Total War: Rome 2

The second strategy game in our benchmark suite, Total War: Rome 2 is the latest game in the Total War franchise. Total War games have traditionally been a mix of CPU and GPU bottlenecks, so it takes a good system on both ends of the equation to do well here. In this case the game comes with a built-in benchmark that plays out over a forested area with a large number of units, definitely stressing the GPU in particular.
For this game in particular we’ve also gone and turned down the shadows to medium. Rome’s shadows are extremely CPU intensive (as opposed to GPU intensive), so this keeps us from CPU bottlenecking nearly as easily.

Total War: Rome 2 is another AFR-unfriendly game, and consequently a game where the fastest single-GPU setup is going to be the fastest setup overall. To that end the GTX 780 Ti once again wins at 2560, beating the 290X by 17% and coming up a fraction of a frame short of averaging 50fps. In this case Rome has something of an appetite for memory bandwidth, playing well into the GTX 780 Ti’s design due to the upgrade to 7GHz GDDR5. Consequently the GTX 780 also takes a larger than normal lead over the GTX Titan and GTX 780, beating the two cards by 11% and 24% respectively.

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  • IUU - Saturday, November 9, 2013 - link

    So, the high end of video cards can run shamelessly all the "high" end titles at 2560x1440. What are the game developers doing? So much computing power being wasted for viewing our games at nonsensical resolutions? There's still room for improvement of the game visuals, why don't they take advantage of the cards' muscle?
    I may be eccentric, but for some peculiar reason, I don't get excited by playing pacman and supermario at ultra hd.
  • Vortac - Saturday, November 9, 2013 - link

    Folding@home double precision benchmark results are somewhat strange to me. How can a 780 Ti card (with FP64=1/24 FP32) beat a 7970 aka 280X (with FP64=1/4 FP32)?
  • abhishek_takin - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    780ti is great card in terms of performance. But 700$ is too much to ask. As a gamer Max FPS is not everything. It should smooth and fast with Ultra / High details. I have 7970GHZ crossfire with 27 inch Dell dual monitor setup. My pc smokes all the latest game in the market. And ask me how much i paid 640$ and bunch of free games. I know the problem of crossfire but its not that huge for which one should opt for a single card for 700$.

    I am not a fanboy of Nvidia or AMD. If the card's price would be under 550$ then everyone would be saying that.... its the best card ever made. Only because of its big price tag lots of people are voting for 290X, 290 and 780(normal) which is very much fair.
  • nsiboro - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    780ti burnt

    NV issue stop sale

    What's happening?

    Can someone confirm this?
  • polaco - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    who on earth will be able to confirm a post on a page written in chineese?
  • nsiboro - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    Yer right.
    How about in English.
  • nsiboro - Monday, November 11, 2013 - link

    Could be a hoax. The posted image of the burnt PCI-E connector doesn't look like a 780ti.
  • nsiboro - Monday, November 11, 2013 - link

    It's confirmed to affect Galaxy branded GTX-780ti.

    UPDATE: It is reported GALAXY official has released a formal announcement, said 2013 sales between 11.7-11.10 GTX 780 Ti existence of quality defects, serial number 13B0020705-13B0020759 a total of 55 cards between the user can call the official customer service phone 400-700 -3933 for a free replacement.
  • Skr13 - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    Please fix typo at the Company of Heroes 2 page:
  • DPOverLord - Monday, November 11, 2013 - link

    What about on Surround monitors, the main draw for the Titan was that it has 6GB of Ram.

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