Multi-Client CIFS Performance for Professional Workloads

NAS units used in SMBs / SMEs need to provide good performance under heavy load from multiple clients. The SPEC SFS 2014 benchmark uses real-life workloads (just like Intel NASPT), but makes it easier for users to understand the benchmark results. This is achieved by using the concept of business metrics. Given a particular NAS unit, how many concurrently accessed databases can reside in it? How many IP cameras or video streams can be simultaneously recorded? To determine this metric, each load point is associated with a target required op rate. If the NAS under test doesn't meet that op rate, it is deemed as an 'invalid run'. SPEC requires all published benchmarks to follow certain strict rules - such as presented results having no invalid runs for at least 10 load points. Unfortunately, small-scale NAS systems with 7200 RPM drives can't meet these requirements, Hence, we can't officially publish SPEC SFS 2014 benchmark results for the evaluation of the Netgear ReadyNAS RN202.

Using a popular filer benchmarking program, we did play back multi-client real-world professional workload access traces on the NAS using up to 10 Windows 7 VMs. However, failing to meet the required op rate criteria at a particular load point made us stop the testing a couple of load points down the road. The Netgear ReadyNAS RN202 with two 7200 RPM hard drives in RAID-1 can support recording of more than 10 video streams, up to 3 databases and at the most, 2 virutal machines.

Database Operations

The Database Operations workload seems to get acceptable performance for up to 3 clients.The detailed metrics from our trace playback are available here

Database Operations - Op Rates

Database Operations - Bandwidth and Latencies

Software Builds

The Software Builds workload doesn't seem to get acceptable performance for even one client. The detailed metrics from our trace playback are available here

Software Builds - Op Rates

Software Builds - Bandwidth and Latencies

Video Recording

The Video Recording workload gets acceptable performance for up to 10 clients (the maximum we tested).The detailed metrics from our trace playback are available here

Video Recording - Op Rates

Video Recording - Bandwidth and Latencies

Virtual Desktops

The Virtual Desktops workload gets acceptable performance for up to 2 clients.The detailed metrics from our trace playback are available here

Virtual Desktops - Op Rates

Virtual Desktops - Bandwidth and Latencies

Multi-Client CIFS Performance for Consumer Workloads Multi-Client NFS Performance for Professional Workloads
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  • mikato - Monday, November 9, 2015 - link

    How can you mention the QNAP TS-231 in the last sentence of the article like
    "Taken in the context of units such as the QNAP TS-231, the $282 diskless pricing of the RN202 is a bit too high for our liking."
    and not mention it anywhere else???? How does the Netgear ReadyNAS RN202 compare to that??

  • rama13 - Friday, June 10, 2016 - link

    It has the worst HELP, FAQ and manual I have ever seen!
    Almost never ever ever I have solved my problem or found my answer from them (or support) and always I have done try and error or just guess to solve the issues! then just ask myself why they have not mentioned this simple solution in just one sentence instead of confusing people and ask you to contact expensive support!!!!!!

    I will never buy any #Netgear products because of this kind of support!

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