "Apple approved" products - particularly Microsoft products (I am not going to start on the Flash argument - lets just say it is an example of the closed universe that Apple wants).

    Simple fact is the overwhelming majority of businesses run Microsoft products and in particular Outlook and exchange servers. If Anandtech cannot the iOS 5 calender to work with Outlook consistently what hope is there for the rest of us.

    Great as a home phone, fantastic for kids. No better than B+ for business

    More positively I really like the Apple philosphy of getting all their mobile products working the same way, there will be loads of people with mobile phones and iPads and an MP3 player of some sort. I would take issue with the idea that make OS upgrades "PC free" is a novel concept. The iPad 2 probably has more processing power than the office machine I used 7 years ago, so the concept that freeing updates from the PC is revolutionary is feeble. The real question is why did it take so long to achieve such an obvious step.
  • steven75 - Monday, October 31, 2011 - link

    Funny because many of here at this Exchange shop use iPhones with our work email just fine, calendar and all. In fact, it works quite nicely.

    We have our choice of company phones and it's extremely rare for anyone to pick anything but an iPhone. I'm sure that would be different if it didn't play so nicely with Exchange.

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