N900 - A tank

Nokia has a reputation for building solid, nearly indestructible phones, and the N900 is no exception. Getting your hands on one, it's immediately obvious that the N900 takes nods from its ancestry: the N810, N800, and N770. The N900 obviously builds on the relatively tall and wide form tablet form factor heritage of those devices, squeezing it down into a pocketable form factor. That's clearly been done by trading the wide, tall, but thin internet tablet form factor from the N8xx and N770 for a thicker but smaller footprint device profile. It's obvious this is an internet tablet scaled down; part smartphone, part internet tablet. Compared to the Motorola Droid and HTC Incredible, it’s an unabashedly thick phone; this is a serious piece of hardware that doesn’t make any design compromises just for the sake of staying slim.

I already showed one photo illustrating the thickness against a few other smartphones, but here's a different angle just to drive home that point - the N900 is beefy.

But maybe that's not such a bad thing. The N900 is seriously well constructed - and I'm ashamed to admit that I found myself testing that rigidity. About a week after I got mine, I forgot that I left it on a dresser, and accidentally sent it flying across the room in a manner that would've been catastrophic for most any other smartphone. I was horrified. Miraculously, the N900 hadn't sustained a scratch, dent, or nick. It's darn near invincible in my mind after living through that one.

The N900 has a number of signature Nokia quirks that you'll be familiar with if you've used Nokia devices, but might strike others as a bit odd. First of all, on the top of the N900 is where the microUSB port is located, and a speakerphone outlet.

N900 - Top

On the bottom, you've got the spring activated standby/resume switch and 1/8" 3.5 mm headphone jack, along with a second speakerphone outlet and the end where the stylus is extracted. For me at least, putting the headset jack at the bottom is a bit confusing, as you get used to holding it this way (and considering it the top, since power is there) only to become disoriented when it's time to answer a call. I mean, look at the USB cable coming awkwardly out of the top. It just doesn't seem natural!

It's an aesthetic criticism that's hardly a major issue, but it's another small quirk that really drives home the point that this is an internet tablet in smartphone skin.

N900 - Bottom

On the left side of the N900 is the region the stylus sits in for the resistive touch screen.

N900 - Left Side

Finally, on the longer side opposite the stylus is the two position camera button, the power button (for really turning the device on or off), and the volume rocker.

N900 - Right Side
The Hardware: Motorola Droid - Continued The Hardware: Nokia N900 - Continued
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  • Fri13 - Sunday, June 20, 2010 - link

    Symbian is server-client architectured operating system. Symbian has EKA2 microkernel + servers (modules). But Symbian is not at same time _just_ the operating system. It has other features (like libraries and so on) as well what does not belong to the actual OS.
    Fact is that Symbian really is open source.

    But in other hand, the Android is not the operating system. It is a software system. The Linux is the operating system in the Android. Linux is monolithic kernel. Monolithic kernel is exactly same thing as operating system. It is the oldest (actually original) OS architecture. Server-client and layered architectures were developed almost few decades after the monolithic because there was demand to get OS architecture what is in theory more secure and more stable, but slower.

    Symbian is licensed under EPL. While Linux OS is licensed under GPLv2 (only).

    Both licenses are aproofed by the OSI and FSF. So both OS's are Libre software.
    Android is software system what has multple different licensed software in it. The Linux OS in it is the GPLv2 (what can not be changed) and the distributor itself can use as well closed source software if the license allows. Usually this means that the software platforms or the softwares what are responsible for user interface can be with different license than F/OSS license.

    By the facts, it is not true at all to say that "Android is not F/OSS operating system". Because a) Linux kernel is the operating system in Android. Android is just one distribution of the Linux. b) When talking about the operating systems and android, if wanted to be very wide speaking by terms, then Android is totally F/OSS.
  • numberoneoppa - Thursday, June 10, 2010 - link

    Great article, Brian. I learned a lot. =)
  • legoman666 - Thursday, June 10, 2010 - link

    I love my N900 :D I bought it last November, right when it was first released. I had a N810 at the time, so I was excited to get the next iteration. With PR1.2 and a modest overclock to 800mhz, it scores ~12000ms on the sunspider javascript benchmark, which is on par with the HTC Incredible and the Nexus 1.

    I didn't have to get t-mobile, as my local carrier, Cincinnati Bell, uses the same 3g frequencies as T-mobile. I get blazing fast speeds of 3mb/s.

    As Brian said in the review, the Skype integration is excellent. It even tells you how much credit you have remaining and the call cost at the end of the call. (And I can make video calls over 3g, take that iPhone)
  • topsecret - Thursday, June 10, 2010 - link

    You should test the N900 with it running meego.
  • Talcite - Friday, June 11, 2010 - link

    Nokia doesn't plan to port meego to the N900.
  • CityBlue - Friday, June 11, 2010 - link

    Yes they do plan to port MeeGo to the N900 - in fact, the N900 is the primary development platform for MeeGo so not making it available in one form or another would be utterly ridiculous.

    What Nokia have said is that the version of MeeGo that will be made available for the N900 will not be officially supported, which basically means you can't go running to Nokia Care when you find a bug. Since I can't believe anyone does this even with a supported OS, the lack of Nokia Care is no great loss - you'll still have a very large and committed community to fall back on for help.

    So in brief: Yes, MeeGo *IS* coming to the N900 - whether you install it or not is your choice.
  • jed22281 - Friday, June 11, 2010 - link

    Yup, exactly what cityblue said.
    Brian needs to clarify this in his article.
    There'll be plenty of "unofficial" support for meego on n900
  • tbutler - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - link

    ...sorry, those airquotes have some very painful memories for those of us who lived through the 770 era. When 'unofficial' support meant a kludged-together hack.
  • Brian Klug - Friday, June 11, 2010 - link

    Thanks for the clarification CityBlue, I'll definitely update. I wrote some of this partially when support wasn't fully understood.

  • topsecret - Friday, June 11, 2010 - link

    "the Motorola Droid remains the flagship of Android phones that come with a hardware keyboard"
    I dunno, the samsung moment is a pretty nice phone.

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