SPECjbb MultiJVM - Java Performance

Moving on from SPECCPU, we shift over to SPECjbb2015. SPECjbb is a from ground-up developed benchmark that aims to cover both Java performance and server-like workloads, from the SPEC website:

“The SPECjbb2015 benchmark is based on the usage model of a worldwide supermarket company with an IT infrastructure that handles a mix of point-of-sale requests, online purchases, and data-mining operations. It exercises Java 7 and higher features, using the latest data formats (XML), communication using compression, and secure messaging.

Performance metrics are provided for both pure throughput and critical throughput under service-level agreements (SLAs), with response times ranging from 10 to 100 milliseconds.”

The important thing to note here is that the workload is of a transactional nature that mostly works on the data-plane, between different Java virtual machines, and thus threads.

We’re using the MultiJVM test method where as all the benchmark components, meaning controller, server and client virtual machines are running on the same physical machine.

The JVM runtime we’re using is OpenJDK 15 on both x86 and Arm platforms, although not exactly the same sub-version, but closest we could get:

EPYC & Xeon systems:

openjdk 15 2020-09-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 15+36-Ubuntu-1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 15+36-Ubuntu-1, mixed mode, sharing)

Altra system:

openjdk 15.0.1 2020-10-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 20.9 (build 15.0.1+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 20.9 (build 15.0.1+9, mixed mode, sharing)

Furthermore, we’re configuring SPECjbb’s runtime settings with the following configurables:

SPEC_OPTS_C="-Dspecjbb.group.count=$GROUP_COUNT -Dspecjbb.txi.pergroup.count=$TI_JVM_COUNT -Dspecjbb.forkjoin.workers=N -Dspecjbb.forkjoin.workers.Tier1=N -Dspecjbb.forkjoin.workers.Tier2=1 -Dspecjbb.forkjoin.workers.Tier3=16"

Where N=160 for 2S Altra test runs, N=80 for 1S Altra test runs, N=112 for 2S Xeon 8280, N=56 for 1S Xeon 8280, and N=128 for 2S and 1S on the EPYC system. The 75F3 system had the worker count reduced to 64 and 32 for 2S/1S runs.

The Xeon 8380 was running at N=140 for 2S Xeon 8380 and N=70 for 1S - the benchmark had been erroring out at higher thread counts.

In terms of JVM options, we’re limiting ourselves to bare-bone options to keep things simple and straightforward:

EPYC & Altra systems:

JAVA_OPTS_C="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC "
JAVA_OPTS_TI="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_BE="-server -Xms48g -Xmx48g -Xmn42g -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch"

Xeon Cascade Lake systems:

JAVA_OPTS_C="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_TI="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_BE="-server -Xms172g -Xmx172g -Xmn156g -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch"

Xeon Ice Lake systems (SNC1):

JAVA_OPTS_C="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_TI="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_BE="-server -Xms192g -Xmx192g -Xmn168g -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch"

Xeon Ice Lake systems (SNC2):

JAVA_OPTS_C="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_TI="-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
JAVA_OPTS_BE="-server -Xms96g -Xmx96g -Xmn84g -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch"

The reason the Xeon CLX system is running a larger back-end heap is because we’re running a single NUMA node per socket, while for the Altra and EPYC we’re running four NUMA nodes per socket for maximised throughput, meaning for the 2S figures we have 8 backends running for the Altra and EPYC and 2 for the Xeon, and naturally half of those numbers for the 1S benchmarks.

For the Ice Lake system, I ran both SNC1 (one NUMA node) as SNC2 (two nodes), with the corresponding scaling in the back-end memory allocation.

The back-ends and transaction injectors are affinitised to their local NUMA node with numactl –cpunodebind and –membind, while the controller is called with –interleave=all.

The max-jOPS and critical-jOPS result figures are defined as follows:

"The max-jOPS is the last successful injection rate before the first failing injection rate where the reattempt also fails. For example, if during the RT-curve phase the injection rate of 80000 passes, but the next injection rate of 90000 fails on two successive attempts, then the max-jOPS would be 80000."

"The overall critical-jOPS is computed by taking the geomean of the individual critical-jOPS computed at these five SLA points, namely:

      • Critical-jOPSoverall = Geo-mean of (critical-jOPS@ 10ms, 25ms, 50ms, 75ms and 100ms response time SLAs)

During the RT curve building phase the Transaction Injector measures the 99th percentile response times at each step level for all the requests (see section 9) that are considered in the metrics computations. It then computes the Critical-jOPS for each of the above five SLA points using the following formula:
(first * nOver + last * nUnder) / (nOver + nUnder) "

That’s a lot of technicalities to explain an admittedly complex benchmark, but the gist of it is that max-jOPS represents the maximum transaction throughput of a system until further requests fail, and critical-jOPS is an aggregate geomean transaction throughput within several levels of guaranteed response times, essentially different levels of quality of service.

Beyond the result figures, the benchmark keeps detailed track of timings of responses and tracks a few important statistical data-points across a response-time curve, as follows:

2S Xeon 8380 THP Enabled

2S Xeon 8280 THP Enabled 

Comparing the Xeon 8380 to the Xeon 8280, what’s to be immediately noted is the much-improved maximum throughput figure of the new part, scaling at +64% compared to its predecessor. We’re seeing that the load slope where the 99th percentile SLA figures rises comes in at a relative earlier point, and the corresponding critical-jOPS point lands in relatively earlier than the Xeon 8280.

2S EPYC 7763 THP Enabled

2S Altra Q80-33 THP Enabled

I included the AMD EPYC 7763 and Altra graphs for context.

