Test Setup
Processor Intel i5-2500K ES – 3.3 GHz (3.7 GHz Turbo)
4 Cores, 4 Threads, 6MB L3
Motherboards ASUS P8P67 Pro
Gigabyte P67A-UD4
Cooling Corsair H50-1 Water Cooler
Power Supply Enermax Modu87+ 600W 80PLUS
Memory Patriot Viper Xtreme DDR3-2000 9-10-9-27 2x4GB Kit, 1.65V
Patriot Viper Xtreme DDR3-2133 9-11-9-27 2x2GB Kit, 1.65V
Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24 2x4GB Kit, 1.50V
Memory Settings Patriot Viper Xtreme DDR3-1333 9-9-9-24 2x2GB
Video Cards XFX HD 5850 1GB
Video Drivers Catalyst 10.12
Hard Drive Intel X25-M 80GB SSD Gen2
Optical Drives LG GH22NS50
Case Open Test Bed – CoolerMaster Lab V1.0
Operating System Windows 7 64-bit
USB 2/3 Testing Patriot 64GB SuperSonic USB 3.0

Power Consumption and CPU Temperature

Power consumption was tested on the default system as a whole with a wall meter connected to the power supply, using a dual GPU configuration. This method allows us to compare the power management of the UEFI/BIOS and the board to supply components with power under load, and includes typical PSU losses due to efficiency. These are the real world values that consumers may expect from a typical system (minus the monitor) using these motherboards.

System Power Draw


CPU Temperature

Neither system does too badly in power consumption readings, but the Gigabyte is behind on temperature deltas. This could easily be attributed to the mounting - while every attempt is made to repeat the mounting technique, there is always a range of statistical variation, so the 2-4ºC difference is nothing obvious to be concerned about.

Gigabyte P67A-UD4: BIOS, Overclocking System Benchmarks
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  • IanCutress - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    Long term usability isn't something that's easily tested. Sleep and hibernate is simple to test, but leaving the board on for a week? We unfortunately a) do not have enough hardware to keep the mu;tiples of same test bed and test other products at the same time, and b) if something did go wrong after a long sleep state, how long it would take to get in a different BIOS and re-run the test, or if a new BIOS had been released during the test, the test would have to be restarted. It's not a case of this being ignored by review sites, it's just not an applicable use of time, effort, and sustainability. If this is a major concern to you, then I'd suggest holding back until the next revisions of these boards hit the shelves - by that point, issues would be worked out and there would be a plethora of threads on the vendor's website describing various long term usability issues. There are always niche situations which could be looked at in more detail, and if you're up to the task, join a review website or start your own to tackle these issues specifically.

  • strikeback03 - Friday, January 21, 2011 - link

    Not to say your experiences are isolated (as I have an ASUS board that doesn't like one peripheral when resuming from sleep) but Gigabyte boards can have problems as well. I built a system for work using a P45 Gigabyte board that cannot run for more than 4 days, it just locks up after that.
  • scott967a - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    Could you throw an MSI board into the mix?
  • VahnTitrio - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    I had to order that ASUS board with basically no reviews available. Looks like I made a solid choice, as I got it for $165. I'm hoping it's waiting for me when I get home from work.
  • landerf - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    Does anyone have a break down of what usb/sata controllers each asus model uses?
  • ValueDriven - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    Thank you for this article. For me very timely w.r.t. general sandy bridge and ASUS specifically.

    I recently grabbed an i5-2500K at Microcenter for $192 after-tax, and bundled with an ASUS P8P67 (not PRO, Crossfire only) for another $127 after-tax. For a total of $320. Now all I need is some DDR3 memory and I'll have the missing components for my new build (non-gamer). So for about $375-$400, I'll have for once the basis of a mid-level enthusiast build with the latest technology and over-clockable in the high 4-5GHz range. (I usually trail the technology, letting it "depreciate." Hence, ValueDriven.)

    I've had mixed results, but generally good, with ASUS boards. Long ago I had an ASUS P2B-F (i486 I think, PENTIUM III - 750MHz) which seemed pretty good and lasted a long long time.

    Next I had an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe (AMD Athlon) board which was OK, although it did finally fail. I only hated it relative to the ABIT NF-7S board I got for a 2nd setup which oc'd a lot better, taking my Athlon from a native 1460MHz up to about 2220MHz..

    Most recently I have an ASUS P5 Deluxe WiFi-AP (with a Core2 Quad 6600) which I got on clearance when CompUSA folded (to become kids 'puter). I really can't complain about this board. In fact, it has been great. The only thing it hasn't done is oc my Q6600 as high as I'd like, but I believe this is the fault of my TUNIQ Tower120 which has a crappy mount (press fit screw retainer heads popped off during installation - requiring torch & hammer repair). If I keep this Q6600 setup, I'll probably install a new heatsink...maybe a SCYTHE Mugen 2 w/ double fans which is sitting in the closet. But then I need to get a cooler for the i5-2500k! :(

    The only GIGABYTE board I have, a GA-EP45-UD3R, I have never used. I bought it and an INTEL Q9550 for a new build which I'm probably going to skip & resell the parts. But I did buy it b/c I had heard good things about this board. (Mugen was originally for this setup.)

    SO for me the real question is: Is it better to keep the Sandy Bridge setup & part out either my unused Q9550 setup or my used Q6600 setup, OR is it better to return the Sandy Bridge and just build my Q9950? The jury is still out!
  • darckhart - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    It's not really value driven if you don't use the parts you buy... it's just a loss. that continues to depreciate.

    wrt your situation, move forward with the sandy bridge since you have it already. at 4.5+ GHz, and new board features like usb3 etc, it's already loads better than a q9550 oc and p45 chipset.
  • strikeback03 - Friday, January 21, 2011 - link

    I'd have to check, but I believe that is the same processor and motherboard I referenced above. In which case I couldn't recommend it unless you naturally shut the computer down daily or similar. We have it set up next to a stock-clock Q6600/P35 system and the student using them says the Q9550 feels faster, that said if overclocking you probably won't be able to tell much of a difference and the newer parts would probably get you more money back. the i5 is going to be a lot faster.
  • DaveSimmons - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    Do any of the three support Dolby Digital Live real-time encoding of game audio as 5.1 for the optical digital port?

    I'm using analog outs for my socket775 system but may be switching to optical digital for my next build.
  • ajp_anton - Thursday, January 20, 2011 - link

    You should've benchmarked the LAN connection. Is there any difference between Intel and Realtek?

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