Final Words

This year has been a big year for Apple, and a big year for iOS devices. I’m interested to see how 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus changes how users interact with their iPhones, and I’m also interested to see what the iPad Pro means for the iPad as a productivity device. As for iOS 9 and all the existing devices it’s coming to, I would say that’s it’s not as big of a release as iOS 7 or iOS 8 was when you consider the entire ecosystem of iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. However, when you just consider the iPad iOS 9 might be the biggest and most important update that Apple has ever shipped.

Multitasking has a profound impact on how you can use an iPad. No longer do you need to interrupt your current task to quickly check another application, as you can now slide it in from the side. Watching videos is no longer something that prevents you from performing any other tasks, because now we have picture-in-picture support. The iPad Air 2 and now the iPad Mini 4 go even further with split screen multitasking, allowing you to have two applications running in the foreground at the same time. The boost to productivity that split screen multitasking enables will be enormous once applications enable support for it. To me, iOS 9 feels very focused on breaking down many of the limitation that have held the iPad back as a productivity device. The iPad has always had applications tailored to its large display, but you were still limited to using one app at a time just like a tiny 3.5” iPhone was.

The future of the iPad is something I don’t even want to attempt to speculate on, because I don’t know where it’s headed. Apple certainly gave the iPad Mini a significant update this year, but the smaller form and lower price prevent it from achieving the same performance as Apple’s bigger tablets. However, for many users the convenience of a small device is worth sacrificing a bit of performance. Apple has also gone really big with the iPad Pro, and there’s no way to say how popular it will end up being, or what percentage of users will adopt the Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard. I do wonder if they those accessories will also be made usable with future versions of the iPad Air if they prove to be popular, or if they’ll remain as tools specifically for the type of user that would purchase an iPad Pro.

While I definitely feel that iOS 9 focuses on the iPad, it’s not true to say that Apple’s other devices have been left behind. Every device benefits from the performance improvements and optimizations to save storage space that have been made to the core OS and to applications. New developer APIs open up many new possibilities, and some of the new features and APIs relating to Safari may have a significant impact on the web as we know it if Apple decides to allow ad blocking applications into the App Store.

As for Apple’s services, I think Apple Maps has matured more than I expected it would have in the past few years. Apple’s transit additions are actually really well executed, and they were enough to make me try out Apple Maps again which I think is impressive given how much I would use Google Maps on a daily basis. Apple’s foray into news aggregation with Apple News is definitely a great success as well, and while Flipboard is still my preferred application for news on Android and the web, Apple News is my app of choice on iOS. What surprises me is that Apple didn’t make an Apple News application for OS X, but I suspect that this will be coming in a future release after Apple opens up the iOS version to a greater number of countries.

I still have some complaints about iCloud. Part of the justification for 16GB devices is that users can now leverage cloud services for storing photos, videos, and other content. This is true, but Apple still only provides you with 5GB of free storage, and if you want to back up your iOS device to iCloud it counts against that storage. I think Apple is in a position where they could offer free users 15 or 25GB of storage for free, and not have their device backups count against it. This would allow all users to take advantage of iCloud backup without having to pay for an iCloud storage plan, and would make the experience on a 16GB a lot more comfortable even if 16GB is still not optimal.

On the topic of 16GB devices, it looks like we'll be seeing them for another year with the new iPad Mini 4 and the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Apple's app thinning optimizations are definitely going to help make 16GB devices more usable, particularly the app slicing aspect of app thinning. Obviously I would prefer that devices just ship with 32GB, but then I could also say that I think they should all ship with 128GB and what I would like doesn't usually align with maintaining a device's average selling price.

Siri is a feature that Apple can constantly improve on the back end, and I can definitely notice that the accuracy and speed of Siri has improved in recent times. I think Apple’s attempt to make Siri more proactive and intelligent didn’t really work out though, particularly the search screen to the left of your main home screen. I just didn’t feel that the suggestions for apps, contacts, and news were relevant to me. However, the improvements to search itself are substantial, and this will only become even more evident as developers allow their applications to be indexed by search so users can search through them for information or content.

