Grand Theft Auto V

Now a truly venerable title, GTA V is a veteran of past game suites that is still graphically demanding as they come. As an older DX11 title, it provides a glimpse into the graphically intensive games of yesteryear that don't incorporate the latest features. Originally released for consoles in 2013, the PC port came with a slew of graphical enhancements and options. Just as importantly, GTA V includes a rather intensive and informative built-in benchmark, somewhat uncommon in open-world games.

The settings are identical to its previous appearances, which are custom as GTA V does not have presets. To recap, a "Very High" quality is used, where all primary graphics settings turned up to their highest setting, except grass, which is at its own very high setting. Meanwhile 4x MSAA is enabled for direct views and reflections. This setting also involves turning on some of the advanced rendering features - the game's long shadows, high resolution shadows, and high definition flight streaming - but not increasing the view distance any further.

Grand Theft Auto V - 3840x2160 - Very High Quality

Grand Theft Auto V - 2560x1440 - Very High Quality

Grand Theft Auto V - 1920x1080 - Very High Quality

Grand Theft Auto V - 99th PCTL - 3840x2160 - Very High Quality

Grand Theft Auto V - 99th PCTL - 2560x1440 - Very High Quality

Grand Theft Auto V - 99th PCTL - 1920x1080 - Very High Quality

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  • eek2121 - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    Why wasn't the Radeon VII included in the charts? Just curious, I may have missed why as I only skimmed the article. I'll stick with my 1080ti for now. It does a great job and costed me quite a bit less than current top of the line NVIDIA cards. Maybe next year NVIDIA will offer something worth having.
  • Kevin G - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    Hrm. Looking at the cards else where, it appears that the RTX 2070 Super supports nvLink. A dual RTX 2070 Super is an interesting alternative to the RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Super which might lead in performance per dollar over those cards. A dual RTX 2070 Super setup might give a single RTX 2080 Ti a performance challenge due to the higher clocks on the RTX 2070 Super. This would be an intersting thing to test alongside the RTX 2080 Super.
  • isthisavailable - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    Meanwhile, rip us budget plebs who were looking for improvements in $100-150 range. The 1650 is a huge disappointment and I see no new cards from AMD on the horizon.
  • Ananke - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    I've got RX590 for $160 a month ago, and it does everything 1080p on Ultra settings. I bet AMD will have at least a dozen cards under $200 range. 7nm tech makes things quadro chipper for them. I am not bashing NVidia technology but it's simply pricey for a retail consumer. Apparently the future will be renting play time from cloud gaming aka Google Play
  • scineram - Saturday, July 6, 2019 - link

    They certainly have the Navi14 chip on the horizon. Probably in the fall, maybe 24-32 CU.
  • rtho782 - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    Hm, the benchmarks are very limited, it would be much better if some other gpus (1080ti? 980ti? etc) were in it!
  • imaheadcase - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    He mentioned it will be in full review of the new amd card.
  • alexdi - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    Blah, blah, whatever. They still cost too much. The 'cheap' card you dismissed is priced like the flagship ten years ago. Real incomes have, if anything, gone down. If Nvidia wants to be the Apple of GPUs, they're welcome to it, but they're going end to with similar marketshare in the desktop space.
  • yacoub35 - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    I wish I could see how the 2060 Super compares to the previous generation like the GTX 1070. I can't even do that in your Bench, apparently, which is disappointing. Have to go searching other sites to find the answer to the most important question of just how much greater performance a 2060 Super offers over the GTX 1070 or 1070 Ti.
  • milkod2001 - Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - link

    What did you find out? That 1070 Ti is pretty much on pair with: 2060 Super?

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