Total War: Rome 2

The second strategy game in our benchmark suite, Total War: Rome 2 is the latest game in the Total War franchise. Total War games have traditionally been a mix of CPU and GPU bottlenecks, so it takes a good system on both ends of the equation to do well here. In this case the game comes with a built-in benchmark that plays out over a forested area with a large number of units, definitely stressing the GPU in particular.
For this game in particular we’ve also gone and turned down the shadows to medium. Rome’s shadows are extremely CPU intensive (as opposed to GPU intensive), so this keeps us from CPU bottlenecking nearly as easily.

Total War: Rome 2 - 2560x1440 - Extreme Quality + Med. Shadows

Total War: Rome 2 - 1920x1080 - Extreme Quality + Med. Shadows

Total War: Rome 2 - 1920x1080 - Very High Quality + Med. Shadows

With Total War: Rome 2, we’re back to a pattern of the R9 285 performing slightly better than the R9 280 it replaces. At 5% faster it’s a small difference, but it helps to secure the card’s overall lead in the averages. At this point we can only assume that we’re once again seeing color compression in action, though as an RTS with tessellation we can’t entirely rule out some of those geometry improvements playing a part too. Whatever the reason, it puts AMD in a good spot competitively. The R9 285 is once again within striking distance of the GTX 770, all the while leaving the GTX 760 behind by a rather unexpected 20%.

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  • Alexvrb - Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - link

    "if other GCN 1.1 parts like Hawaii are any indication, it's much more likely the 280 maintains its boost clocks compared to the 285 (due to low TDP limits)"

    This is what you said. This is where I disagreed with you. The 285 maintains boost just as well as the 280. Further, GCN 1.1 Bonaire and even Hawaii reach and hold boost at stock TDP. The 290 series were not cooled sufficiently using reference coolers, but without any changes to TDP settings (I repeat, stock TDP) they boost fine as long as you cool them. GCN 1.1 boosts fine, end of story.

    As far as Tonga goes, there's almost no progress in performance terms. In terms of power it depends on the OEM and I've seen good and bad. The only additions that really are interesting are the increased tessellation performance (though not terribly important at the moment) and finally getting TrueAudio into a mid-range part (it should be across the board by next gen I would hope - PS4 and XB1 have the same Tensilica DSPs).

    I would hope they do substantially better with their future releases, or at least release a competent reference design that shows off power efficiency better than some of these third party designs.
  • chizow - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link

    Yes, and my comment was correct, it will ALWAYS be "more likely" the 280 maintains its boost over other GCN 1.x parts because we know the track record of GCN 1.0 cards and their conservative Boost compared to post-PowerTune GCN1.x and later parts as a result of the black eye caused by Hawaii. There will always be a doubt due to AMD's less-than-honest approach to Boost with Hawaii, plain and simple.

    I also (correctly) qualified my statement by saying the low stated TDP of the 285 would be a hindrance to exceeding those rated specs and/or the performance of the 280, and we also see that is the case that in order to exceed those speed limits, AMD traded performance for efficiency to the point the 285's power consumption is actually closer to the 250W rated 280.

    In any case, in another day or two, this unremarkable part is going to become irrelevant with GM104 Maxwell, no need to further waste any thoughts on it.
  • etherlore - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    Speculating here. The data parallel instructions could be a way to share data between SIMD lanes. I could see this functionality being similar in functionality to what threadgroup local store allows, but without explicit usage of the local store.

    It's possible this is an extension to, or makes new use of, the 32 LDS integer units in GCN. (section 2.3.2 in the souther islands instruction set docs)
  • vred - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    And... DP rate at last. Sucks to have it at 1/16 but at least now it's confirmed. First review where I see this data published.
  • chizow - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    It has to be artificially imposed, as AMD has already announced FirePro cards based on the Tonga ASIC that do not suffer from this castrated DP rate. AMD as usual taking a page from Nvidia's playbook, so now all the AMD fans poo-poo'ing Nvidia's sound business decisions can give AMD equal treatment. Somehow I doubt that will happen though!
  • Samus - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    If this is AMD's Radeon refresh, if the 750Ti tells us anything, they are screwed when Maxwell hits the streets next month.
  • Atari2600 - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    The one thing missed in all this - APUs.

    As we all know, APUs are bandwidth starved. A 30-40% increase in memory subsystem efficiency will do very nicely for removing a major bottleneck.

    That is before the move to stacked chips or eDRAM.
  • limitedaccess - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link


    Regarding the compression (delta color compression) changes for Tonga does this have any effect on the actual size of data stored in VRAM.

    For instance if you take a 2gb Pitcarin card and a 2gb Tonga card showing the identical scene in a game will they both have identical (monitored) VRAM usage? Assuming of course the scenario here is neither is actually hitting the 2gb VRAM limit.

    I'm wondering if it possible to test whether or not this is the case if unconfirmed.
  • Ryan Smith - Sunday, September 14, 2014 - link

    VRAM usage will differ. Anything color compressed will take up less space (at whatever ratio the color compression algorithm allows). Of course this doesn't account for caching and programs generally taking up as much VRAM as they can, so it doesn't necessarily follow that overall VRAM usage will be lower on Tonga than Pitcairn. But it is something that can at least be tested.
  • abundantcores - Thursday, September 11, 2014 - link

    I see Anand still don't understand the purpose of Mantle, if they did they wouldn't be using the most powerful CPU they could find, i would explain it to them but i think its already been explained to them a thousand times and they still don't grasp it.

    Anand are a joke, they have no understanding of anything.

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