Trends in Smartphone Cameras

Recently, I became annoyed with the way Dropbox camera upload just dumps images with no organization into the “/Camera Uploads” folder, and set out to organize things. I have auto upload enabled for basically all the smartphones I get sampled or use on a daily basis, and this became a problem with all the sample photos and screenshots I take and want to use. I wrote a python script to parse EXIF data, then sort the images into appropriate camera make and model folders to organize things. An aberration of having this script put together was easy statistical analysis of the over four thousand images I’ve captured on smartphones from both rear and front facing cameras, and I was curious about just how much storage space the megapixel race is costing us. In addition I was curious about whether there’s much of a trend among certain OEMs and the compression settings they choose for their cameras. The plot shows a number of interesting groupings, and without even doing a regression we can see that indeed storage space is unsurprisingly being consumed more by larger images, with the 13 MP cameras already consuming close to 5 MB or more per image.

If we sort them into bins we can see that most really end up between a few KB in size to 6 MB, with the panoramas and other large stitched composites providing a long tail out to 16 MB or more.

The conclusion for the broader industry trend is that smartphones are or are poised to begin displacing the role of a traditional point and shoot camera. The truth is that certain OEMs who already have a point and shoot business can easily port some of their engineering expertise to making smartphone cameras better, those without any previous business are at a disadvantage, at least initially. In addition we see that experiences and features are still highly volatile, there’s real innovation happening on the smartphone side.

Evaluating Image Quality
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  • MrSpadge - Sunday, February 24, 2013 - link

    You're right, conceptually one would "only" need to adapt a multi-junction solar cell for spatial resoluition, i.e. small pixels. This would introduce shadowing for the bottom layers similar to front side illumination again, though. Which might be countered with vias through the chips, at the cost of making manufacturing more expensive. And the materials and their processing become way more expensive in general, as they will be CMOS incompatible III-V composites.

    And worst: one could only gain a 3 times higher light sensitivity at maximum, so currently it's probably not worth the effort.
  • mdar - Thursday, February 28, 2013 - link

    I think you are talking about Foveon sensors, used by Sigma to make some of their DSLR cameras. Since photons of different colors have different energies, they use this principle to detect color. Not sure how they do it (probably by checking at which depth the electron is generated), but there is lot of information on web about it.
  • fuzzymath10 - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    one of the non-traditional imaging sensors around is the foveon x3 sensor. each pixel can sense all three primary colours rather than relying on bayer interpolation. it does have many limitations though.
  • evonitzer - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    Yeah, like only being in Sigma cameras that use Sigma mounts. Who on earth buys those things? The results are stunning to see, but they need some, well, design wins, to use the parlance of cell phones.

    They also need to make tiny sensors. AFAIK they only have the APS-C one, and those won't be showing up in phones anytime soon. :)
  • ShieTar - Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - link

    The camera equivalent of a 3 LCD projector does exist, for example in so-called "Multi-Spectral Imager" instruments for space missions. The light entering the camera aperture is split into spectral bands by dichroic mirrors, and then imaged on a number of CCDs.

    The problem with this approach is that it takes considerable engineering effort to make sure that all the CCDs are aligned to each other with sub-pixel accuracy. Of course the cost of multiple CCDs and the space demand for the more complex optical system make this option quiet irrelevant for mobile devices.
  • nerd1 - Friday, February 22, 2013 - link

    I wonder who actually tested the captured image using proper analysing software (Dxo for example) to see how much they ACTUALLY resolve?

    And I don't think we get diffraction limit of 3um - see the chart here

    We have 1.34um at f2.0 and 1.88um at f2.8.
    Typical 8MP sensor have 1.4um photosites so 8MP sensors looks like an ideal spot for f2 optics. (Yes, 13MP @ 1.1um is just marketing gimmick I think)

    In comparison, 36MP Nikon D800 has 4.9um photosite size, which is diffraction limited between f5.6 and f8.
  • jjj - Friday, February 22, 2013 - link

    "smartphones are or are poised to begin displacing the role of a traditional point and shoot camera "
    That started quite a while ago so a rather disappointing "trends"section. Was waiting for some actual features , ways to get there. and more talk about video since it's becoming a lot more important.
  • Johnmcl7 - Friday, February 22, 2013 - link

    Agreed, the presentation feels a bit out of date for current technology particularly as you say phone cameras have been displacing compact cameras for years - I'd say right back to the N95 which offered a decent 5MP AF camera and was released before the first Iphone.

    I'm also surprised to see no mention of Nokia pretty much even though they've very much been pushing the camera limits, their ultra high resolution Pureview camera showed you could have a very high number of pixels and high image quality (which this article seems to claim isn't possible even with lower resolution devices) and the Lumia 920 is an interesting step forward in having a physical image stabilisation system.

    Also with regards to shallow depth of field with F2, that's just not going to happen on a camera phone because depth of field is primarily a function of the actual focal length (not the equivalent focal length) so to get a proper shallow depth of field effect (as in not shooting at very close macro distances) a camera phone would need a massive aperture many stops wider than F2 to counter the very short focal length.

  • Tarwin - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Actually it makes sense he doesn't mention all that. He's talking about trends, the Pureview did not fit into the trends, both in quality and sensor size.

    Optical image stabilization doesn't fit in either as it only affects image quality in less than ideal situations such as no tripods/shaky hands. But he did mention the need for extra parts in the module configuration shouldnthat be part of the setup.

    And in his defence of the comment ofndisplacing P&S cameras, he says "smartphones are or are poised to begin displacing the role" so he's notnsaying that they aren't doing it already, he gives you a choice in perspectives. Also I don't think you can say the N95 displaced P&S at the market level, only in casual use.
  • Manabu - Friday, February 22, 2013 - link

    What about the "large" sensor 41MP Nokia 808 phone? It is sure a interesting outlier.

    And point & shot cameras still have the advantage of optical zoom, better handling, and can have bigger sensors. Just look at S110, LX7 or RX100 cameras. But budget super-compact cameras are indeed in extinction.

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