Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City is loosely based on Unreal Engine 3, while the DirectX 11 functionality was apparently developed in-house. With the addition of these features Batman is far more a GPU demanding game than its predecessor was, particularly with tessellation cranked up to high.

In single-GPU scenarios the GTX 680 and 7970 are almost tied here, but in multi-GPU scenarios that’s an entirely different story. AMD’s Crossfire implementation here is completely busted; performance gains are minimal, and performance losses are possible. Meanwhile NVIDIA is seeing 85%+ scaling, which shoots the GTX 690 well ahead of the 7970 and ensures that the GTX 690 is getting a fluid framerate at 5760. AMD simply isn’t competitive here at this time.

Meanwhile intra-NVIDIA competition is once again strong. The GTX 690 hits between 96% and 97% of the performance of the GTX 680 SLI, indicating that GPU boost is managing to boost to some pretty high clocks here.

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  • Death666Angel - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    Hey guys!
    Thanks for the article, I enjoyed the read (although I am not in the market for dual GPU configurations after trying the HD3870X2 and 2*8800GTS, happy with one 7970 OC'ed to the max.). But you seem to be missing the numbers for noise from the HD7970 in a CF configuration. I hope you can post them! :D
  • Ryan Smith - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    This was mentioned on the Test page, but we don't have a matching pair of 7970 cards; what we have is a reference card and an XFX 7970 BEDD. Power and temperature are the same regardless, but it would be improper to list noise because of the completely different acoustic properties of the BEDD.
  • Mygaffer - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    How does that stack up, especially price/performance? Why didn't your conclusion address that question at all? Totally limits the usefulness of the review in my opinion.
  • rs2 - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    As per the data in your article, the GTX690 is clocked 10% below the GTX680, and has a 5% lower boost clock. This may be a small compromise, but it is a compromise nonetheless.

    More accuracy and less hyperbole, please.
  • pixelstuff - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    Seems to me they should be saving money in the construction when compared to two 680 in SLI. Half the fans, half the connectors, have the circuit boards. They should have at least cut $50 off the suggested retail price.

    Also when will be see 3 of these running in SLI form?
  • Holler - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    Also when will be see 3 of these running in SLI form?

    you won't only one SLI connector.

    not that impressed, i'll be holding on to my overclocked 1.5 GB TRI-SLI GTX 480 hydro coppers for the forseeable future, this card should atleast double the RAM it has now...
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, May 5, 2012 - link

    Half the magnesium, half the aluminum, half the PLX chips, half the R&D, half the vapor chambers, half the chip binning, half the power circuits, half the copper pcb's.... oh no wait, all those are added expenses, not reductions...
    I guess they should be charging $200 over the 2x$499 dollar usual price.
    See how actually using the facts, instead of sourpuss emotion delivers a different picture ?
  • will54 - Friday, May 4, 2012 - link

    These cards are sold out on Newegg for $1200 per. talk about taking advantage on a 20% markup over the msrp,hopefully AMD knocks the prices way down when they bring out there 7990, $800 sounds about right.
  • faster - Friday, May 4, 2012 - link

    Now I need a new keyboard because I was drooling into mine as I read this review. I have a GTX 680, but I don;t like to run SLI setups - I had a bad experience with my dual 560ti's. This looks like a truly awesome card that would hold its value for resale later. Nevertheless, there is no way I'm spending a grand on a video card.
  • Origin32 - Saturday, May 5, 2012 - link

    I predict that the 790 will, finally, be able to run Crysis. Next year an era will end. Enjoy it while it lasts, folks.

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