Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City is loosely based on Unreal Engine 3, while the DirectX 11 functionality was apparently developed in-house. With the addition of these features Batman is far more a GPU demanding game than its predecessor was, particularly with tessellation cranked up to high.

In single-GPU scenarios the GTX 680 and 7970 are almost tied here, but in multi-GPU scenarios that’s an entirely different story. AMD’s Crossfire implementation here is completely busted; performance gains are minimal, and performance losses are possible. Meanwhile NVIDIA is seeing 85%+ scaling, which shoots the GTX 690 well ahead of the 7970 and ensures that the GTX 690 is getting a fluid framerate at 5760. AMD simply isn’t competitive here at this time.

Meanwhile intra-NVIDIA competition is once again strong. The GTX 690 hits between 96% and 97% of the performance of the GTX 680 SLI, indicating that GPU boost is managing to boost to some pretty high clocks here.

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  • chadwilson - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    OpenCL by it's very nature is open, it is not an AMD API.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 4, 2012 - link

    Not after amd gets through with it.
  • silverblue - Friday, May 4, 2012 - link

    We'll see once somebody posts benchmarks of it.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Excuse me but you're wrong, again.
    " by Ryan Smith on Thursday, May 10, 2012
    According to WinZip it only supports AMD GPUs, which is why we're not using it in NVIDIA reviews at this time. "
    Ryan's comment from the 670 release review.
  • chadwilson - Friday, May 4, 2012 - link

    You haven't bothered to do even the most basic research as to who owns OpenCL have you? Perhaps you should visit google before posting hyperbole
  • CeriseCogburn - Saturday, May 5, 2012 - link

    I'm sure the gamer's manifesto amd company "ownz it" now, and also certain it has immediately become all of yours favorite new benchmark you cannot wait to demand be shown here 100% of the time, it's so gaming evolved.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, May 11, 2012 - link

    Here's some research mt know it all: " by Ryan Smith on Thursday, May 10, 2012
    According to WinZip it only supports AMD GPUs, which is why we're not using it in NVIDIA reviews at this time. "
    Congratulations on utter FAIL.
  • eman17j - Sunday, August 19, 2012 - link

    look at this website

  • prophet001 - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    First off, thank you for this review. If you didn't do this, we'd have no idea how these GPUs perform in the wild. It is very nice to come here and read a graph and make educated decisions on which card we should purchase. It is appreciated.

    The one thing that I wanted to question is why you feel that you can't recommend the 7970. At the very least perhaps the recommendation of which card to get should be based on the game you're playing.

    Reviewing the data you published, the average frame rates for the 5 top performers over all bench marks are;

    680 SLI 119 fps
    690 GTX 116 fps
    7970 CF 103 fps
    680 GTX 72.9 fps
    7970 65.5 fps

    Also, the number of times which the 7970 dipped below 60 fps in the benchmarks (excluding the minimum frame rate benchmarks) alone, without the 680 doing the same was 4. This is over 29 benchmarks and some of the dips were minimal.

    This aligned with the price considerations makes me wonder why one wouldn't consider the 7970?
  • Ryan Smith - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - link

    "The one thing that I wanted to question is why you feel that you can't recommend the 7970. At the very least perhaps the recommendation of which card to get should be based on the game you're playing."

    Under normal circumstances we would do this. For example GTX 570 vs Raadeon HD 6970 last year; the two traded blows often enough that it came down to the game being played. However the key was that the two were always close.

    In 20% of our games, 7970CF performance is nowhere close to GTX 690 because CF is broken in those games. It would be one thing if AMD's CF scaling in those games was simply weaker, but instead we have no scaling and negative scaling in games that are 5+ months old.

    For single card setups AMD is still fine, but I cannot in good faith recommend CF when it's failing on major games like this. Because you never know what games in the future may end up having the same problem.

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