Metro: 2033

Paired with Crysis as our second behemoth FPS is Metro: 2033. Metro gives up Crysis’ lush tropics and frozen wastelands for an underground experience, but even underground it can be quite brutal on GPUs, which is why it’s also our new benchmark of choice for looking at power/temperature/noise during a game. If its sequel due this year is anywhere near as GPU intensive then a single GPU may not be enough to run the game with every quality feature turned up.

With our second game the GTX 670 already begins to dig itself out of its hole from Crysis. Like the GTX 680 it doesn’t do particularly well here compared to AMD’s best, but it’s enough for a very slight lead on the 7950. At the same time however the GTX 670 falls farther behind the GTX 680, hitting an 8% gap at 2560.

Crysis: Warhead DiRT 3
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  • versesuvius - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Hey, what is your problem. I acknowledged general better frame rates of 680 over 7970 up front. And I am not talking about SLI setups either. It is single card performance which AMD delivers superior to NVIDIA over the years. Yes, NVIDIA has a way with video game engine makers. It has been like that for as long as anyone can remember.

    I said I am not going to insisting on NVIDIA skipping frames, but I am going to insist that you read the post correctly. Skipping frames is different from frame rate. A card can render as many frames as it likes and skip as many as it likes. A card that renders all frames is the honest one, while the card that skips is the frame rate can be the frame rate champ.

    I am not a fanboy of anything. However, since you are so keen on numbers, AMD is the king of compute which is by far more important at this point in the evolution of the GPU than the few extra frames that NVIDIA can churn out. AMD should definitely keep a hefty price premium over NVIDIA cards for that reason alone. In other words it is up to NVIDIA how low it wants to go.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Go to Tech Report, they do a render time count on frames, which indicates according to theory, which cards offer "smooth" frame rates in which games.
    Your "feeling" might have something to do with that, although by your last post I'll go even more with amd fanboy for you now, than I had thought before.
    If "smoothness" is your problem, and hence you "feel" nVidia is cheating, you perhaps should get the 301.24 driver and then use it's CP adaptive v-sync ( on non 6000 cards back to 8 series) or less so possibly the prefer full power setting. Beyond that use the EVGA precision frame rate target.
    On the other hand, you think nVidia is cheating, so don't do any of the above and go with that thought. I'm sure no one has discovered nVidia skipping frames (roll eyes)

    Furthermore, there is a new tech designed by the Israeli company called LucidLogix for z68 sandy bridge boards that allows one to use their discrete GPU card in conjunction with the onboard SB gpu core (HD3000) outputting the frames, and it uses an algorithm software and a certain cache/computing portion of the SB gpu to eliminate extra frames and parts of frames that would not be fully rendered and be cut off by the refresh rate - reducing or eliminating tearing for instance in frame rates higher than the monitors resolution -
    It COUNTS frames it throws away - resulting in a higher on screen FPS score, smoother gameplay, and a higher frame rate overall, although not as high as it's counter claims. So THAT would be something akin to your suspicious amd fanboy complaint, but it works on amd and nvidia alike.

    That would be very nice, BTW, if amd "kept" a hefty price premium over nVidia, but first they'd have to currently be priced higher - and since they are not because they suck in comparison, good luck with that. :)

    If you need your dream fulfilled, go check the Cuda and Stream high end Commercial rendering cards and maybe you'll have a glow of red pride.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    It's like your idiotic "feeling" that people who need high end GPGPU cards are going to buy the stupidly cheap and driverless gaming card by amd called the 7970 or the 7950.
    The COMPUTE CARDS cost THOUSANDS of dollars each.
    You people have turned into drooling idiots repeating dummy of world talking points.
    I mean the absolute stupidity is really irritating.


    That's one, ONE ONLY, amd HD79xx in COMPUTE CARD form - it's Was: $2,149.99
    Now: $2,139.99
    Save: $10.00

    plus shipping....of $7.87

    OK, well whoop die doo - you won't be gaming with, and the cards here reviewed WON'T be COMPUTING LIKE IT.
  • versesuvius - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    You have failed miserably. I can assure you of that. That is, by displaying fairly and squarely in a public forum that you do not know anything about GPU computing and when you are wised up to it, you go ahead and sample workstation graphic cards. NVIDIA has that class of cards, too. It is called Quadro. Both Firepro and Quadro brands where there long before GPU computing took off, and both brands where equally proportionally priced far higher above the mainstream gaming cards. Those cards use the same chips that mainstream cards too, with wider io capabilities and most important of all highly tuned drivers. And surprise, surprise, the compute prowess of a Firepro or Quadro card is the same as the gaming mainstream cards . It is in the control that those cards exercise on what gets out of the card, that sets them apart. So, there you go. Blow off all the air you can. It is not going to change anything. You have no idea about what you are talking about.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    You didn't say anything I didn't already say, you idiot.
  • versesuvius - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    You fail again, you miserable know nothing. Just because you talk too much, way way over your coupon, doesn't mean you have said anything of significance. What imbecile would cite Firepro as a computing GPU! Oh, you just did, and even fail knowing what you, your very self, said. GPU computing with Firepro or Quadro. That is stupid. How did you come up with that?
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    " Anyway, 7970 is a superior product over 680 if only for the compute performance it offers. "

    The 680 whomped the 7970 winning 3 compute benches over your superior if only for compute amd loser card.

    Congratulations on another great teaching lesson for all of us, boy you are really on top of things.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Firepro is a compute GPU you moron.
  • versesuvius - Saturday, May 12, 2012 - link

    You fail again, you know nothing imbecile.
    All modern GPUs come with compute capabilities. You fail again in reading and absorbing basic facts. You fail in reading and remembering what you have said on this very thread and yet expect to be taken seriously.
    Read up thread once again. Firepro and Quadro use the same chips that are used in mainstream, consumer cards. It is the drivers and outside of the chip, i.e. on the board, where the differences emerge. 7970 is far, far superior to NVIDIA for HPC and compute heavy applications. 580 is a lot better than 680 when it comes to GPU computing. That is what Anandtech called " What is left behind" with the 680. 680 is more power efficient than 7970 by about 10% on load. On idle power efficiency is about the same, with 7970 even better. Yet 7970 is about twice faster than NVIDIA. That means having half the number of 7900 chips in an HPC application will achieve the same result at half the cost. And since 580 is discontinued, NVIDIA is in a lot of trouble. They will have to rely on 570 chips for any competition with 7900 chips. That is NVIDIA's crowning achievement in the retro computing department.

    Frankly, HPC is not the domain of gamers, and I am not surprised that you are totally ignorant about it.
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, May 12, 2012 - link

    Well you have no point just more amd fanboy rhetoric, and you've been wrong how many times in a row now ?
    Let's just add up your number of posts here and we'll give you a big break and count one "WRONG!" for each of your posts.
    I'm (not) looking forward to you explaining the 7970 loser status on the benches compute page in the review, because you won't, you can't and amd lost, and you're sad and pissed and frankly you don't understand why, obviously, ever lessening is the outside chance you could actually bring yourself to admit it's loss.

    Have a nice day fella.

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