Conclusion: A Win for NVIDIA, a Mixed Bag for Clevo

At CES I had the opportunity to express to NVIDIA personnel both my enthusiasm for the GeForce GTX 460 and my stunning lack thereof for the GeForce GTX 480M. The GF100 really never should've been shoehorned into notebooks, and mercifully NVIDIA finally obsoleted it in the mobile sector in favor of the vastly more streamlined GF104.

It took us until GF114 to see what a GF104 with all of its cores might look like, but now it looks like NVIDIA may have been harvesting those fully functional GF104 chips for the 485M. Speculation isn't necessary here, though, only the bottom line: the GeForce GTX 485M is the leap in mobile graphics performance we've sorely needed. The 480M was incrementally faster than the Mobility Radeon HD 5870, which was incrementally faster than the 285M, which was incrementally faster than the 280M, ad nauseam. This is real progress, and it's easy to recommend...if you have the cash for it.

Clevo's P170HM is more difficult to recommend. This is definitely a better built, better feeling chassis from Clevo, so we can be thankful that they're not shipping notebooks in candy shells anymore. Unfortunately complaints old and new still loom over this machine: Clevo's keyboards remain both punishingly cheap and badly designed, and the 1080p screen would be perfectly serviceable except were it not for having such a finicky sweet spot.

I'd be remiss in not mentioning the Intel Core i7-2720QM beating at the heart of the P170HM, however briefly. Unless you've missed all the coverage, it should be plainly obvious by now that Sandy Bridge is another massive jump in processor performance. If you're going to shell out this kind of cash for a notebook, Sandy Bridge is absolutely worth waiting for. AVADirect offers a preorder on this and other Sandy Bridge notebooks; if you're the kind of performance-oriented user a notebook like this is catering to, that's going to be a better option instead of going the Veruca Salt route: "But Daddy, I want a gaming notebook now!"

We would like to thank AVADirect for graciously sending us the P170HM despite the Sandy Bridge recall so we could get a chance to test NVIDIA's new GeForce GTX 485M with Intel's best and brightest backing it up. We expect the Cougar Point issue to finally fade away later this month, with widespread availability of Sandy Bridge notebooks and desktops in April.

1080p Remains Better
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  • 7Enigma - Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - link

    Possibly because this is a gaming notebook?
  • SteelCity1981 - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    ver impressive especially when it goes head to head with the 980x and even beats the 980x in some benchmarks.
  • FXi - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    I can live with some glossy - don't mind the screen being that way if "some" antiglare coating was applied to the glossy part (sort of like camera lenses). But the lack of displayport is a major oversight these days. I bet longer term owners will end up a bit disappointed in this oversight.

    And why send a "test" notebook without the 2920 in it? /sigh Well guess it wasn't needed, judging from the scores, but it's what should have happened anyway.

    2920 and 485m sli would be incredible.
  • mczak - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    then it'll look much less impressive. Just marginally (if at all) faster, and (afaik) much more expensive.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    That's coming as soon as we can test it....
  • Lunyone - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    Is it me, or is ther mobile 5870 GPU missing in over 1/2 of the graphs?? Is this by design or is this because the 5870 wasn't tested on the given games listed?? One could consider this a marketing plot or something like that, but just would like some clarification on it before I label this as a marketing stunt.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    The last time we had a 5870 was before we added Mafia II, Metro 2033, and (I think) StarCraft II to the benchmarking suite. Anyway, we'll have the 6970M reviewed soon enough....
  • PlasmaBomb - Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - link

    We patiently look forward to that review...
  • carage - Monday, February 28, 2011 - link

    Once again, no Express Card slot...
  • jcandle - Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - link

    It would be nice to see this nvidia card inside more notebooks that seem less cheaply made. With the move to a single graphics option I was surprised the new Alienware M17x R3 didn't include an option for the 485m. Its certainly not an issue with cooling. I have a M6500 and it already has a 100W graphics adapter in a similar cooling configuration.

    And slightly OT... anyone else see the notebook and think they could slap together a better product with a shorty 1U with a notebook keyboard and monitor slapped on top. Honestly, if you moved the PSU outside, added a battery in its place, and were willing to sacrifice your eardrums, it could be a workable solution in similar brick sized form factor and tonnage.

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