SPECjbb2015-MultiJVM max-jOPS

 As commented in the response curve analysis, the new Xeon 8380 sees huge leaps in the max-jOPS metrics, vastly outperforming the Xeon 8280 and landing in a very favourable competitive positioning compared to the AMD parts.

My theory here is that because of the good per-core performance of the Intel design, along with the monolithic mesh architecture, while Intel doesn’t quite catch up with AMD, it performs very well with relatively significantly fewer cores.

SPECjbb2015-MultiJVM critical-jOPS

 The critical-jOPS metric however wasn’t quite as positive for the new Xeon 8380. Although the chip is showing increases in performance, there’s not as strong as the max-jOPS measurements. At first I had measured the SNC off mode of the platform, similar to the 8280 numbers we have (Our ASRock test bed doesn’t expose SNC options in the BIOS), however these results were extremely meagre as they barely differentiated to the 8280. Running the system in SNC2 mode actually improved the critical jOPS figure more significantly, whilst only marginally affecting the max-jOPS metric.

What’s really odd about the results though is that this larger increase only happens in the 2S test figures, with the 1S being unfavourable to the new Ice Lake part, losing to the 8280 in both modes. I had repeated these numbers several times to be sure they’re repeatable, and they were indeed so – as odd as that is. The 1S reduction in the critical-jOPS could be explained through the larger mesh size and larger core count of the 8380, and we did see slight regressions in core-to-core latencies. If the mesh intersection bandwidth did not increase with its size, that also could be a culprit of these figures, as the workload is hammering core-to-core transactions as well as the L3 cache of the chip.

Why the 2S figures see a bigger advantage of migrating to SNC2 could be a result of how on-chip traffic is routed, as well as the traffic flows through the UPI link blocks of the chip – at least that would be my working hypothesis.

Intel had disclosed a +62% figure for a “Java Throughput under SLA” workload they wouldn’t specify, and this does track well with our max-jOPS results. While the critical-jOPS increases seem a bit disappointing generationally, how it translates to the real world in contrast to the max-jOPS figure depends on how strict one’s SLA metrics are.

SPEC - Per-Core Performance under Load Compiling LLVM, NAMD Performance
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  • Oxford Guy - Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - link

    You're arguing apples (latency) and oranges (capability).

    An Apple II has better latency than an Apple Lisa, even though the latter is vastly more powerful in most respects. The sluggishness of the UI was one of the big problems with that system from a consumer point of view. Many self-described power users equated a snappy interface with capability, so they believed their CLI machines (like the IBM PC) were a lot better.
  • GeoffreyA - Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - link

    "today's software and OSes are absurdly slow, and in many cases desktop applications are slower in user-time than their late 1980s counterparts"

    Oh yes. One builds a computer nowadays and it's fast for a year. But then applications, being updated, grow sluggish over time. And it starts to feel like one's old computer again. So what exactly did we gain, I sometimes wonder. Take a simple suite like LibreOffice, which was never fast to begin with. I feel version 7 opens even slower than 6. Firefox was quite all right, but as of 85 or 86, when they introduced some new security feature, it seems to open a lot slower, at least on my computer. At any rate, I do appreciate all the free software.
  • ricebunny - Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - link

    Well said.
  • Frank_M - Thursday, April 8, 2021 - link

    Intel Fortran is vastly faster then GCC.

    How did ricebunny get a free compiler?
  • mode_13h - Thursday, April 8, 2021 - link

    > It's strange to tell people who use the Intel compiler that it's not used much in the real world, as though that carries some substantive point.

    To use the automotive analogy, it's as if a car is being reviewed using 100-octane fuel, even though most people can only get 93 or 91 octane (and many will just use the cheap 87 octane, anyhow).

    The point of these reviews isn't to milk the most performance from the product that's theoretically possible, but rather to inform readers about how they're likely to experience it. THAT is why it's relevant that almost nobody uses ICC in practice.

    And, in fact, BECAUSE so few people are using ICC, Intel puts a lot of work into GCC and LLVM.
  • GeoffreyA - Thursday, April 8, 2021 - link

    I think that a common compiler like GCC should be used (like Andrei is doing), along with a generic x86-64 -march (in the case of Intel/AMD) and generic -mtune. The idea would be to get the CPUs on as equal a footing as possible, even with code that might not be optimal, and reveal relative rather than absolute performance.
  • Wilco1 - Thursday, April 8, 2021 - link

    Using generic (-march=x86-64) means you are building for ancient SSE2... If you want a common baseline then use something like -march=x86-64-v3. You'll then get people claiming that excluding AVX-512 is unfair eventhough there is little difference on most benchmarks except for higher power consumption ( https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&... ).
  • GeoffreyA - Saturday, April 10, 2021 - link

    I think leaving AVX512 out is a good policy.
  • GeoffreyA - Thursday, April 8, 2021 - link

    If I may offer an analogy, I would say: the benchmark is like an exam in school but here we test time to finish the paper (and with the constraint of complete accuracy). Each pupil should be given the identical paper, and that's it.

    Using optimised binaries for different CPUs is a bit like knowing each child's brain beforehand (one has thicker circuitry in Bodman region 10, etc.) and giving each a paper with peculiar layout and formatting but same questions (in essence). Which system is better, who can say, but I'd go with the first.
  • Oxford Guy - Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - link

    Well, whatever tricks were used made Blender faster with the ICC builds I tested — both on AMD's Piledriver and on several Intel releases (Lynnfield and Haswell).

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