I am an American

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 11, 2004 3:02 PM EST
The wedding was incredible, easily the best day of my life. The honeymoon was a continuation of just that; 2 weeks in heaven to start off a wonderful marriage. I've got lots to talk about both of those matters, but given the significance of today's date I'm going to talk about one particular thing that happened while we were off on our honeymoon.

We were returning to our hotel one night and as we got out of the cab and walked to the entrance of the hotel a young guy (I'd say late 20s) holding a drink came up alongside me and said "hey pal." I looked at him at which point he said "I thought you were Osama's brother." I ignored him and walked away.

Now I was born in this country, I'm a U.S. citizen, I pay my taxes, I donate to charities, I vote, I contribute to the economy, I love my country and I wouldn't rather move to any other place, yet for the first time in my life I felt foreign than night. I felt unwelcome in the country that I had the right to be in, I had just as much right to be there as the guy who made me feel so very wrong for being there yet because of his one line I felt like I truly didn't belong. I didn't think something like that would bother me so much, after all I'm pretty good about taking things as light hearted as possible, but that one incident struck home.

And I began to wonder, had I just been really lucky since 9/11? Were there more people like him who would see me and based on the color of my skin would brand me a terrorist? What made me any less of an American than him? Haven't we been through this before? I thought the civil rights movement brought forth the idea that we can't just single out a group of people based on the color of their skin. For the first time in my life I wanted to leave, I wanted to be at home and I didn't want that home to be here.

It may not seem like much, after all it was just a 5 second interaction with some drunk jerk; drunk people say things all the time, get over it right? Well I am over it, but that isn't to say that I'm afraid of something like that happening again. I've said it before, that it all boils down to education and understanding of people and cultures other than our own.

Muslims don't hate Americans, that's just not how things work. My mom is a muslim and she'd never hurt a fly, she cried at 9/11, she donated to the relief fund, she condemned those who did it - just like everyone else. She isn't a fanatic, I'd say she follows the Qua-ran like many people follow the Bible, she doesn't interpret it strictly but she takes it to be a set of morals that she attempts to uphold in her daily life. And to those who don't believe it, must muslims are just like that. They don't walk around with AK-47s plotting ways to attack the West, they lead normal lives and have normal families just like everyone else. I've been to Iran around 5 times now, the only current example of a true Islamic state - did I see people running through the streets plotting to kill Americans? No, I saw normal people doing normal things. Sure their customs are different, but none of those customs include hating Americans. Yet I read through some of the discussions that happen online, even in our own forums, and I'm disgusted. I read statements of people who are clearly ignorant of what they are talking about, attacking people and cultures they don't understand. What if we were all judged by the acts of the D.C. sniper, McVeigh or Dahlmer? Everyone would think that any American was a crazed mass murdering psycho.

As I write this, I'm worried that my point won't get across, that everything I've said here will be dismissed at the hatred will continue. I was just as angry as anyone when the towers fell, I wanted to see someone pay, I wanted revenge - but we must all understand that the revenge isn't against every middle easterner you see. A group of people hated our government, so they took that anger and hatred not out on the government, but on over 3000 innocent people. What sense does it make to attack that group of people by targeting those that honestly have nothing to do with it, some of which are just as American as anyone else in this country.

Today we should all remember the tragedy of 9/11, but we must also remember not to let one tragedy lead us to another one. American doesn't mean white; keep in mind how this country was founded, the melting pot has evolved to include a few new shades but the fact remains the same that we are all Americans. I may not look like everyone else, but I feel the same attachment to this country - please don't make me feel unwelcome.

Take care.
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  • Anonymous - Monday, September 27, 2004 - link

    i agree with #236

    I am an American right now living in Canada and next month moving to Switzerland... The place your from is really irrelevant and although this issue is most visible at home in the US, it exists everywhere and its equally unacceptable from any side of the circle.
  • Anonymous - Monday, September 27, 2004 - link

    How about we simplify the issue:

    American or not, nobody deserves to be treated with disrespect based on stereotypes or other BS.

