Skylake's iGPU: Intel Gen9

Both the Skylake processors here use Intel’s HD 530 graphics solution. When I first heard the name, alarm bells went off in my head with questions: why is the name different, has the architecture changed, and what does this mean fundamentally?

Not coming up with many details, we did the obvious thing – check what information comes directly out of the processor. Querying HD 530 via Intel's OpenCL driver reports a 24 EU design running at 1150 MHz. This is different than what GPU-Z indicates, which points to a 48 EU design instead, although GPU-Z is not often correct on newer graphics modules before launch day. We can confirm that this is a 24 EU design, and this most likely follows on from Intel’s 8th Generation graphics in the sense that we have a base GT2 design featuring three sub-slices of 8 EUs each.

As far as we can tell, Intel calls the HD 530 graphics part of its 9th Generation (i.e. Gen9). We have been told directly by Intel that they have changed their graphics naming scheme from a four digit (e.g. HD4600) to a three digit (HD 530) arrangement in order "to minimize confusion" (direct quote). Personally we find that it adds more confusion, because the HD 4600 naming is not directly linked to the HD 530 naming. While you could argue that 5 is more than 4, but we already have HD 5200, HD 5500, Iris 6100 and others. So which is better, HD 530 or HD 5200? At this point it will already create a miasma of uncertainty, probably exaggerated until we get a definite explanation of the stack nomenclature.

Naming aside, Generation 9 graphics comes with some interesting enhancements. The slice and un-slice now have individual power and clock domains, allowing for a more efficient use of resources depending on the load (e.g. some un-slice not needed for some compute tasks). This lets the iGPU better balance power usage between fixed-function operation and programmable shaders.

Generation 9 will support a feature called Multi Plane Overlay, which is a similar feature to AMD’s video playback path adjustments in Carrizo. The principle here is that when a 3D engine has to perform certain operations to an image (blend, resize, scale), the data has to travel from the processor into DRAM then to the GPU to be worked on, then back out to DRAM before it hits the display controller, a small but potentially inefficient operation in mobile environments. What Multi Plane Overlay does is add fixed function hardware to the display controller to perform this without ever hitting the GPU, minimizing power consumption from the GPU and taking out a good portion of DRAM data transfers. This comes at a slight hit for die area overall due to the added fixed function units.

As shown above, this feature will be supported on Win 8.1 with Skylake’s integrated graphics. That being said, not all imaging can be moved in this way, but where possible the data will take the shorter path.

To go along with the reduced memory transfer, Gen9 has support for memory color stream compression. We have seen this technology come into play for other GPUs, where by virtue of fixed function hardware and lossless algorithms this means that smaller quantities of image and texture data is transferred around the system, again saving power and reducing bandwidth constraints. The memory compression is also used with a scalar and format conversion pipe to reduce the encoding pressure on the execution units, reducing power further.

Adding into the mix, we have learned that Gen9 includes a feature called the ‘Camera Pipe’ for quick standard adjustments to images via hardware acceleration. This adjusts the programmable shaders to work in tandem for specific DX11 extensions on common image manipulation processes beyond resize/scale. The Camera Pipe is teamed with SDKs to help developers connect into optimized imaging APIs.

Media Encoding & Decoding

In the world of encode/decode, we get the following:

Whereas Broadwell implemented HEVC decoding in a "hybrid" fashion using a combination of CPU resources, GPU shaders, and existing GPU video decode blocks, Skylake gets a full, low power fixed function HEVC decoder. For desktop users this shouldn't impact things by too much - maybe improve compatibility a tad - but for mobile platforms this should significantly cut down on the amount of power consumed by HEVC decoding and increase the size and bitrate that the CPU can decode. Going hand-in-hand with HEVC decoding, HEVC encoding is now also an option with Intel's QuickSync encoder, allowing for quicker HEVC transcoding, or more likely real-time HEVC uses such as video conferencing.

Intel is also hedging their bets on HEVC by also implementing a degree of VP9 support on Skylake. VP9 is Google's HEVC alternative codec, with the company pushing it as a royalty-free option. Intel calls VP9 support on Skylake "partial" for both encoding and decoding, indicating that VP9 is likely being handled in a hybrid manner similar to how HEVC was handled on Broadwell.

Finally, JPEG encoding is new for Skylake and set to support images up to 16K*16K.

Video Support

The analog (VGA) video connector has now been completely removed from the CPU/chipset combination, meaning that any VGA/D-Sub video connection has to be provided via an active digital/analog converter chip. This has been a long time coming, and is part of a previous committment made by Intel several years ago to remove VGA by 2015. Removing analog display functionality will mean added cost for legacy support in order to drive analog displays. Arguably this doesn’t mean much for Z170 as the high end platform is typically used with a discrete graphics card that has HDMI or DisplayPort, but we will see motherboards with VGA equipped in order to satisfy some regional markets with specific requirements.

