
Moving on, we have our synthetic performance testing, taking a look at geometry throughput, pixel throughput, memory compression, and more.

Synthetic: TessMark - Image Set 4 - 64x Tessellation

Given the significance of cutting a quarter of Navi 10’s GDDR6 memory bus, I was very curious to see what that would do for synthetic performance. But for better or worse, this has created more questions than it has solved.

The numbers listed below are accurate, in as much as these are the results I get when testing these cards. Whether they are correct, however, is another matter.

The problem, in short, is that due to AMD’s very aggressive power savings/idling implementation for their Navi 10 cards, I have been unable to get these cards to run at their full memory clockspeeds when executing the the Beyond3D Suite benchmark suite. The GPU clocks regularly pass 1600MHz like they should, however AMD’s telemetry is reporting that memory clocks are rarely hitting 7Gbps, let alone 12Gbps+. As a result, we end up with results like the pixel test below, where the RX 5600 XT is beating the RX 5700, an otherwise impossible outcome.

As best as I can tell, this issue has been going on since the launch of the Radeon RX 5700 series back in July, but it’s only now that I’ve noticed it, in large part due to the RX 5600 XT cards being slightly less aggressive in their idling. In other words, those cards are boosting to higher memory clockspeeds more often, putting them ahead of the RX 5700 and bringing the clocking issue front and center.

I’m still working on a proper fix for the issue, but for now the results with Navi 10 cards should be taken with a large grain of salt. The benchmark itself is still fine, but AMD’s aggressive power management (and lack of an easy means to disable it) is kneecapping AMD’s performance in these benchmarks.

Synthetic: Beyond3D Suite - Pixel Fillrate

Synthetic: Beyond3D Suite - Integer Texture Fillrate (INT8)

Synthetic: Beyond3D Suite - Floating Point Texture Fillrate (FP32)

Synthetic: Beyond3D Suite - INT8 Buffer Compression

Synthetic: Beyond3D Suite - FP32 Buffer Compression

Compute Power, Temperatures, & Noise
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  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    Did you read the review? This card uses less power than the 2060 to match its performance and runs significantly quieter. Drivers get updated monthly, with new features launched already this year. Their market share at its worst is 25%.

    If you're just going to come here to post counterfactual crap in the comments, kindly piss off.
  • cmdrmonkey - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    Their market share is 11.8% and continues to shrink. You would think with so many used mining cards being dumped on the used market for dirt cheap prices maybe it would go up. But people aren't buying the used AMD mining cards, they're buying used 1060s and 1070s. Even brokeasses buying used cards don't want AMD junk.
  • Holliday75 - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    So shrinking from Q2 2019? Man I guess AMD lost 20% market share the second half of last year. Amazing.

    "AMD saw its share of the graphics market surge in Q2 2019, with total shipments larger than Nvidia for the first time in five years. At the same time, Nvidia retains a hard lock on the add-in board market for desktops, with approximately two-thirds of total market share."
  • Korguz - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    either post links to your BS " facts " like market share... or shut up and admit you hate amd, are bias to nvidia, and you love paying nvidias high prices..
  • cmdrmonkey - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    I don't hate AMD. I want AMD to stop making junk and start really competing again.
  • Korguz - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    yes you do.. it can be seen in most of your posts.. and you didnt post links to where you get your bs claims about amds vid card market share... so.. its your own personal bias. and bs...
  • cmdrmonkey - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    shipped =/= sold. And just look at the Steam hardware survey if you want to see the actual market share.
  • Korguz - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    steam hardware survey.. should be taken with salt.. its not a 100% reliable metric... not every one has steam..
  • sarafino - Friday, January 24, 2020 - link

    Steam's hardware survey is fatally flawed, as it surveys internet cafes in China. The numbers are totally skewed and useless.
  • sarafino - Friday, January 24, 2020 - link

    Reddit: r/Amd/comments/ej6c6i/looks_like_steam_hardware_survey_is_broken_again/

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