Total War: Rome 2

The second strategy game in our benchmark suite, Total War: Rome 2 is the latest game in the Total War franchise. Total War games have traditionally been a mix of CPU and GPU bottlenecks, so it takes a good system on both ends of the equation to do well here. In this case the game comes with a built-in benchmark that plays out over a forested area with a large number of units, definitely stressing the GPU in particular.
For this game in particular we’ve also gone and turned down the shadows to medium. Rome’s shadows are extremely CPU intensive (as opposed to GPU intensive), so this keeps us from CPU bottlenecking nearly as easily.

Total War: Rome 2 is another AFR-unfriendly game, and consequently a game where the fastest single-GPU setup is going to be the fastest setup overall. To that end the GTX 780 Ti once again wins at 2560, beating the 290X by 17% and coming up a fraction of a frame short of averaging 50fps. In this case Rome has something of an appetite for memory bandwidth, playing well into the GTX 780 Ti’s design due to the upgrade to 7GHz GDDR5. Consequently the GTX 780 also takes a larger than normal lead over the GTX Titan and GTX 780, beating the two cards by 11% and 24% respectively.

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  • polaco - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Indeed that's exactly the way I see it. AMD has played it's cards quite well this time. NVidia seems to be on it's price knees and can't compete any way. NVidia needs a new GPU to compete with Hawaii. I don't want to put into cosideration Mantle, TrueAudio, Gsync nor the Shield discount.
    Mantle and TrueAudio hasn't been demoed yet.
    Shield seems like a waste of money and almost useless for me.
    Maybe in a future if they prove to be worthy we will see Mantle, TrueAudio and Gsync to be included as part of an upgrade other standards.
  • Gigaplex - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    Only 5% faster than a $1000 card? Yeah, totally overpriced at $700.

    Sarcasm aside, it really is overpriced. But comparing it to the Titan to justify that claim doesn't work.
  • polaco - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Well looking at Anand's benchmarks I can't find a way to justify spending such amount of money on this card. AMD 290 and 290X looks way more interesting. As difference to others reviews Anand's has focused only in ultra high resolutions I think that's the way to go. Since no one would buy one of this cards (780ti, 290X) to game at 1680x1050. So at this high resolutions performances differences between the cards are barely minimal in most cases and could be reduced even more by drivers updates or settings tunning. I find no reason to spend such a difference for 780 Ti while having more than decent performance from radeon 290 at 250 bucks less. If I would want to go to an extreme instead of aquiring a 780Ti it would be better and get 2xradeon290 for 100 bucks more. So the problem of 780Ti is it's price, pure and simple. I really find difficult NVidia could lower the prices more since it looks 290 and 290X launch has putted NVidia prices to it's knees. So far I'm still waiting for 290, 290X third party coolers if they are good they can even pair or overcome 290 and 290X performance against 780Ti. What I have no doubt is how Titan and 780 early buyers must be feeling at this moment...
  • j6z7 - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    I think the majority of comments here reveals the truth behind big headlines with reviews.

    The reference 290X with 10 year old reference cooler still beating the 780ti with best cooler in CF - and it does it being $300 cheaper too!

    If anything, Nvidia shot itself in the foot against its own Titan.
    Nvidia fans will continue to support the company in ripping people off, while AMD provides same performance at affordable prices.

    End of the day, people who'll buy the 290X will be much more satisfied customers.

    The End.
  • Mondozai - Friday, December 13, 2013 - link

    Nvidia fanboys like EJS1980 are like battered wives. They are trying to rationalize themselves being raped.
  • b3nzint - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    You must be pissed with 290x being priced that low. Anyway AMD should reconsider for using that blower type fan. Nvidia have better cooling system than AMD, but for that price i just don't care. For $700? still too much.
  • b3nzint - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    what about mantle, compute power and trueaudio? u don't buy gpu for just friggin fps number!
  • wwwcd - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    WoW Ryan cut my comment. I know he is a really hard green fen, but this censor not placed with democracy. I can revenge of m-r Anand!
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Uh, we haven't deleted anything. Are you sure you haven't just misplaced your comment?
  • not_there - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    I'm not a gamer, but I like to put a decent video card in my builds to run Folding@Home. It's real science and it helps heat my basement. Reading the reviews here I'm confused (someone point out what I'm missing). In a June review of the GTX 760 the Radeon HD 7970 got a 36.1 and in this review, the same card on the same test got a 29.3. This was the Folding@Home Explicit, Single Precision benchmark. June number for the GTX 770 in this test was 35.6 and in the same test on the same card in this review the benchmark is 15.1. Why the difference?

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