The Browser

Web browsing is a pleasure on the Nexus One. The Android browser is WebKit based like Chrome, and Safari on the iPhone, and for the most part it behaves like the iPhone browser.

Pages load incredibly fast thanks to the Snapdragon SoC, unfortunately the choppy framerate while scrolling is very evident when using the browser. The screen is also perfect for viewing web pages although if you're actually trying to read anything you'll probably want to be in landscape mode.

The browser also offers more features than its iPhone counterpart (notice a trend?), you get the ability to search for text on a page and a download manager as well. The browser supports plugins and a laundry list of settings that are simply not present on the iPhone.

Managing all of these options does make the Android browser a bit more complicated. For basic browsing the functionality is the same as the iPhone, but to access any of the extras I mentioned above there are a couple more levels of menus you need to navigate through. Refreshing a page for example takes two presses instead of one on the iPhone. Accessing the download manager takes three.

Overall the screen and the faster SoC make web browsing on the Nexus One amazing compared to the iPhone. The biggest issue is that scrolling through web pages is choppy, which unfortunately detracts from how quick the phone feels.

Voice Recognition Beta...on your phone?

Spread throughout Android on the Nexus One is this icon:

It's a microphone and tapping it brings up this screen, allowing you to speak your input instead of type it:

Google will warn you that it's an experimental feature and may not work right, but in practice it seems to work very well. You can perform Google searches and dictate text messages. Apple offers a more limited voice recognition feature on the iPhone 3GS without dictation support as you may remember. As with most of the differences between these two platforms, Google's implementation of voice is more flexible while Apple's is more polished.

Performance: Faster but Choppier The Messaging App
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  • bjacobson - Monday, April 5, 2010 - link

    Motorola Droid is no better, my friend has one and OC'd his processor to 1.1Ghz and it still lags just as badly. Both choppy and lags where my finger is. I don't like it at all. This is the main reason I haven't even considered the Android platform yet. I probably will when they fix this.
  • LongTimePCUser - Wednesday, April 14, 2010 - link

    Have you tried the Moto Droid after the Android 2.1 upgrade?
    My experience was that the ui seemed smoother and faster after the upgrade.
  • eva2000 - Monday, April 5, 2010 - link

    bummer about battery life, sounds like nexus rev2 with 1700-1800mah battery in the near future heh
  • hugov - Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - link

    I'm not sure the Adreno 200 is as far behind the SGX530/535 as you suggest. The iPhone 3Gs chip (Samsung S5PC100) states in the docs ( that the GPU is capable of up to 10M triangles/sec, a far cry from the 28M reported in popular press recently. QSD8250 docs suggest up to 22M triangles. And the Adreno is a unified shader architecture GPU with no fixed-function pipes, similar to the PowerVR SGX. OTOH, the *drivers* appear to be quite lacking compared to the PowerVR drivers, at least on Linux/Android.
  • TheHolyLancer - Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - link

    I mean wow that dog seems to be focused directly on something above the camera, is that a treat or something?
  • ThePooBurner - Wednesday, April 7, 2010 - link

    I really enjoyed reading through this review. I have been wanting to move to a smart phone, but haven't been able to decide what i want. This helps put android devices into perspective in terms of what they can do and what i can expect. I happen to abhor apple, and so i will never own an iphone. I can't stand closed platforms or someone else telling me what i can and can't do with a device that i own. Their stance on "jail-breaking" sickens me. It's like telling me i can't put a new engine in my car if i want to. But that is besides the point. Windows P7 looks like it might be good, but that is a ways off. The Pre-pro looks the most appealing of the phones i have seen reviewed.

    However, there are 2 devices that i would love to see added to the list of reviewed smart phones: The Nokia n900, and the Samsung Omnia II. For the n900, I would love for you to do a review of it and show us what the Maemo platform can do, as well as a quantifiable battery life test. The phone can do just about everything, but knowing how much doing all of that affects the battery life would be great. The device from a hardware standpoint isn't that different from some of the other smart phones out. It's an Cortex A8 at 600mhz. It's got 32GB of storage (expandable to 48), 5mp camera with flash, WiFi, BT, and it also has an FM transmitter. So on paper it looks great, but there haven't really been any solid reviews on the device from good review sites that use quantifiable testing, or from non-marketing type sites. I know that it also has integration with google voice and google chat. The Omnia 2 has an 800Mhz CPU, and a lot of the same hardware features and uses the TouchWiz 2.0 WM6.5 GUI, which appears to be samsung's platform of choice going forward. It's fairly new so there isn't a whole lot of information out there on this phone yet, but it seems to be marketed as the flagship product from samsung at the moment.

    Do you think that you could review these for us? From what i have seen they both look pretty good (though the N900 looks better), but 600$ is a lot to spend without having more than marketing to go off of.

    If nothing else this article has at least brought me up to speed on android and it's benefits.
  • pepsi_max2k - Wednesday, April 7, 2010 - link

    "For example, typing yjomh instead of thong won’t autocorrect, although on the iPhone it will. "

    And I think I speak for everyone, Anand, when I say: Under what situation did you actually find this highly intriguing piece of information out?
  • SuperFly03 - Thursday, April 8, 2010 - link

    Ugh, this review is full of misinformation. I had to say something.
  • coolVariable - Thursday, April 8, 2010 - link

    1. No mention of the lacking exchange sync.
    2. No mention of the lacking copy & paste within emails
    3. No mention of the connectivity issues.
    4. No mention of attachment issues (sending or saving).
    5. No mention of file download issues.

    What a BAD review.
  • SuperFly03 - Friday, April 9, 2010 - link

    I'm not sure what Google phone you are using but the only problem I've had is no. 2. You can't copy paste within emails. I do believe that is a silly limitation but I do not think it is a big problem in the grand scheme of things.

    No. 1 is complete BS. I have been hooked into my exchange account since day 1 and have never had any issues.

    No. 3 is about as generic as you can get. I realize it is a problem that is on the Google sub-forums but likely a firmware issue not an Android issue.

    No. 4 and 5 is just laughable.

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