Anisotropic Filtering

Remember, we claimed AF was not working for NVIDIA in our previous analysis. Using the NVIDIA driver (as opposed to the NV driver), and enabling AF does work, but not quite the way that you would expect on the NVIDIA 5950 Ultra that we used. Below, you can see comparisons between our image at 2X, 4X and 8X AF, as well as the difference map.

 AF Setting  Image
(click to enlarge)
 Difference Map
(click to enlarge)
No AF -

You'll notice that we didn't have any mouse-over comparisons for the above image. Quite frankly, there is not much difference from image to image, and we should see significant differences from 8X and 2X. This caused us much alarm. We also noted that NVIDIA's drivers do not support 16X AF for this card (while the Windows drivers do). Something seemed amiss. We repeated the above procedure with a GeForce 6800 Ultra.

Image Quality, TS Image Quality, AF, Trial 2
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  • mave - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link

    I guess the biggest reason why Linux performance lags behind Windows could be NVidia Linux drivers aren't optimized for doom3 yet. Their version number is 6111, windows drivers 61.77 (used for testing).

    Also Doom 3 binary will propably get performance boost later.

    (Just a guess, just have to wait and see)

    Being Linux gamer always means that you have to have patience:=)
  • jepapac - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link

    From reading your article, I'm guessing that you ran Doom 3 from within KDE on SUSE. Can you run some Doom 3 benchmarks from a super-lightweight window manager like blackbox or better yet just the failsafe xterm. I'd be interested in how much running a bloated desktop environment like KDE or Gnome slows down the gaming performance.
  • tyski34 - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link

    Putting the Linux and Windows FPS numbers on the first couple of pages on the same chart would have been very helpful (even more helpful if they were color-coded or something). As it is, it was pretty tough to compare the two.
  • Zebo - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link

    People still playing this disappointment?
  • KristopherKubicki - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link


    Like those?

  • ViRGE - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - link

    Since you're comparing Linux and Windows from time to time, wouldn't it be prudent to at least post a couple of Windows numbers, just so we know what the actual difference is?

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