The Parts – The Top

The 1st generation Lian Li desk comes in four varieties. The longer versions (176 cm) are designated by the F1 name, and the normal length (154.5cm) versions are called the F2. The A models’ parts are hard-anodized in a brushed, silver finish, while the B models’ parts are also hard-anodized and brushed, but jet black in color. The unit that Lian Li sent us for review is the F1B, and included both possible accessories: the side desk and the file cabinet. After taking everything out of the five large, well packed cardboard boxes, we were left with quite an array of hardware.

Click to enlarge.

The masking tape visible in some pictures is just there to hold anything that could move around in place during shipment. We’ll start our look at the individual pieces that make up the F1 / F2 by looking at the main top piece, a one-piece unit with solid aluminum top and sides.

Click to enlarge.

Not too much to say about the top of the main piece, other than its immaculate finish. The only real feature here worth noting are the cord holders on the back at either end.

These are of a simple two-part design where the inside piece comes out to allow you to fit the large ends of various types of cords, but also rotates when back in place.

Turning the piece around looking at the underside is a bit more interesting.

Index The Parts - The Top (cont’d)
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  • Tamale - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    I couldn't of said it better myself..

    I like to think of this more from the perspective of something like.. "google's CEO needs a new desk.. what should he get?" or.. "how much desk can a geek get for $3,000?"

    like I mentioned in the review.. there are plenty of people who might consider a $3,000 solid cherry desk.. but might be much more interested in something like this instead.. it's just that you probably won't see people like that posting comments here anyway..
  • WileCoyote - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    This desk is ridiculous. I haven't seen a product this year that was a bigger waste of money.
  • PeteRoy - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link">Video of this desk
  • uffda - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Saw the vid...interesting...but he over-rated it. 100%? Hardly. But it is quite good.
  • LocutusX - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    Ya know, I could probably hire a craftsman/carpenter to custom build me a computer table of *similar* design/quality for about $800-900. Materials not included.

  • Locut0s - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    I too feel that it is an absurd price to pay but the end of the article reads:

    We do not feel that it does this desk justice to try to evaluate whether or not it is worth the asking price by looking at it piece by piece because plenty of people out there will be perfectly happy with a forty-dollar plastic fold-up table for their desk. Instead, we feel as though this product fills a niche for the consumer who has already decided that they have a certain price range in mind or for the elitist who simply wants either "the best" or at least something totally new and different.

    So you don't have any reason to be "shocked" at the review.
  • Sabresiberian - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    I have 2 computers, this thing won't work for me :) I am building my own desk that will have room for 3 computers I can access with the mere pivot of my chair, plus some workspace. Is it huge? yes, but it'll work great, and all for maybe $300 in nice materials.

    Maybe the V1000 case for my 3rd computer, something I can mess with Linux on :)
  • Tamale - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    you know, with the side desk attachment I actually think it's a fairly nice workstation for two or even three computers.. especially if you have a KVM switch or virtual control over all computers with a single keyboard and mouse.. you can fit three good sized monitors AND a laptop on it fairly comfortably..
  • Bonesdad - Sunday, August 7, 2005 - link

    WOW, I can think of ALOT more useful things to do with 3K than buy a desk. I am still using my particleboard computer desk I got 9 years ago and it is in top shape. Cost me about $200. The most important thing to have is a good chair. I spent about $500 on my chair about 3 years ago.

    I can't imagine spending 3K on this...
  • ceefka - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Totally agree. Many people forget to buy a good chair.

    This desk is not even the latest state of the art in ergonomics. For 3K you'd expect them to consider ergonomics other than just have everything close at hand.

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