    We're all on this planet together.
  • Mark Anderson - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    I would imagine that many Americans feel that Arabic men between the ages of 18 and 38 COULD POSSIBLY mean to harm people who are not of the faith, in essence infidels. Get a grip, I believe most, if not all of the 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi ARABIA. While I don't condone or agree with the actions of the putz that insulted you, many Americans will be looking askance at their Arabic neighbors and wondering if they will harm their families by doing something crazy. Bomb me once shame on you, bomb me twice, shame on me.
    It's too bad that a few whackos have messed it up for everyone else, but that's the way it is now.
    BTW, congratulations on your wedding.
  • Anonymous - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link


    I am very sorry this happened to you. I can see that it hurt you tremedously and it should not have happened.

    I understand your educational major is a historical study of your heritage.

    I don't know whether you would consider this history or just an unfortunate incident due to the times and mood of "our", you and I, country at the time.

    When my Dad (white) stepped of a C-130 in San Diego in 1970, he was spat on, called a baby killer, had eggs thrown at him while he limped through the airport due to the amount of shrapnel embedded in his legs carrying the Purple Heart he had just received on the runway while serving in SouthEast Asia.

    When he passed the guanlet of U.S. Citizens of all colors and backgrounds, he had 10 of his comrades with him of all backgrounds and colors and heritage, rich and poor.

    I could go on about how long he had to endure such treatment, but I just wanted to try to put your incident in perspective and hope you can continue your outstanding website.

    Thank You

  • Anonymous - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    "..take the example of iraq atack even though there were no weapons of mass distructions present which was quiet clearly stated by the UN but still a person attacks another country just for the sake of revenge to his family"

    You conveniently forget that Saddam was a brutal dictator who killed hundreds of thousands of Shias and Kurds. Opps.....sorry I forgot, he is a Sunni Arab, therefore he has the license to kill. In fact Allah would reward him for his efforts with his own harem, after we hang him!
  • Anonymous - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link


    This is a good enough forum with ‘mainstream’ audience to expose Islam for what it really is.

    You quote. “He who has hurt one person has therefore hurt the entire human race"…give me a break! Such verses are so few and far between. Islam is all about intolerance.

    “When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.” (Quran47.4).

    “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, And seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent (accept Islam) and establish regular prayers and practices regular charity then open the way for them; for God is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 9:5)

    “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you.” (Quran-2:216)

    “Make war upon such of those who believe not the Allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth even if they are the people of the book (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya (tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (Quran-9:29)

    “….Allah promises you much booty (spoils of war) that you will capture from the defeated infidels….” (Quran - 48:20)

    “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them” (Quran-8:12)

    I will take a pause from the Quran (I haven’t even starte with the Hadits yet!)

    Judaism is as bad and as intolerant as Islam! Christianity is a shade better in that, Jesus doctrine breaks from the vicious circle of suppression, war, genocide etc. He preached a doctrine of peace, forgiveness and meekness. The apostles in the New Testament build on this. But then of course you had the crusades, but then you can, counter argue that the church of a time was more of a political entity, than a religious one. Any way the crusades were in accordance with the teachings of the Old Testament, but directly contradict the teaching of Jesus an his apostles. But not so with Jihad; jihad is based directly on the teaching of the Quran and the Hadits, and matches the life and deeds of old Mo’.

    Just look around and you will see several mullahs in mainstream mosques teaching and justifying jihad and Islamic fundamentalism. One cannot imagine a Rabbi or a Pastor of a mainstream synagogue or church today, instructing young boys to wage war on their nation till all non-Jews or nor-Christians are subjugated; they would be defrocked.

