Civilization V

The other new game in our benchmark suite is Civilization 5, the latest incarnation in Firaxis Games’ series of turn-based strategy games. Civ 5 gives us an interesting look at things that not even RTSes can match, with a much weaker focus on shading in the game world, and a much greater focus on creating the geometry needed to bring such a world to life. In doing so it uses a slew of DirectX 11 technologies, including tessellation for said geometry and compute shaders for on-the-fly texture decompression.

Civilization V continues to vex us for a couple different reasons. For all the DirectX 11 bells and whistles it uses, it’s definitely CPU limited at times. And on the other hand, adding a second GPU definitely helps, but only for AMD, as NVIDIA even with a Civilization V SLI profile is gaining practically nothing. Finally, those GTX 480 and 580 numbers aren’t wrong – it really does get faster at higher resolutions for reasons we can only assume are due to the triangles getting larger and easier to rasterize and/or cull.

In any case the GTX 580 still manages to nearly top the charts at 2560, as in lieu of good SLI/CF scaling, the biggest single GPU is worth having. Ultimately we appear to be CPU limited at this resolution, which for reasons unknown doesn’t bode well for the 5970. Meanwhile at 1920 the picture gets turned on its head, with the GTX 580 effectively tying the GTX 480 here while at the same time AMD’s mutli-GPU configurations pull ahead.

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  • Sihastru - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    At this point it makes no sense to get rattled up about the 580. We must patiently wait for the 69x0 cards and see what they can bring to the table. I heard rumours of AMD delaying their cards to the end of the year in order to do some "tweaks"...
  • nitrousoxide - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    Delaying is something good because it indicates that Cayman can be very big, very fast and...very hungry making it hard to build. What AMD needs is a card that can defeat GTX580, no matter how hot or power-hungry it is.
  • GeorgeH - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    Is there any word on a fully functional GF104?

    Nvidia could call it the 560, with 5="Not Gimped".
  • Sihastru - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    I guess once GTX470 goes EOL. If GTX460 had all it's shaders enabled then the overclocked versions would have canibalized GTX470 sales. Even so, it will happen on occasion.
  • tomoyo - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    My guess is there will be GTX 580 derivatives with less cores enabled as usual, probably a GTX 570 or something. And then an improved GTX 460 with all cores enabled as the GTX 560.
  • tomoyo - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    Good to see nvidia made a noticeable improvement over the overly hot and power hungry GTX 480. Unfortunately way above my power and silence needs, but competition is a good thing. Now I'm highly curious how close the Radeon 69xx will come in performance or if it can actually beat the GTX 580 in some cases.
    Of course the GTX 480 is completely obsolete now, more power, less speed, more noise, ugly to look at.
  • 7eki - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    What we got here today is a higher clocked, better cooled GTX 480 with a slightly better power consumption. All of that for only 80$ MORE ! Any first served version of non referent GTX 480 is equipped with a much better cooling solution that gives higher OC possibilites and could kick GTX 580's ass. If we compare GTX 480 to a GTX580 clock2clock we will get about 3% of a difference in performance. All thanks to 32 CUDA processors, and a few more TMU's. How come the reviewers are NOW able to find pros of something that they used to criticise 7 months ago ? Don't forget that AMD's about to break their Sweet Spot strategy just to cut your hypocrites tongues. I bet that 6990's going to be twice as fast as what we got here today . If we really got anything cause I can't really tell the difference.
  • AnnonymousCoward - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - link

    32W less for 15% more performance, still on 40nm, is a big deal.
  • 7eki - Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - link

    32W and 15% you say ? No it isn't a big deal since AMD's Barts GPUs release. Have on mind that GTX580 still consumes more energy than a faster (in most cases) and one year older multi GPU HD5970. In that case even 60 would sound ridiculosly funny. It's not more than a few percent improvement over GTX480. If you don't believe it calculate how much longer will you have to play on your GTX580 just to get your ~$40 spent on power consumption compared to a GTX480 back. Not to mention (again) that a nonreferent GTX480 provides much better cooling solutions and OC possibilities. Nvidia's diggin their own grave. Just like they did by releasing GTX460. The only thing that's left for them right now is to trick the reviewers. But who cares. GTX 580 isn't going to make them sell more mainstream GPUs. It isn't nvidia whos cutting HD5970 prices right now. It was AMD by releasing HD6870/50 and announcing 6970. It should have been mentioned by all of you reviewers who treat the case seriously. Nvidia's a treacherous snake and the reviewers job is not to let such things happen.
  • Sihastru - Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - link

    Have you heard about the ASUS GTX580 Voltage Tweak edition that can be clocked up to 1100 MHz, that's more then 40% OC? Have you seen the EVGA GTX580 FTW yet?

    The fact that a single GPU card is in some cases faster then a dual GPU card built with two of the fastest competing GPU's tells a lot of good things about that single GPU card.

    This "nVidia in the Antichrist" speech is getting old. Repeating it all over the interwebs doesn't make it true.

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