HDMI 2.0 is not supported by default, and only the following resolutions are possible on the three digital display controllers:

A DP to HDMI 2.0 converter, specifically an LS-Pcon, is required to do the adjustments, be it on the motherboard itself or as an external adapter. We suspect that there will not be many takers buying a controller to do this, given the capabilities and added benefits listed by the Alpine Ridge controller.

The Skylake CPU Architecture Skylake's Launch Chipset: Z170
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  • boeush - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    A good point, but I think you missed this page in the review:

    The other pages where all CPUs are normalized to 3 Ghz are for generational IPC comparison, not memory scaling. The later "what you can buy" pages repeat all the same tests but with all CPUs at full default clocks, as well - to gauge the combined effect of IPC and frequency scaling across generations.

    Still missing and hopefully to be addressed in a future follow-up, is a study of generational overclocked performance, and performance under DDR4 frequency scaling with and without CPU (other than memory) overclocking.
  • MrSpadge - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Well, on the page before the one you linked Ian says:
    "For these tests, both sets of numbers were run at 3.0 GHz with hyperthreading disabled. Memory speeds were DDR4-2133 C15 and DDR3-1866 C9 respectively."
    I think this applies to both memory scaling pages.

    You've got a good point, though, that the "what you can buy" section compares DDR4-2133 and DDR3-1600 (latency unspecified) at default CPU clocks. And from a quick glance the differences there are not that different from the ones obtained in the dedicated memory scaling section.
  • Nutti - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Left out all the AMD FX processors? Looks pretty bad for AMD this way. FX is still much better than 7870K. Zen will nicely catch up with Intel. AMD needs 40% improvement over FX8350 and they will sure get that through better IPC and multithreading.
  • Bambooz - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Wishful thinking from a fanboi
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Ad hominem isn't a rebuttal, bud.
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    The FX does nicely in a modern game like Witcher 3 that uses all of its threads as can be seen here:

    Anandtech has been doing the "let's throw in a dozen APUs and completely ignore FX" for some time now. The only thing it accomplishes is obscuring the fact that the FX can be a better value for a workstation (rendering and such) that also has some gaming requirements.
  • nils_ - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    You probably should have run the Linux Tests through Phoronix Test Suite, the Linux Bench seems rather outdated with Ubuntu 11.04 (we are on 15.04 now).
  • eeessttaa - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Great article as always. I wish intel would leave the fivr in it. i know how hot it got but instead of removing it they should've improved on its design.
  • Nelviego - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Seems it might finally be time to OC my i7 2600k and give it another 4 1/2 years. ;)
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link

    Intel made everyone think Skylake was going to be a massive improvement on all fronts. Massive IPC increase. Massive technological advance. People shilled for Intel by claiming it was highly likely that Skylake wouldn't need a new socket and would just use LGA 2011-3.

    Instead, we get ... what? Chips that aren't significantly better than Haswells, let alone Broadwell?

    I guess Intel is sandbagging even more than usual since AMD isn't doing anything new on the CPU front. So much for all of the intense Skylake hype. It amazes me, too, how people are blithely now saying "I guess I'll wait for Kaby Lake" -- the same people, often enough, who said Skylake would revolutionize computing.

    It looks like this is what happens when Intel has minimal competition. The FX chips are still clinging to relevance now that consoles have 8 threads and weak individual cores (not that you'd know it based on the way this site never puts even one of them into its reviews in favor of weaker APUs) -- and because rendering programs like Blender can use their threads which can make them a decent value for budget workstation use, but their design is from 2012 or so. Overclocking is also keeping old chips like the 2500K viable for gaming.

    I admit I feel for the hype a bit. I was expecting at least some sort of paradigm-shifting new tech. Instead... I don't see anything impressive at all. A new socket... a small gain in efficiency... rinse repeat.

    An article I read recently said that overclocking will become increasingly non-viable as process nodes shrink. It seems we're seeing that already. The article says an Intel executive said Intel is taking overclocking seriously but the company may not have much choice.

    Intel should have included hardware devoted to h.265 encoding for Skylake at least. Maybe it did, but it's not like I can tell by the charts provided. What is the point of putting in that h.265 encoding chart and not including the fastest non-E Haswell (4790K) and a Haswell-E (5820K)? It makes it look like your site is trying to hype Skylake. Don't you think people who are doing a lot of tasks like that which require serious performance (like the "slowest" setting in Handbrake) are going to need to see a comparison with the best available options?

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