Crysis 3

Still one of our most punishing benchmarks, Crysis 3 needs no introduction. With Crysis 3, Crytek has gone back to trying to kill computers and still holds “most punishing shooter” title in our benchmark suite. Only in a handful of setups can we even run Crysis 3 at its highest (Very High) settings, and that’s still without AA. Crysis 1 was an excellent template for the kind of performance required to drive games for the next few years, and Crysis 3 looks to be much the same for 2015.

Crysis 3 - 3840x2160 - High Quality + FXAA

Crysis 3 - 3840x2160 - Low Quality + FXAA

Crysis 3 - 2560x1440 - High Quality + FXAA

With GTX Titan X being based on the same iteration of the Maxwell architecture as the GTX 980 and its GM200 GPU essentially built as a GM204 + 50%, it comes as no surprise that the performance gains over GTX 980 are going to be rather consistent. In Crysis 3 the GTX Titan X holds a 35% performance lead at 4K, with that lead tapering slightly to 30% at 2560. Meanwhile the lead over the GK110 cards isn’t quite what we saw with BF4, dropping to around 45% and 55% for GTX 780 Ti and GTX Titan respectively.

As one of our most punishing games, this is also a good example of where even GTX Titan X will come up short at 4K. Even without MSAA and one step below Crysis 3’s Very High quality settings, the GTX Titan X can only muster 42fps. If you want to get to 60fps you will need to drop to Low quality, or drop the resolution to 1440p. The latter will get you 85.2fps at the same quality settings, which again highlights GTX Titan X’s second strength as a good card for driving high refresh rate 1440p displays.

Meanwhile this is another game where our multi-GPU cards still pull ahead, reminding us of the spoiler potential for the R9 295X2 and the GTX 980 SLI. In fact AMD gets some very good scaling here, and they need it as the GTX Titan X bests the R9 290XU by 56% at 4K High.

Battlefield 4 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
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  • Braincruser - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    The titan was teased 10 days ago...
  • Tunnah - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    It feels nVidia are just taking the pee out of us now. I was semi-miffed at the 970 controversy, I know for business reasons etc. it doesn't make sense to truly trounce the competition (and your own products) when you can instead hold something back and keep it tighter, and have something to release in case they surprise you.

    And I was semi-miffed when I heard it would be more like a 33% improvement over the current cream of the crop, instead of the closer to 50% increase the Titan was over the 680, because they have to worry about the 390x, and leave room for a Titan X White Y Grey SuperHappyTime version.

    But to still charge $1000 even though they are keeping the DP performance low, this is just too far. The whole reasoning for the high price tag was you were getting a card that was not only a beast of a gaming card, but it would hold its own as a workstation card too, as long as you didn't need the full Quadro service. Now it is nothing more than a high end card, a halo product...that isn't actually that good!

    When it comes down to it, you're paying 250% the cost for 33% more performance, and that is disgusting. Don't even bring RAM into it, it's not only super cheap and in no way a justification for the cost, but in fact is useless, because NO GAMER WILL EVER NEED THAT MUCH, IT WAS THE FLIM FLAMMING WORKSTATION CROWD WHO NEEDING THAT FLIM FLAMMING AMOUNT OF FLOOMING RAM YOU FLUPPERS!

    This feels like a big juicy gob of spit in our faces. I know most people bought these purely for the gaming option and didn't use the DP capability, but that's not the point - it was WORTH the $999 price tag. This simply is not, not in the slightest. $650, $750 tops because it's the best, after all..but $999 ? Not in this lifetime.

    I've not had an AMD card since way back in the days of ATi, I am well and truly part of the nVidia crowd, even when they had a better card I'd wait for the green team reply. But this is actually insulting to consumers.

    I was never gonna buy one of these, I was waiting on the 980Ti for the 384bit bus and the bumps that come along with it...but now I'm not only hoping the 390x is better than people say because then nVidia will have to make it extra good..I'm hoping it's better than they say so I can actually buy it.

    For shame nVidia, what you're doing with this card is unforgivable
  • Michael Bay - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    So you`re blaming a for-profit company for being for-profit.
  • maximumGPU - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    no he's not. He's blaming a for-profit compaby abusing it's position at the expense of its customers.
    Maxwell is great, and i've got 2 of them in my rig. But titan X is a bit of a joke. The only justification the previous titan had was that it could be viewed as a cheap professional cards. Now that's gone but you're still paying the same price.
    Unfortunately nvidia will put the highest price they can get away with, and 999$ doesn't seem to deter some hardcore fans no matter how much poor value it represents.
    I certainly hope the sales don't meet their expectations.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    I would argue that the vram may be needed later on. 4GB is already tight with SoM, and future games will only push that up.
    people said that 6GB was too much for the OG titan, but SoM can eat that up at 4k, and other games are not far behind. especially for SLI setups, that memory will come in handy.
    Thats what really killed the 770. gpu was fine for me, but 2GB was way to little vram.
  • Tal Greywolf - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    Not being a gamer, I would like to see a review in which many of these top-of-the-line gaming cards are tested against a different sort of environment. For example, I'd love to see how cards compare handling graphics software packages such as Photoshop, Premier Pro, Lightwave, Cinema 4D, SolidWorks and others. If these cards are really pushing the envelope, then they should compare against the Quadro and FirePro lines.
  • Ranger101 - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    I think it's safe to say that Nvidia make technically superior cards as compared to AMD,
    at least as far as the last 2 generations of GPUs are concerned. While the AMD cards consume
    more power and produce more heat, this issue is not a determining factor when I upgrade unlike
    price and choice.

    I will not buy this card, despite the fact that I find it to be a very desirable and
    techically impressive card, because I don't like being price-raped and because
    I want AMD to be competitive.

    I will buy the 390X because I prefer a "consumer wins" situation where there are at least 2
    companies producing competitive products and lets be clear AMD GPUs are competitve, even when you factor in what is ultimately a small increase in heat and noise, not to mention lower prices.

    It was a pleasant surprise to see the R295X2 at one point described as "very impressive" yet
    I think it would have been fair if Ryan had drawn more attention to AMD "wins," even though they
    are not particularly significant, such as the most stressful Shadow of Mordor benchmarks.

    Most people favour a particular brand, but surely even the most ardent supporters wouldn't want to see a situation where there is ONLY Intel and ONLY Nvidia. We are reaping the rewards of this scenario already in terms of successive generations of Intel CPUs offering performance improvements that are mediocre at best.

    I can only hope that the 390X gets a positive review at Anandtech.
  • Mystichobo - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    Looking forward to a 390 with the same performance for 400-500. I certainly got my money's worth out of the r9 290 when it was released. Don't understand how anyone could advocate this $1000 single card price bracket created for "top tier".
  • Geforce man - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    What still frustrates me, is the lack of using a modern aftermarket r9 290/x.
  • Crunchy005 - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    I actually really like how the new titan looks, shows what can be done. The problem with this card at this price point is it defeats what the titan really should be. Without the couple precision performance this card becomes irrelevant I feel(overpriced gaming card). The original titan was an entry level compute card outside of the quadro lineup. I know there are drawbacks to multiGPU setups but I would go for 2 980's or 970's for same or less money than the Titan X.

    I also found these benchmarks very interesting because you can see how much each game can be biased to a certain card. AMDs 290x, an old card, beat out the 980 in some cases, mostly at 4k resolutions and lost in others at the same resolution. Just goes to show that you also have to look at individual game performance as well as overall performance when buying a card.

    Can't wait for the 390x from AMD that should be very interesting.

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