Battlefield 3

Our multiplayer action game of our benchmark suite is Battlefield 3, DICE’s 2011 multiplayer military shooter. Its ability to pose a significant challenge to GPUs has been dulled some by time and drivers, but it’s still a challenge if you want to hit the highest settings at the highest resolutions at the highest anti-aliasing levels. Furthermore while we can crack 60fps in single player mode, our rule of thumb here is that multiplayer framerates will dip to half our single player framerates, so hitting high framerates here may not be high enough.

Battlefield 3 - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality + 4x MSAA

BF3 typically favors NVIDIA cards, so it comes as no great shock that performance has once again flipped in advantage of the GTX 690.

Battlefield 3 - Delta Percentages - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality + 4x MSAA

Looking at our delta percentages this is another game where AMD has made massive gains; previously they’d be so unbalanced that every other frame for a long stretch of the benchmark would be a runt frame. 12.6% is the single best showing for the 7990 and much closer to where we would like AMD to be. They still have more than twice the variability of the GTX 690, but if every game were like this AMD would in a better position than where they’re going to be with this first phase of frame pacing.

The graphical representation of our FCAT data neatly matches our numeric analysis, once again showcasing AMD’s improved frame pacing, while showing how much farther they have to go to catch NVIDIA.


Battlefield 3 - 95th Percentile FT - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality + 4x MSAA

Finally this is another case where improving on the frame pacing situation by so much has greatly improved on 95th percentile times. Though 7990 still trails GTX 690, as you’d expect given the latter’s general performance lead.

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  • bl4C - Sunday, September 15, 2013 - link

    Hello Ryan,
    It would be interesting to see what this new FCAT testing system can learn us about the Lucid Virtue technology:
    I don't think I've seen any conclusive benchmarking yet, because traditional frame rates reported are not "real" when using Lucid Virtue ... Any idea if FCAT can learn us something meaningful, any change you could shed some light on it ?
  • DerekPDX - Friday, October 4, 2013 - link

    Does this address the frame pacing issue with dual graphics and Richland APUs?

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