The Parts – The Legs and Back Plate

For good reason, the legs of the desk are probably the sturdiest parts of all.

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They are elongated hexagons in shape and the four for the main desk are all angled at the top. The feet can be adjusted a little more than one-inch by first loosening the top nut, then turning the bottom one, and then finally locking the top one again.

Click to enlarge.

Here’s a shot of the rubber coverings that one can use to keep the feet from marring up wooden or other softer floors, or just for providing more traction.

After using the desk for a couple of weeks, we have found that the F1 stands at a height that makes it comfortable to work, even with a larger office chair, and the adjustable feet really help to ensure that the unit is perfectly level.

The other important part that completes the main desk section is the back plate.

Click to enlarge.

Notice that it too has the same style holder for cables that the top has. In this next shot, we’ve turned the plate around so that you can see the side that faces the user of the desk. The trough or edge on the right side in this picture actually becomes a decent footrest.

Click to enlarge.

The Parts - The Top (cont’d) The Parts – The Case Holder Unit
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