    But such instructions are a way of life in mainstream Quranic schools around the Muslim world today; I myself received such indoctrination in the Quranic School run by my local Mosque. It is funny how people like Mohammad Zeeshan and the media try to portray Islamic fundamentalism to be coming from the lunatic fringe of the Muslim faith. If the lunatic standing in the back of the mosque were practicing this, then this argument holds ground. But when the Imam in the front of the mosque shouts this, then there is a crisis in the Muslim faith.
  • Dan - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    How do you get 228 normally rational and technically interested people to become irrational and racist, not to mention completely psychotic? Create an article involving race, and then leave an open forum to comment on.

    C'mon people, give it a rest already.
  • Anonymous - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    I really don't care what faith the person I face follows, nor do I care what caste/race he belongs to. As long as he is a sensible person meaning good to those around him, it makes everyone's day.

    However, there are people like #194 above who truly bring us down. I have hardly seen people condemning their blood and their land because it does not offer them _material_ comforts. I can understand the plight of refugees who don't want to go back to their land because of the oppression that they would have to face. But this, I cannot understand.

    And this is precisely what I think Anand intended to say - that he _belongs_ to the USA, that he is a _citizen_ of the USA, that religion has _nothing_ to do with what he wanted to say, the message he wanted to share with all of us.

    So for God's sake, please stop slander and abuse here. What's happened in the past has happened. Do we really care about how old Mohammed's wife was or how old Mary was when she was impregnated? Do you think about religion based on who perpetrated the rules and what _they_ did? Shouldn't you rather evaluate the so-called rulebook objectively and see what _you_ like? Forget religion for humanity's sake and concentrate on what Anand wanted to convey and what you can do to prevent things like the one that Anand had to face. Treat everyone as your equal. Love a living being irrespective of its species, sub-species, appearance and what have you. It's then and only then will we be fortunate enough not to see an account of a single person's travails degenerate into a ~150 messages long war of hatred and disrespect.
  • NesuD - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    Well Anand just as there are fools from the middle east who in the name of their religion murder and maim innocents there are also fools here in america who based on a physical perception choose to prejudge those who appear different from themselves. Fortunately they are a very small minority and in no way should be construed as anything remotely akin to mainstream. In a perfect world 9-11 would never have happened and the drunken idiot you crossed paths with would have not made such a foolish statement but this is not a perfect world and like it or not we must live in it. Do not let it change your attitudes to your fellow americans. This country was built by men who took the high road and held themselves to a higher standard. Be like them as that is what the spirit of being an american is to strive to emulate and exceed those who have come before.
  • Mohammad Zeeshan - Sunday, September 26, 2004 - link

    to #196 and others
    this i belive is not a good place to argue over believes and i hope the only good thing v can do for the time being is address the holy statures of the other religions with some respect just like u respect the ones in your religion and try avoiding irritating and unjustified words for anything v donot have the full knowledge aboutb/c atleast this is what i always do..Anands point remains the same that ppl have this really idiotic thinking that anything bad happening to them is to be cursed to the whole caste or religion in the entire world and not merely the stupid a--holes doing it who themselves do not have the correct practices...i condemn each and everything bad event going through the world in which innocents r being hurt as the biggest sin (simply a bad thing) this is as evient in the holy Quran .."he who has hurt one person has therefore hurt the entire human race" so plz tell me could there be any possibility of those damn alqayedas or anyother group practicing islam no they r not, the only thing they do is bring disgrace to others....i have no doubt that with all the differences in the religions no religion in the world can offer any teachings which are trouble to other human beings...in the end every religion has its faith so go along take pride in it but at the same time plz learn to respect others religion as well...this world is a mess and it is not a hidden truth that the big powers around the world also contribute to the scandiling of the ones they hate and compete the most so its all added up to some stupid idiots like osama who actually r fanatics plus the policies of the so called competing world to lame up the entire compititors.I live in NY and i take pride in a lot of things USA has to offer but at times i do feel that once in a while the policies r not very convincing and v could have avoided alot of peace disruption thru our own hands take the example of iraq atack even though there were no weapons of mass distructions present which was quiet clearly stated by the UN but still a person attacks another country just for the sake of revenge to his family

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