LG devices typically have good displays, no matter how the rest of the device turns out (notable exception: the Revolution). The G2x, for example, was one of my favorite smartphones simply because the display was very, very good. It wasn’t borne out so much in our numerical tests, but the IPS panel had decent contrast and brightness numbers and really, really nice colour reproduction, so it looked very nice even if it couldn’t match the brightness or contrast ratio numbers of the Sensation or Droid X2.

The Optimus 4X HD’s namesake is the same obligatory massive 720p display that has seemingly defined every headline phone since the Galaxy Nexus. It’s an IPS panel like the G2x, and looks similarly great, with a pixel density of 312 PPI, class leading brightness and near-180 degree viewing angles. It’s an RGB stripe panel, so subpixel density ends up matching the One X and being higher than the RGBG Pentile panels in the Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3. The O4XHD at full brightness is actually painful on the eyes, and the numbers back it up - this is the brightest phone we've had go through our labs:

Brightness (White)

Brightness (Black)

Contrast Ratio

The contrast ratio of 857:1 is essentially the same as the G2x, and certainly competitive by mobile display standards - the black levels are a little bit on the high side, which is what hurts the display respective to the One X’s SLCD2 panel, but it’s not terrible. The only real issue I could find is that the screen appears to be set back a bit from the glass, and the gap results in a bit of extra glare that can be quite distracting under direct sunlight. It’s a minor complaint at best though, and the screen is bright enough to overcome the glare.

But while the display is very good, it can’t top the One X, which is far and away the most impressive mobile display I’ve seen thus far. I prefer the O4X HD to the Galaxy Nexus and put it just ahead of the SGS3, but both the One X and the One XL (AT&T One X) are just at a different level right now. 

Battery Life Camera
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  • Death666Angel - Thursday, August 30, 2012 - link

    Why does it belong there? In my opinion it is counter intuitiv to the way I put the phone back in my pocket. It is usually upside down in my pocket when I am not listening to music because that is how my hand can most easily put it there after I hold it in my hand. Now, when I listen to music via ear plugs I always have to change my grip before putting it away, so that the ear plug is not getting bent or pokes my thigh or something. Very annoying but it seems to become the standard and apparently some people like it, but I habe never seen an explanation for it.
  • JimmiG - Thursday, August 30, 2012 - link

    LG really need to improve their support for me to consider them again. The Optimus 2X has *still* not been updated with ICS. First it was going to come out in Q2, then Q3, then LG said the update had been pulled and wouldn't be released at all. The latest word is that it will at least be released for Korean customers, but maybe not worldwide.

    Meanwhile, Nvidia refuses to release the Tegra2 drivers needed for third parties like CyanogenMod to release a fully functioning custom ROM.

    Of course, the Optimus 4X is already running a current version of Android, but what happes in a year and a half when ICS/Jelly is no longer the latest and greatest?
  • manik. - Thursday, August 30, 2012 - link

    Good one from LG. The UI is, indeed, good.
  • mosu - Friday, August 31, 2012 - link

    After installing Android apps on a high variety of devices, a specific range and mainly no multimedia related I've come to the conclusion that Tegra 3 sucks.Could someone better informed than me provide a link for existing products with A15 , preferably OMAP or Exynos chips inside?
  • Barnassey - Friday, August 31, 2012 - link

    You need to correct the maxximum size for micro sd on the GS3. It can take up to a 64GB card.
  • subscrive - Sunday, September 2, 2012 - link

    LG lost its way when they announced that they wont support upgrade to ICE for some of their models.

    All these new models will not help. Only competition blunder can.

    Try http://www.shopatsite.com/v1/
    Its different.

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