It’s probably not surprising to hear that iOS 9 is better than iOS 8. On the iPhone I think iOS 9 brings along many smaller improvements throughout the OS, along with new APIs that developers can implement to improve the user experience. There are definitely some big changes such as the addition of Apple News and Transit in Apple Maps, but these are again just strengthening the core services of iOS rather than adding incredible new abilities and features. iOS 9 is definitely a huge release for the iPad though, and because I’ve been limited to Apple’s own applications I’ve only been able to scratch the surface of what capabilities the new multitasking features can enable. I think the iPad definitely deserved a major release that focused on it though, and it’s clear that Apple has had many of these changes in the pipeline for quite some time now.

In the end, iOS 9 offers something new and great for all iOS users, and particularly those who use an iPad. With Apple expanding their portfolio of iOS devices and implementing new features like 3D Touch there are a number of directions they could go in with future releases of iOS, and only time will tell which direction they choose.

Under the Hood: Safari
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  • dmunsie - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    The iPhone 5 and iPad 4 could be fine, but the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S probably has more than enough problems that it was easier for them to draw the line with the new ISA rather than burden developers with having to build and test for two different ISAs just to support a couple of devices.
  • greyhulk - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    It's pretty sad that Apple beat Google to the multitasking (split screen) front. In the past, Android tablets were always condidered to be the "power user tablets" and more capable, despite the smaller selection of apps. And they were built with a more ideal aspect ratio for split screen viewing, but only Samsung bothered to utilize it. Google has no excuse for not having built it into stock Android by now.
  • cknobman - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    Apple is trying to copy Windows and the Surface tablet IE "IPad Pro" LOL.

    A note taking app where you can put in anything for IOS, wow pioneers.
    NO OneNote has been doing this for years.

    A low power mode when your battery reaches 20%, mind blowing!!
    NO Windows phone has been doing this for years with tons of customization options.
  • dmunsie - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    "A note taking app where you can put in anything for IOS, wow pioneers.
    NO OneNote has been doing this for years."

    Yes, clearly Apple needed inspiration from Microsoft for this since the company that brought you the Newton over 20 years ago (which had even better note taking capabilities) couldn't have come up with this on their own.
  • jimmy$mitty - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    The Newton was a PDA, not even the first one really just a clone of the others.

    For tablets, Microsoft had a spec for a Windows tablet PC long before Apple. It was 2002 when the first Tablet PCs started hitting the shelves.

    Apple has never truly been original or innovative. Everyone claims Apple had the first GUI, no Xerox did and Xerox gave the idea to Microsoft and Apple.

    Apple is just really good at marketing and because their products are so idiot proof and appeal to the not so tech savvy, Look at how easily even toddlers can use an iPhone/iPad, they sell as the masses are not so tech savvy.

    Personally I laugh at people. People think the iPod was the first MP3 player, again there were other superior ones like the Creative Zen Blaster (which Creative also sued Apple for the MP3 player GUI and won) or the Sony Walkman.

    As said, Apple is just really good at marketing their product which has a big effect, even if they are not superior products. Most people buy products they know and have heard of.
  • cbmuir - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    Check your facts, Newton was pretty much the first PDA. The British Psion was earlier, but never got much market outside of the UK. Palm, WinCE, etc. came after Newton.

    The Newton got beat up because of the HW recognition, but after a couple years of development it was pretty darn good.
  • Swordmaekr - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    The PSion was just a pocket organizer with a chiclet keyboard, no touchpad or any capability for graphical user interface. The Newton was first.
  • Chirpie - Friday, September 25, 2015 - link

    Someone seems to make the mistake assuming that making devices for the masses is an easy thing. And it's not nice to laugh at people. It makes a person sound arrogant and unlikeable. :-P
  • kmmatney - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    Who really cares who came out with an idea first - what matters is how it's implemented.

    As an iPad4 owner and a Windows tablet owner, I am pretty disappointed with my Windows tablet (running Windows 10). The Windows store is still crappy, and I've had a lot of Apps crash on me. Even solitaire stopped working on my tablet, and the fix was to install VLC player (which re-installed a few things that a Microsoft update removed to kill solitaire!). I've given up an their Apps, too buggy and missing features. The desktop experience isn't bad, but it really does seem like I'm fighting with it all the time just to do simple things. If that was the only tablet I had, I could live with it, but the iPad just does things so much better and smoother. It's my goto device. If I want to do real work, then a laptop is much better,
  • lilmoe - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - link

    Just curious, which Windows tablet do you have? How much did you pay for it?

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