Sleeping Dogs

Another Square Enix game, Sleeping Dogs is one of the few open world games to be released with any kind of benchmark, giving us a unique opportunity to benchmark an open world game. Like most console ports, Sleeping Dogs’ base assets are not extremely demanding, but it makes up for it with its interesting anti-aliasing implementation, a mix of FXAA and SSAA that at its highest settings does an impeccable job of removing jaggies. However by effectively rendering the game world multiple times over, it can also require a very powerful video card to drive these high AA modes.

Sleeping Dogs is another game where the 780 fills out a gap, but falls closer to the 7970GE than NVIDIA would like to see. At 64.4fps it’s fast enough to crash past 60fps at 2560 with high AA, but this means it’s narrower win for the GTX 780, beating the GTX 680 by 23% but the 7970GE by just 7%. Meanwhile the GTX 780 trails the GTX Titan by 12%.

The minimum framerates, though not bad on their own, do not do the GTX 780 any favors here, and we see the GTX 780 fall behind the 7970GE here by over 10%. Interestingly this is just about an all-around worst case scenario for the GTX 780, which has the GTX 780 trailing the GTX Titan by almost the full 15% theoretical shader/texture performance gap, and the lead over the GTX 680 is only 10%. Sleeping Dogs use of SSAA in higher anti-aliasing modes is very hard on the shaders, and this is a prime example of what GTX 780’s weak spot is going to be relative to GTX Titan.

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  • Finally - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    The GTX770 is a GTX680 with a different BIOS.
  • Degong330 - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    Amused to see blind fanboy comments=
  • PaulRod - Friday, May 24, 2013 - link

    Well it is... slightly tweaked core, new bios, slightly improved performance... only worth buying if you're still on a 500/6000 series card or older.
  • YukaKun - Friday, May 24, 2013 - link

    Actually, it is true... At least, for the curent PCB GTX680's

  • Ninjawithagun - Monday, May 27, 2013 - link

    No, Finally is correct - the GTX 770 really is a GTX680 with a different BIOS! Unfortunately, there is no way to flash an existing GTX680 to a GTX770, in spite of early reports that such a capability existed. It was found out that in fact, the BIOS that was used to flash a GTX680 to a GTX770 was in fact a fake. The BIOS was a modified GTX680 BIOS made to look as if it were a GTX770 BIOS. Confused yet? lol The bottom line is that the only difference between a GTX680 and GTX770 is the clock speeds. The GTX770 comes in at around 11-12% faster clock speeds and as such is about that much faster in frame rate rendering in games. So if you already own one or more GTX680s, it is definitely NOT worth upgrading to a GTX770!
  • An00bis - Friday, May 31, 2013 - link

    this reminds me of the 7870, differences of under 10%, about 5% clock to clock compared to a 7850 that can OC the same, and people still buy it even though it's like $50 or more expensive than a 7850, just because it comes with a 1ghz OC, compared to a 7850 that only comes at about 800mhz stock.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    The 770 is using a revised version of the chip. While we're unlikely to see a large improvement it should run slightly faster for the same TDP.
  • Hrel - Friday, May 24, 2013 - link

  • Machelios - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    Better value than Titan, but still very niche...
    I'd like to see what Nvidia and AMD can bring at $250 in their next gen cards 
  • AssBall - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    Agreed. A good video card should cost about as much as a good CPU, or a good MB.

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