Despite the good brightness uniformity, the color uniformity of the ViewSonic is really not very good. The middle "row" of the display does well, with an average dE of 1.84, but the top and bottom of the display both have average dE values that are closer to 2.5. The overall average dE for the display is 2.31, but that is really brought down by the middle row. The upper left corner has a dE over 3, which is uncommon and indicates that there will be a clearly visible color shift for anything in that corner of the display. Looking at the breakdown by color, you can see the grayscale in the upper left has a very large shift, with a dE over 3 over the entire range. I was really quite surprised by the poor uniformity in color after the very good uniformity in brightness, as poor backlight uniformity is often the cause for color shifts around the display.

LCD Color Uniformity

The color gamut for the ViewSonic is just sRGB and measured 73.15% of the Adobe RGB gamut. This falls in line with the color quality and the backlighting system, as the errors occur in those shades of blue that are at the edge of sRGB and it is not unexpected at all.

LCD Color Quality

Brightness and Contrast 3D, Gaming Lag and Power Usage
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  • MobiusStrip - Monday, January 9, 2012 - link

    "as most monitors will be used with web pages, word processors, and spreadsheets, there are a lot of white backgrounds that will accentuate it."

    Yep, because of the continued use of failed inverse-video color schemes from the "desktop publishing" fad, during which vendors wanted to draw an analogy between the screen and a sheet of paper. That analogy fails because a sheet of paper doesn't EMIT light, the way a screen going full-blast in your face does.

    At least with most OSes you can set up a color scheme that makes sense, with a dark background and light text. Mac users are SOL, since the vaunted Mac UI still doesn't have user-definable color schemes (which Windows has had for 20 years).
  • RPsen - Sunday, January 28, 2018 - link

    I love premium sound of ViewSonic V3D231, because it has SRS for high quality sound.


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