Performance Tests

For testing frame rates, we decided to go with three of the more popular games out today that would provide a good range of graphic variety for our cards to tackle. We tested Half Life 2 and Doom 3 at 1920x1440 and Battlefield 2 at 2048x1536. We also used 8x AF for all the games, which is turned on automatically in Doom 3 and Battlefield 2 when set on "high" quality.

If you are interested in seeing how the 7800 stands up to other cards, take a look at our original G70 review. Note that this series of articles isn't meant to be a comparative review between G70 and other GPUs, but rather is designed to help you choose a 7800.

Here is the system that we used for the benchmarks:

MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 Processor
1 GB OCZ 2:2:2:6 DDR400 RAM
Seagate 7200.7 120 GB Hard Drive
OCZ 600 W PowerStream Power Supply

Half-Life 2 Performance

Half-life 2, despite its graphical quality, gets excellent frame rates on a wide variety of cards. This one is no exception. You can see that there is only about a 3 fps difference between the reference and the EVGA e-GeForce 7800 GTX, and it gains roughly another 3 when overclocked. These increases are less than 3%, and as a general rule, a less than 3% increase is insignificant. Doom 3 and Battlefield 2's increases are significant, however.

Doom 3 Performance

Doom 3 looks great and can tax the best cards out there with the video quality turned up. We see that the EVGA gets about 2 and a half more frames than the reference, and picks up almost 3 more when overclocked. This gives us a 3.2% out-of-the-box performance increase over 7800 GTX parts clocked at 430MHz and a 7% advantage over the same when further overclocked.

Battlefield 2 Performance

Battlefield 2, the most graphically intensive of the three, looks and runs very good on this card. Those looking for the best video card to run this game need not look any further. Again, we see about a 3 fps advantage between the EVGA and reference, but when overclocked, it gets almost 4 fps more. That's about a 5.1% increase in performance over the factory overclock; not that much more than the other two games, but notable nonetheless. And if we compare this to the reference card, we see a 10.3% performance increase, which is definitely noticeable.

For those who think that 4 frames per second aren't enough to matter, over the course of one minute, 4 frames per second does add up to 240 total frames that wouldn't have been rendered otherwise. It all comes down to smoothness here, and those 240 frames help to fill in any gaps in the action. If we are going to pay somewhere near $600 for a card, we are going to expect all the smoothness that we can get.

A good question to ask is, "is it worth the risk of heat damage to overclock my card?" The short answer is, "It depends." The card is already faster than the reference right out of the box, and while you do get a small boost in frame rate when you overclock it, it's not enough to make a very big impact on your gaming experience. However, those hoping to get every last inch of an advantage might just get it by pushing the card to its limit. But do so at your own risk - overclocking these high-transistor count GPUs running at already high clock speeds can result in damage to your new $600 baby.

Overclocking Heat, Power and Noise
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  • masteraleph - Sunday, July 17, 2005 - link

    Where's the comment about Dual-Link DVI on one of the outputs? Shouldn't the fact that this card can run the Apple 30" display be noted somewhere in the review?
  • semo - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    the upcoming 7800 from evga will have (with the green cooler) asymmetric cooling system (acs). xbitlabs has reported on it yesterday i think
  • tommyw - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    I was reading this article
    and would be interested to know if Anandtech has any comments on it. According to that, if I understood properly, it is not possible to change the clocks by 1MHz steps, but by 27MHz steps. And that different parts of the core work on different frequencies.

    Interesting how will this change OCing? New challenges, yes :-) !!
  • L3p3rM355i4h - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    Last page type "pricy"
  • Son of a N00b - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    yeah OC'ing is an addiction...I still OC my 6800's a bit to play CSS even though I do not have to everytime I play (i never leave it set to startup for stability issues)....but I cannot play if my cards are not OC'ed

    anyways AWESOME article and idea for it guys! cant wait to see BFG's
  • JustAnAverageGuy - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    Typo, page 3

    7800 GXT

    Typo, page 4

  • PrinceGaz - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    If I was going to spend about $600 on a gfx card, I think I would enable at least 4x AA in games that work correctly with it. If ncessary drop down to 1600x1200 from the tested 1920x1440 or 2048x1536; my monitor does support 2048x1536 and at a good refresh rate (85hz), but the jaggies are far more noticeable at 2048x1536 without AA, than they are at 1600x1200 with 4x AA.
  • Samus - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    I can't believe they put up all those charts and failed to compare it to ANYTHING other than a 7000 series card. As #2 stated, exactly how many people are going to overclock this card? How many people care?

    I can tell you a lot of people care to know how well it fares against a 6800.
  • Zebo - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    XFX 7800GTX is much better

    470/1250 default OC and a pretty decent game controller included. Some dudes are hitting 490/1300 pretty easy with mild OCing.

    #2 -- I agree for most part.. It's different taking a 1.8 A64 to 2.8, scores will massivly improve..but some of us like to OC everything no matter's an addiction trust me.:P
  • drifter106 - Saturday, July 16, 2005 - link

    #5 thanks for the comment on your card and its overclocking ability...some people just don't know how to comprehend the written word...maybe they need to get their shit together before they make themselves look silly

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