Performance Comparisons

Performance of the Corsair TwinX1024-4400C25 was compared to all of the memory recently tested on both the AMD Athlon 64 test bed and the Intel 875 memory test bed in:

PQI & G. Skill: New Choices in 2-2-2 Memory
Athlon 64 Memory: Rewriting the Rules
OCZ 3700 Gold Rev. 3: DDR500 Value for Athlon 64 & Intel 478
Geil PC3200 Ultra X: High Speed & Record Bandwidth
=F-A-S-T= DDR Memory: 2-2-2 Roars on the Scene
Buffalo FireStix: Red Hot Name for a New High-End Memory
New DDR Highs: Shikatronics, OCZ, and the Fastest Memory Yet
The Return of 2-2-2: Corsair 3200XL & Samsung PC4000
OCZ 3700EB: Making Hay with Athlon 64
OCZ 3500EB: The Importance of Balanced Memory Timings
Mushkin PC3200 2-2-2 Special: Last of a Legend
PMI DDR533: A New Name in High-Performance Memory
Samsung PC3700: DDR466 Memory for the Masses
Kingmax Hardcore Memory: Tiny BGA Reaches For Top Speed
New Memory Highs: Corsair and OCZ Introduce DDR550
OCZ PC3700 Gold Rev. 2: The Universal Soldier
OCZ 4200EL: Tops in Memory Performance
Mushkin PC4000 High Performance: DDR500 PLUS
Corsair TwinX1024-4000 PRO: Improving DDR500 Performance
Mushkin & Adata: 2 for the Fast-Timings Lane
Searching for the Memory Holy Grail - Part 2

AMD Memory Comparisons

Corsair TwinX1024-4400C25 was compared to other memory included in our recent Athlon 64 Memory Roundup. Memory performance was compared at 200x12 (2.4Ghz, DDR400), 218x11 (2.4Ghz, DDR438), 240x10 (2.4Ghz, DDR480), 267x9 (2.4Ghz, DDR533), the Highest Memory Speed that could be reached, and the Highest Memory Performance Settings that we could reach. With a constant CPU speed, memory comparisons show the true impact of faster speed and slower memory timings on memory performance.

Intel Memory Comparisons

For easier comparison to other TCCD memory on the Intel platform, we have color-coded memory from revent reviews of DDR400 2-2-2 memory in light green. Memory in those reviews are predominately based on Samsung TCCD memory chips. Memory performance was compared at DDR400, DDR433, DDR466, DDR500, DDR533 (where possible), and the highest stable overclock that we could achieve, which would run Quake 3, UT2003, and Super PI to 2MM places.

Results are compared for Quake 3, Sandra UNBufferred Memory Test, and Super PI. SiSoft Sandra 2004 reports 2 results for each memory test - an Integer value and a Float value. Results reported in our charts are the result of averaging the INT and FLOAT scores, which are normally close in value. In other words, INT and FLOAT scores were added and divided by 2 for our reported score.

Test Results: Corsair XMS4404v1.1 AMD DDR400/2.4GHz Performance
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  • Furen - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - link

  • Caveman2001 - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - link

    I would like to know the HT setting and what setting the ram was at (133, 166, 200) in the bios. I have a Neo2 and a powerstream 600W and the OCZ pc3200 rev. 2 and I can't get it to work at 230fsb let alone DDR500. I bought this stuff based on the reviews here and I'm starting to feel ripped off.
  • bob661 - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - link

    Wow! No comments. Anyone out there OCing with this stuff?

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