Derek Gets Technical Again: Of Warps, Wavefronts and SPMD

From our GT200 review, we learned a little about thread organization and scheduling on NVIDIA hardware. In speaking with AMD we discovered that sometimes it just makes sense to approach the solution to a problem in similar ways. Like NVIDIA, AMD schedules threads in groups (called wavefronts by AMD) that execute over 4 cycles. As RV770 has 16 5-wide SPs (each of which process one "stream" or thread or whatever you want to call it) at a time (and because they said so), we can conclude that AMD organizes 64 threads into one wavefront which all must execute in parallel. After GT200, we did learn that NVIDIA further groups warps into thread blocks, and we just learned that their are two more levels of organization in AMD hardware.

Like NVIDIA, AMD maintains context per wavefront: register space, instruction stream, global constants, and local store space are shared between all threads running in a wavefront and data sharing and synchronization can be done within a thread block. The larger grouping of thread blocks enables global data sharing using the global data store, but we didn't actually get a name or specification for it. On RV770 one VLIW instruction (up to 5 operations) is broadcast to each of the SPs which runs on it's own unique set of data and subset of the register file.

To put it side by side with NVIDIA's architecture, we've put together a table with what we know about resources per SM / SIMD array.

Registers per SM/SIMD Core 16K x 32-bit 16K x 128-bit
Registers on Chip 491,520 (1.875MB) 163,840 (2.5MB)
Local Store 16KB 16KB
Global Store None 16KB
Max Threads on Chip 30,720 16,384
Max Threads per SM/SIMD Core 1,024 > 1,000
Max Threads per Warp/Wavefront 960 256 (with 64 reserved)
Max Warps/Wavefronts on Chip 512 We Have No Idea
Max Thread Blocks per SM/SIMD Core 8 AMD Won't Tell Us
That's right, AMD has 2.5MB of register space

We love that we have all this data, and both NVIDIA's CUDA programming guide and the documentation that comes with AMD's CAL SDK offer some great low level info. But the problem is that hard core tuners of code really need more information to properly tune their applications. To some extent, graphics takes care of itself, as there are a lot of different things that need to happen in different ways. It's the GPGPU crowd, the pioneers of GPU computing, that will need much more low level data on how resource allocation impacts thread issue rates and how to properly fetch and prefetch data to make the best use of external and internal memory bandwidth.

But for now, these details are the ones we have, and we hope that programmers used to programming massively data parallel code will be able to get under the hood and do something with these architectures even before we have an industry standard way to take advantage of heterogeneous computing on the desktop.

Which brings us to an interesting point.

NVIDIA wanted us to push some ridiculous acronym for their SM's architecture: SIMT (single instruction multiple thread). First off, this is a confusing descriptor based on the normal understanding of instructions and threads. But more to the point, there already exists a programming model that nicely fits what NVIDIA and AMD are both actually doing in hardware: SPMD, or single program multiple data. This description is most often attached to distributed memory systems and large scale clusters, but it really is actually what is going on here.

Modern graphics architectures process multiple data sets (such as a vertex or a pixel and its attributes) with single programs (a shader program in graphics or a kernel if we're talking GPU computing) that are run both independently on multiple "cores" and in groups within a "core". Functionally we maintain one instruction stream (program) per context and apply it to multiple data sets, layered with the fact that multiple contexts can be running the same program independently. As with distributed SPMD systems, not all copies of the program are running at the same time: multiple warps or wavefronts may be at different stages of execution within the same program and support barrier synchronization.

For more information on the SPMD programming model, wikipedia has a good page on the subject even though it doesn't talk about how GPUs would fit into SPMD quite yet.

GPUs take advantage of a property of SPMD that distributed systems do not (explicitly anyway): fine grained resource sharing with SIMD processing where data comes from multiple threads. Threads running the same code can actually physically share the same instruction and data caches and can have high speed access to each others data through a local store. This is in contrast to larger systems where each system gets a copy of everything to handle in its own way with its own data at its own pace (and in which messaging and communication become more asynchronous, critical and complex).

AMD offers an advantage in the SPMD paradigm in that it maintains a global store (present since RV670) where all threads can share result data globally if they need to (this is something that NVIDIA does not support). This feature allows more flexibility in algorithm implementation and can offer performance benefits in some applications.

In short, the reality of GPGPU computing has been the implementation in hardware of the ideal machine to handle the SPMD programming model. Bits and pieces are borrowed from SIMD, SMT, TMT, and other micro-architectural features to build architectures that we submit should be classified as SPMD hardware in honor of the programming model they natively support. We've already got enough acronyms in the computing world, and it's high time we consolidate where it makes sense and stop making up new terms for the same things.

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  • paydirt - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    You guys are reading into things WAY too much. Readers understand that just because something is a top performer (right now), doesn't mean that is the appropriate solution for them. Do you honestly think readers are retards and are going to plunk down $1300 for an SLI setup?! Let's leave the uber-rich out of this, get real.

    So a reader reads the reviews, goes to a shopping site and puts two of these cards in his basket, realizes "woah, hey this is $1300, no way. OK what are my other choices?"

    This review doesn't tell people what to do. It's factual. You (the AMD fanbois) are the ones being biased.
  • Jovec - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    "This fact clearly sets the 4870 in a performance class beyond its price."

    Or maybe the Nvidia card is priced above its performance class?
  • DerekWilson - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    it could be both :-)
  • Clauzii - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    I think You are right. nVidia had a little too long by themselves, setting prices as seen fit. Now that AMD/ATI are harvesting the fruits of the merger, overcomming the TLB-bug, financial matters (?), etc. etc. it seems the HD48xx series is right where they needed it.

    This is bound to be a success for them, with so much (tamable) raw power for the price asked.
  • Clauzii - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    Yeah! Nice to see competition get into the game again.

  • gigahertz20 - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    Page 21 is labeled "Power Consumption, Heat and Noise" in the drop down page box, but it only lists power consumption figures. What about the heat and noise? Is it loud, quiet? What did the temperatures measure at idle and load?
  • abzillah1 - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    I am in love
  • 0g1 - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    "NVIDIA's architecture prefers tons of simple threads (one thread per SP) while AMD's architecture wants instruction heavy threads (since it can work on five instructions from a single thread at once). "
    Yeah, they both have 10 threads but nV's threads have 24 SP's, AMD's 80 SP's. But the performance will probably be similar because both thread arbiters run about the same speed and nv's SP's run about double the speed, effectively making 48SP's (and in some special cases 96).
  • ChronoReverse - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    Perhaps it's drivers but if AMD intends for the 4870x2 to compete as the "Fastest Card", they better fix their drivers ASAP.
  • FITCamaro - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - link

    With a few driver revisions it will likely improve.

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